《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { It's you or Him }


( Jungkook POV )

Every single Week I keep Visiting that Mini Village. But still No Sign of Inhye. I was starting to think it was just my imaginations But, until this day.

( Inhye POV )

Getting up I saw there was no more ingredients for me to cook something I'll Love.

Grabbing my Money and my basket to put the foods in I walked out.

( Jungkook POV )

I came across this street market looking for something to eat before heading back to the hotel.

Jk: " A bottle of Water and dried Fish with sausages and purple rice please."

The old lady smiled nodding and packed it for me. I turned my head to my right side. I double looked when I notice this girl in a beautiful purple dress. I was shaking happily on the inside when I saw her face.

Jk: " Inhye."

Saying it under my breath smiling.

Lady: " Here you go Son"

I paid her as I quickly looked back to look for her but she disappeared.

( Inhye POV )

I was at the market just when I saw Jungkook who was out there.

What is he doing here?

Quickly I ran away hoping he didn't see me. He would be in great danger if he comes near me.

Rushing back home I closed the door locking it.

( Jungkook POV )

Jk: " Uh, Grandma,"

Lady: " Yes?"

Jk: " Is there like any new girl that just moved here?"

Lady: - Shakes head - " No, Why?"

Jk: " Oh, well, If you see this girl, Can you ask her to contact me?"

I showed the the picture of Inhye on my phone. She smiled at me.

Lady: " Ohhh!! This girl?! She always buys my food here and Help me around the house. My grandsons they left for the city and only I live here with my husband, she helps take care of me."


I felt happiness. I smiled happily.

Jk: " What time does she usually come?"

Lady: " She only comes here once a week, she comes different days"

Jk: " Thank you, thank you so much."

I bowed to her happily.

Inhye, I've found you.

( Daoming Si POV )

I smashed everything after I got home.

Mrs.Yu: " Ah Si. What happened today?"

Si: " Why?! Why do you care?!"

Running up to my room I sat on my bed looking at the wall. Getting up in anger when I think of Inhye

I punched the wall making a dent with my knuckles while blood drips down. My tears drips down one by one.

Why am I not me anymore? Why am I suddenly Becoming Daoming Si? My feelings towards Inhye are stronger than It is to Shancai. I thought I was able to control myself with Shancai's help. Does Daoming Si really Love this girl? Or is it me?

( Shancai POV )

Xiao You: " Shancai, Can I ask you a question?"

Shancai: " Mhmm go ahead"

Xiao You: " Do you really have feelings for Daoming Si?"

I have flashbacks of all the happy times me and him had.

Xiao You: " Yes you do! Your cheek is blushing like crazy!"

Shancai: " Hey! I Like Lei! Not Daoming Si!"

Xiao You: " Sureeeeee... you first said you like Lei, then Ah Si now back to Lei?"

Shancai: " Xiao You"

Xiao You: " Yes?"

I flicked her forehead playfully.

Shancai: " Lei is the only One I like,"

Xiao You: " Talking about Lei."

She nudge me on my shoulder. I looked at the door to see Lei walking in with his hand in his pocket.


Lei: " can I talk to you Shancai?"

I looked at Xiao You as she signaled me to go.

We got outside as we walked to the other side where there was a ladder there for us to climb to the roof. We got to the roof as we both sat down. Lei Suddenly looked up at the Sky.

* An Awkward Silence Later *...

Shancai: " The Moon is full tonight."

Lei: " Yes it is."

He sighed as he lay on his back with his hand under his head looking at the sky.

Lei: " Have you ever fell in love with someone before?"

Shancai: " Haven't everyone?"

Lei: " * Chuckles * Right. It's a dumb question."

Shancai: " But if you're talking about falling in love with a guy then, I've had Two times."

Lei: " So are you really Lesbian?"

He turned his head to me as I snickered and looked away annoyed.

Lei: " I'm kidding, Tell me One."

Shancai: " And What're you going to give me?"

I playfully Questioned him.

Lei: " I'll Buy all the Tea from the menu."

Shancai: " Woh Really? You would do that?"

I surprisingly asked. He looked at me with a funny smile and nodded.

Shancai: " Okay?... There's this one guy, that saved me many times, he's very chill and doesn't care much about other people"

Lei: " And the other one?"

Shancai: " The other one??... its for another time, now! Go buy it! I want bonuses to be able to buy myself some new clothes."

Lei: " Tomorrow"

Shancai: " Lei!"

Lei: " Okay Okay! I'm going..."

I watch as he got first down the Ladder.

Thee first person I fell in love with was You... Lei.

Lei: " Aren't you coming?"

He poked his head out. Nodding I followed behind.

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