《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { I am Back }


( Inhye POV )

You can't Die Inhye... You cannot Die Yet. No until you tell Daoming Si You Love Him. Daoming Si...

I slowly got up... Everyone was all Shocked and surprised.

Strangers: " Is she going to be fine?, Why is she standing up when she's Hurt?"

I slowly held my pain inside of me and was on my way again...

Strangers: " Hey You can't leave Yet!"

Inhye: " I'm Fine!"

I was starting to feel the blood fill my lungs. I know I am going to be able to survive today. Still In pain I rushed to the Hotel, but there was a big window across the street at a Cafe. I stopped when I noticed Daoming si sitting there. I slowly limped my way there. Opening the door to head inside I stopped and hid when I saw Shancai walking from the bathroom. I stopped and stood there listening to their conversation.

Shancai: " It's Okay... I understand... This is our last date..."

Si: " I'm Sorry."

Shancai: " No I understand... You are a better match for her anyway, plus, I feel like the person that really cares for me is someone else that I know,"

Who?... Did he already have another girl?

Si: " Shancai... I'm Sorry we have to break up like this.."

Shancai: " Daoming Si, I can still see that She still loves you and You still Love her."

I walked closer suddenly Shancai Looked Up At me with a shocked and happy expression.

Shancai: " Inhye..."

Tears Filled my eyes. I ran out the Front door still limping.

You have to Leave! You can't take this any longer.

Si: " INHYE!!"

I could hear him yelling my name from behind. Continuing to run I came across a bridge.


This is your Chance... Kill yourself... end this and you'll be back... right?

Climbing on top of the Bridge everyone Looked at me.

Strangers: " What is she doing?"

Si: " INHYE!"

I turned facing seeing him with tears already forming in his eyes. I smiled at him before Deciding to jump... Feeling a hand grab my hand I looked up to see who it was...

Si: " Inhye Give me your other hand."

Inhye: " Daoming Si..."

Si: " No No no! I can't let you go!"

Inhye: " I love you"

Si: " Inhye don't do this! I'll explain everything"

Inhye: " Daoming Si, you have to understand, im not from this world."

Si: " So am I."

I looked at him with a shocked expressions.

Si: "If you end it now you might die in the real world."

Inhye: " I haven't tried it yet."

I removed his hand from mine and fell. His face became further and further away. My Body hit the cold Water.

My eyes suddenly Opened...

It was my room... The smell... It was the smell of breakfast...


I sat up right away.

That was all a dream?

I questioned myself. Logging into Netflix I notice episode 3 was released..

Inhye: " Ermmm..??"

Quickly I rushed downstairs to see my sister already dressed up ready for the bus. Hugging her tightly She tried pushing me back.

Eunbyul: " Inhye! What the heck!"

Inhye: " I missed you!"

Eunbyul: " You just Helped me with my homework last night!"

Inhye: " I DID?"

She nodded her head...

Inhye: " Wait do I have school today?"

She nodded her head once more.


Inhye: " Right."

Eunbyul: " Well Bye! I'm Off!!"

Quickly I dressed up.

I put on my white adidas and left with my bag and Books heading to school.

( 1 Month Later )

I've Finally Faced Reality. I watch And Support Wang Hedi through the screen. My mother got her donor and to my bigger surprise she suddenly screamed upstairs!

Inhye: " Mom what's wrong?!!"


I gasped in shock.

Mom: " I know right!"

She got up and hugged me...

Mom: " We can travel the world!!"

I nodded my head...

Inhye: " Mom... I want to go to Study Abroad."

Mom: " Where?"

Inhye: " China..."

Mom: " What College?"

Inhye: " Mingde University.."

Mom: " I'll Contact the University... They will really Accept you!! You're mother is now super rich."

I smiled at her as she Ran downstairs to go claim her money. A big smile appeared on my face...

Just One more time... To see you once again

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