《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { think about it }


( Inhye POV )

Our faces was so close. I was ready to run away once more but he was quick. He quickly gripped onto my Wrist and pulled me in for a hug.

Jk: " I miss you."

I feel stiff. I didn't know what to do.

( Daoming Si POV )

I was heading to The mini Village but I got a call from Shancai.

Si: " What?"

Shancai: " I don't want to sound needy but can you please come pick me up at this store on Sheng Street ? "

Si: " Can't you take the bus or something? Call lei!"

Quickly I hung up the phone.

( Shancai POV )

He gotta do me like that?

I called Lei as he agreed to pick me up.

( Daoming Si POV )

Looking at my window shield I notice rain drops. Turning on the radio the news was on.

News reporter Male: " There seems to be an accident on Sheng Street in the store. A girl with short hair to have reported to have died from the car crashing onto her crushing her."

My heart dropped. Turning my car instantly and speeding to the place I found the accident place. Rushing with the rain dropping on me I saw the girl being transferred to an ambulance. Seeing half of her face It looked like Shancai.

My eyes everything was stiff. Tears drops from my eyes blending into the rain as I fell to the floor on my knees in disbelief.

Si: " Shancai!"


???: " Daoming Si?"

I turned my head noticing Shancai standing there wet with her hair drenched. Getting up instantly I ran to her Hugging her tightly.

Shancai: " I thought you weren't going to come so I called Lei."


I ignored her and just hugged her.

I took her home and everyone was there.

Everyone: " Shancai!"

S.Mom: " You're Okay Shancai!"

Shancai: " I'm Fine,..."

( Inhye POV )

Sitting at the table of food with Jungkook and Mr, Mrs Huang was very awkward because of Jungkook.

Mr.huang: " Come, eat. Inhye you helped made it , eat"

Grabbing the chopsticks I picked up some food and Put it in Mr and Mrs Huang bowl of rice.

Inhye: " I want to thank you two so much for taking care of me all this time. If It wasn't for you two I would've died a long time ago. But I was lucky Enough to meet you two."

I spoke as my voice becomes to shake.

Inhye: " I'm not much of an lucky girl and I don't do much and keeps running away But you two are still able to take care of me. So I thank you"

Moving to the side I bowed to them 90 degree.

Mrs.Huang: " Inhye, Come Sit child. Your welcome for everything and you're not unlucky. You are a super lucky person. Before you Came our food wasn't selling. But ever since you Came Our food has been selling a lot. Now eat and don't cry."

( Jungkook POV )

I look at Inhye Who was wiping her tears.

Mr.Huang: " Now smile Inhye, you look better."

She nodded and smiled happily. Her smile really brings life and colors. It's amazing what her smile can do to me.

( Inhye POV )

Jk: " Inhye."

I stopped and looked at him.

Inhye: " Yeah"

Jk: " Lets go home."

Looking away I shook my head.

Jk: " Why?"

Inhye: " Because there is still people Here I have to take care of. They're happy when I'm here."


Jk: " But don't you care about your happiness?"

Inhye: " .... I don't, if the people around me is happy then I'm able to risk everything."

Jk: " that's What I Love about you. But you have to understand, people come and go, you can't make those people happy all the time."

What he's saying is right...

Inhye: " I'm sorry. I- I have to go. Don't. Follow me"

I walked away fast and running.

( Jungkook POV )

I got in my car and called Shancai.

Shancai: " Yeah?"

Jk: " Shancai! I've found Inhye. We talked"

Shancai: " really?!! Bring her home!"

Jk: " But she said she's not going to come."

Shancai: " Why?"

Jk: " I don't know, she says she needs time to think about it."

Shancai: " Well give her some time. But we need her back. My friend that looks a bit like her already hates posing for her at school."

Jk: " Okay."

I hung up and thought for a while.

What can I do? Inhye doesn't want to come back.

( Daoming Si POV )

Si: " Who was that?"

Shancai: " It was Jungkook."

Si: " Why?"

Shancai: " He found and talked to Inhye. But Inhye doesn't want to come back home."

Si: " This girl."

I ran out of the house and Into my car heading to the Mini Village again.

She has to come home. My heart hurts when she's away.

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