《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { Its for the best }


( Inhye POV )

His embrace felt so warm. I can feel his Heart Beat as we stayed there in silence.

After a couple of minutes my back started to hurt. I pushed him away.

Inhye you don't like him, don't let that go way from your head. He's meant for Shancai.

Looking at the floor as I stood up I felt super uncomfortable.

Inhye: " I-I have to go."

I packed my bags as I ran through the front door. Calling Li Zhen she allowed me to go to her house to sleep for the night.

Shancai POV

I went to see Daoming Si, but the door was slightly open. I quickly rushed inside to make sure nothing happened to Daoming Si.

Shancai: " Ah Si!"

I rushed to his room. He suddenly came out with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair wet. I turned away at the sight of him.

Si: " What're you doing here?"

Shancai: " I-I came to check on you. Seems like you're better now."

I turned my head slightly to see a plate of food and bowel of water and towel on the table.

Was Inhye here?

( Inhye POV )

Inhye: " Why Can't I just let him go? Shancai Likes Him doesn't she?"

Just then a bag was wrapped around my head. I moved and trying to get out of its grip but then a hard bat or something hit my head causing me to black out instantly.

When I woke Up I was in an dark place. I notice this dark figure standing in the darkness.

???: " Kang Inhye."

I could tell it was a male because of its deep voice.

Inhye: " What do you want?"

???: " You Dead."


Inhye: " And What Have I done to you?"

???: " I was hired to make you look dead."

He came out of the light with a mask on his face.

???: " Now write."

Inhye: " Write What?"

???: " Your Suicide Note"

Inhye: " No I ain't."

I Broke the duct tape that tied my hands together and got up but then he pulled out a control panel with buttons.

Oh no.

???: " you can't escape. We know your every movement."

Inhye: " This is not some Dr Doofenshmirtz Inators right?"

He walked to me as I tried moving but I couldn't budge.

???: " Inhye, Just do as I say or else I Will kill you."

I really have no other choice.

???: I know about your problem with Shancai and Daoming Si. Don't you think you should show them that they've hurt you?"

Inhye: " They didn't hurt me."

???: " Don't you think Daoming Si Deserves better? Don't you think they should end up together? Write down your Suicide letter.

He's right though. The more I stay away the more likely they'll fall in love.

( Daoming Si POV )

Turning on the TV Skipping through the channels. But there was this one that caught my eye first.

Female News reporter: " There was a girl last night who seems to committed suicide yesterday night at 2:00am in the morning. Police and are trying to find her body but seems like they still haven't got any clues where she might have fallen from the bridge. There was also a paper with a rock on top reporting that she committed suicide because of the stress level and Love. I hope everyone will learn from this and Not Die from anything not serious. That's it for Today next to the weather."


I turned off the TV and Quickly fled to the front door but there was already someone there waiting for me.

Police: " Are you Daoming Si?"

Si: " Yes I am Sir"

Police: " This is for you"

The paper was with blood. I opened the paper to read it.

Dear Daoming Si,

This is my last letter to you. I'm leaving you forever. Don't come looking for me because I am not coming back. I want to say you look really good with Shancai. She really likes you. You should give her a chance and You two should Date. It's for the best. For you and For me. Your story isn't suppose to include me. Have a good rest of your life and always Remember to Love her with all your heart.


Kang Inhye

I broke. I really broke. Fleeing to the school I notice Shancai walking towards the gate.

Si: " Shancai."

I yelled her name. She turned to me with her books in her arms.

Si: " Do you like me?"

She looked at me with her eyes watering. She seems hurt with that question.

Shancai: " Why?"

I gave her the paper as she reads it.

( Inhye POV )

I watch as he embraced her with his arms wrapping around her shoulder. Silently I cried to myself.

This is for the best.

" Come on let's go"

The guy grabbed my arm and pulled me into the car.

" Dress into this, the place you're going to is a weird place."

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