《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { Goodbye Really }


( Inhye POV )

Awkwardly we sat at the Table chair.

Inhye: " So, how'd you know I live here? Why're you here?"

Jk: " I followed you here and I'm here to take you back home."

Inhye: " I'm unable to go home anymore... And because I don't have a home."

Jk: " Yes you do. Just Come with me Tomorrow."

Inhye: " I can't go back."

Jk: " Come On Inhye. If you're not going to do it for Us then do it for yourself."

He got me thinking.

I can't just give up to Daoming Feng. If I really Love Daoming Si, I'd do anything to fight with him. Am I really going to just admit my feelings like this?

Inhye: " Yes... I'll come Back with you home."

Jk: " Awesome"

Morning Came as I packed my stuff. Fixing my Bag I turn back around one more time and sighed.

Inhye: " Goodbye House. Thank you for keeping me Safe and For the roof."

We got in the car as Jungkook Drove us away. I Closed my eyes to rest.

Jk: " Wake UP, you're here."

Opening my eyes slowly I saw The others waving at me.

Everyone: " Welcome Home Inhye!"

Right Now I felt so Happy.

Slowly I got out of the Car. It was a beautiful House.

Inhye: " Wow It's so Pretty. How much was it?"

Xiao Zi: " It was about $160,000"

Awkwardly I smiled and Opened the car door getting inside.

Shancai: " Inhye What are you doing?"

Inhye: " It's so Expensive. I am Not an Expensive girl!"

Shancai: " Inhye, Xiao Zi Bought this house just For you. We helped decorate the house for you come inside"


They dragged me out of the Car as I thanked Xiao Zi Awkwardly Because this House was EXPENSIVE!!!!

( Daoming Si )

As I sat In my room sadness surrounds me. Scrolling through the pictures of Inhye on my phone tears falls slowly.

Si: " Inhye...stupid Girl... Didn't you say no matter how Deep Ive been hidden you will come find me? How come you Just left?"

( Inhye POV)

Walking alone With my backpack I notice Daoming Si.

He looks so down. He doesn't look like he's okay at all. But he's none of my business.

His eyes filled with Rage and Anger. Walking past him and the F4 Members I was faking being strong. It hurts like hell to see him like that Honestly. His scent walks past me as tears filled my eyes.

( Daoming Si POV )

After school came. I met Jungkook outside of the school.

Jk: " Can I talk to you? Alone?"

I rolled my eyes and Walked with him.

Si: " What?"

Jk: " Daoming Si, What do you think of doing with Inhye?"

Si: " I have nothing to do with her anymore. Isn't that Obvious?"

Jk: " Inhye's Feelings, her life and Her future have nothing to do with you anymore?"

Si: " How many times do I need to say it? It's over between us"

Jk: " Do you really Believe that?"

Si: " Jungkook Since when were you interested in other people's business? Oh right, it's because Inhye that's why you're so interested"

Jk: " Like I said before I'll do anything to protect her an have her be mine. Since You've Finally Let her go, Its my turn. If you really have no business with her anymore then If She And I are dating Don't get in the way."


I bit my lips and my hands was clenched. But Enduring it all started to feel good because of how much It hurt. Jungkook walked away with his hand in his pocket.

My mind flashed back to when we were out watching the Meteor Garden together. She was asleep and she Said Jungkook's name. It suddenly clicked in my head, she must like him.

( Inhye POV )

Again I walk silently alone to class not paying any attention to my surroundings. Suddenly a hand Grabbed onto my arm scaring me.

Inhye: " What is it?"

Si: " I want to tell you something, Follow me"

He dragged me as we ended up at a Big Knee ankle Length Water Pool near the school. We both stood there for a couple of Minutes.

Inhye: " Dont you have something to tell me? If you have nothing to say then I'm leaving"

Si: " Can't you stay with me for a while?... Do you hate it when I'm around?"

Inhye: " That's not what I meant"

I turned to Him awkwardly.

Si: " You suddenly disappeared, Faking a death , sending me scary bloody paper and, running away from me. What were you thinking?"

Inhye: " I— I had no Other choice."

Si: " what other choice?"

I can't tell him that If I don't leave then They'll Kill Shancai and I.

Inhye: " The other choice was to wash dirty clothes for a week,"

Si: " Inhye.... you're so disappointing... Everytime I want to have serious talk, You either Talk nonsense or hide or sleep. Do you know how to be honest?"

Inhye: " Daoming Si... It's not that~"

Si: " If you can honestly face your feelings, I don't need to be like a clown getting played by you."

Inhye: " I can't only think about my happiness and Safety and Not care about others! If they haven't threatened to kill Shancai then I wouldn't have flee and being controlled!"

Si: " Excuses! More excuses! I think I'm really that stupid!"

I felt sadness. My tears were slowly coming out but I've held them back.

Inhye: " Do you think I like to wander around into random places with no one? No One I know with no safety? You saw what happened back there! I was Almost a Wife! I~"

Si: " Don't cry. Even if you cry I won't do anything for you anymore. Also, you don't need to run away when you see me in school anymore. We have nothing to do with each other anymore. Just like strangers, we'll end it here today. Goodbye."

He turned away walking away.

Inhye: " Wait!"

I took out the box with the meteor necklace he gave to me. Walking to him With ears rushing down my eyes I handed it to him.

Inhye: " Here. The necklace. If it stays It's just going to give me memories."

He took It and opened it. Quickly he grabbed it and threw it out as I watch it fly disappearing into the water. Daoming Si Walked away farther and Farther away. My heart was in so much pain that I could drown myself here.

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