《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { Marry me }


( Daoming Si POV )

I woke up inside a persons house. This wasn't Mr and Mrs Huang House.

Girl: " You're awake"

Slowly I try sitting up but it was painful on my right rib.

Girl: " You're hurt badly."

She Came over with some green medicine.

Girl: " You were also cut on the back. I hope you're okay. Let me put it on you."

She signaled me to lift my hand. Slowly my hand parted from my body.

She spread the green medicine on my painful rib and wrapped it in a white bandage.

Si: " Where is this place?"

Girl: " We're outside of the village. We don't use modern Medicine, I'm sorry if I brought you here with no reason"

Si: " Why're you here anyway?"

She got up to put the medicine away .

Girl: " What If I tell you I'm an orphan here?"

Si: " I-I'm sorry to hear that."

Girl: " It's fine."

Si: " How do you make a living here?"

Girl: " I work at a Household. I'm a maid there... How about you sir?"

Si: " I-I don't work but I got to school In Mingde University"

She suddenly stopped doing what she did.

Girl: " I heard only the Elite goes there... You're an Elite?"

The flashback of Shancai words popped into my head... back to the time when I slapped food on her face.

Girl: " Food is done. You can come eat."

Slowly I got up and Walked over to the table.

Girl: " The shower is outside around the corner... here are the pair of clothes I bought just for guests. Goodnight."

She got out of the house and walked away. Going Out to look outside I notice another house right next to this one.


She must be sleeping there.

( Inhye POV )

Next morning I sat annoyingly on my bed as the maids came in with clothes and Food. Junjie also came in. The maids left but he didn't.

Inhye: " What? Why didn't you leave?"

Junjie: " I-I have something to tell you."

Inhye: " Which is?"

Junjie: " I already have a lover and I don't want to marry You."

Ouch that kinda hurt.

Inhye: " Great! That's awesome!"

Junjie: " But my Father is making me marry you because he knows my lover is an orphan and he thinks she's not pretty. He thought you were pretty so he chose you."

Inhye: " Who's your real Lover?"

Junjie: " I'll Show you. Follow me."

We ran through the back and out into the woods.

Inhye: - Whispering - " Why are we out here?"

Junjie: " Just stay quiet if you don't want to get eaten by Tigers"

Later on we appear in this place. There were Two houses and the place was pretty nice. There was a beautiful waterfall nearby.

Girl: " Junjie!"

I watch as she ran out and Hugged him. But to my surprise another person Came from the other house. My eyes Widen.

Si: " Inhye?"

Inhye: " Ah Si"

I was so happy to see him.

Junjie: " Yu Yan Meet Inhye, Inhye Meet Yu Yan"

She bowed as I bowed back.

Yu Yan: " Nice to Meet you Miss Inhye"

Inhye: " No it's fine, just call me Inhye. I prefer Inhye"

Junjie: " I'm sorry Yu Yan that I haven't Came lately."

Inhye: " Wait? Did she know you and I are getting married Tomorrow?"

Si&Y.Yan: " Married?!!!"

I bit my thumb.


Inhye: " Guess not."

Daoming Si Suddenly Grabbed my arm and moved me to the side.

Si: " What do you mean Marry?"

Inhye: " I'm being forced to get married by some rich dude."

Si: " I have to get you back home."

Inhye: " No! I don't know what will happen if I don't marry him. I might..."

Si: " Might What?"

Inhye: " Get killed. Or you guys might get hurt."

He sighed out of stress.

Inhye: " But I got an Idea. Only if they could cooperate then it should work."

Y.Yan: " We're in."

We both turned our head to Yu Yan.

Inhye: " But you haven't even heard me say my plan yet."

Junjie: " It doesn't matter. "

Suddenly he kneeled down on the floor to Yu Yan. I knew what was happening!

Junjie: " Either Life or death I'm willing to do anything to have you as my beautiful bride. Yu Yan, will you marry me?"

She smiled happily.

Yu Yan: " Yes!"

It really touched me. He put the ring on her as Daoming Si nudged me on the shoulder.

Inhye: " What?"

Si: " Why can't we have that kind of relationship?"

I stayed in an awkward Silence before changing the subject.

Inhye: ".... Okay here's the plan. Yu Yan pose as me as the bride, Daoming Si and I will be backup if anything happens."

They all nodded.

Inhye: " Lets do it!"

I sneaked Yu Yan in as me. She wore the wedding dress and the Veil. Daoming Si and I watch From behind hiding my face with a mask.

I watch as Yu Yan walked down the aisle. I couldn't help but smile. Daoming Si and I were ready to leave but When they were about to lift up the Face thingy to kiss Mr.Gui Stopped everyone making me and Daoming Si also Stop.

Mr.Gui: " That is Not Inhye! Where is Inhye!"

Junjie: " But Father I wanted to Marry Yu Yan."

Mr.Gui: " I don't care! You have to Marry Inhye! Or else"

Junjie: " Or else what? You're going to kick me out of the house? You've already done that."

Mr.gui: " No... I'm Going to Kill her!"

He Took out a gun and Pointed it to Yu Yan. Daoming Si our Plan has been Ruined. We Can't do anything now.

Mr.Gui: " INHYE! COME OUT!! I'll Count 1-3 if you're not here I WILL kill YU YAN!"

Junjie: "Father Don't!"

I was about to Call myself out but Daoming Si Suddenly Stopped me. He shook his head pulling me back down.

Mr.Gui: " 1...2....."

Daoming Si and I was just out of the Church when suddenly The Gunshot was heard.

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