《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { Revenge is sweet }


( Inhye POV )

I walked along with Shancai and Li Zhen Them home. But on the way out we bumped into the F4 members. I couldn't even say hi. Daoming Si hurt someone and embarrassed me.

Si: " Can I talk to you?"

Daoming Si Asked.

Shancai: " Okay See you in class Inhye!"

I watch as they walk by.

Inhye: " Hey Wait for me~"

I was about to run past him when he grabbed my hand and pushed me back pinning me against the wall.

Inhye: " Whats with you?"

I asked him furiously as he let go of my wrist.

Si: " I-I want to tell~"

Inhye: " It's fine. I understand he was a dick to. But it doesn't mean that You and I will be getting together soon."

I fixed my bag and walked past him.

Xiao You: " INHYE!"

I ran to Xiao You Who was waving to me.

We walked together near at a beautiful River.

Xiao You: " I want to apologize about the date. It caused you an Daoming Si to break up"

Inhye: " It's fine."

Xiao You: "But After that xiaoqi isn't answering my calls anymore."

We sat down at a bench nearby. But we suddenly saw Xiaoqi with a girl.

Xiaoqi: " Hey! Meet me at the bar?"

Girl: " But don't you have a girlfriend?"

Xiaoqi: " I do but she's so boring. All she do is go to the library. It's like watching paint dry"

My jaw dropped. He suddenly looked to the side seeing us there.

Xiaoqi: " I'll catch up with you later"

He walked towards Xiao You with a smirk on his face.

Xiao You: " Did you mean what you said?"

Xiaoqi: " Yeah. You're so boring. There's nothing I like about you. I mean what kind of girl wears such old trend clothes. And you. Inhye? Yeah I asked your boyfriend is he wanted to hang with some hot girls but he refused. He's really stupid."


Xiao you looked at him with anger and just ran away.

Inhye: " eh. Xiao You!"

I looked back at him with anger in my blood boiling up to my head. In my head I was imaging ripping his head off his head. But that will be too Risky.

Xiaoqi: " What? Why won't you go chase your boring ass friend there?"

I glared at him ready to beat his ass up

Xiaoqi: - Laughs - " You think that's gonna scare me little girl?"

He slapped my face and that caused the volcano to erupt. He again slapped my face.

Xiaoqi: " What? Whatcha gonna do?"

I rubbed my cheek and just smiled.

Inhye: " It's fine. I don't waste my energy on useless men's like you."

I gave him a smirk before walking away.

I called her all afternoon and she wasn't answering her phone. But then I suddenly got a voice mail from her.

Xiao You: Inhye Meet me at the

bar on Julu road.

I rushed there as fast As I could.

( Xiao You POV )

Ximen and I walked inside the bar. He looked around. We watch people drink and talk and eat.

Ximen: " Do you see him?"

I looked one more time and spotted him.

Xiao You: " He's right there."

I pointed. Ximen Walked over to him and placed his hand on Xiaoqi Shoulder.

Ximen: " Hi."

He looked at the girl smiling. The girl waved back smiling.

Girl: " Hi, Hello"

Xiaoqi: " Who's him?"

Girl: " You don't know him? He's Ximen."

Xiaoqi: " Who?"

Girl: " One of the F4 members of Mingde"

Xiaoqi: " F4?"

The girl scoffed and tilted her head

Girl: " You don't know? F4 Is made up of 4 tall handsome and smart sons of Business Elites."


Xiaoqi just rolled his eyes.

Ximen: " It's been a while. It's crowded here but you caught my eyes immediately."

Girl: " It's been a while, Ximen. Why didn't you call me again after the last time we met?"

Ximen: " I've been Busy."

Ximen Looked at Xiaoqi with a fake smile on his face.

Ximen: " This plain-looking, Squinty-eyes Guy isn't your boyfriend is he?"

Girl: " Of course not"

Xiaoqi Pushed Ximen hands off of his shoulder.

Xiaoqi: " No? Then Why are we out on a date then?"

Girl: " You were pestering me to go out with you."

Xiaoqi: " Oh well, my girlfriend is so much cuter and nicer."

He smiled happily drinking his drink.

Ximen: " Oh you have a girlfriend?"

He scoffed as Xiaoqi looked up at Ximen.

Xiaoqi: " Why? Do you have a problem with that? Are you going to hit me?"

Ximen: " You better not be rash."

Xiaoqi: " Just try and hit me"

The girl got up and got into Ximen arms.

Girl: " Ximen. Should we go somewhere else?"

Ximen brushed her hands off of his

Ximen: " Pretty girl, if you don't mind, I'm going to go take my girlfriend and we can go to a nice high-end place."

Girl: " No way, Ximen has a girlfriend?"

He looked at me as I awkwardly looked at the floor. I felt his presence coming closer and closer to me. He took my arm and walked me over to them.

Xiaoqi: " Xiaoyou? What are you doing here?"

We Glared at each other. Xiaoqi set his drink down as Ximen wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

Ximen: " She's my girlfriend. Cute isn't she? .... why? Do you know him?"

I looked up at him and answered his question.

Xiao You: " No. I don't. I think he's from our school. I've seen him around."

( Inhye POV )

I got to the Bar opening the door I notice Xiao You and Ximen together. Ximen was wrapping his arm around Xiao You shoulder. And there sits Xiaoqi.

Suddenly The door opened behind me. I looked to the side. We both looked at each other at the same time.

Together: " why're you here?"

What's the reason for him to be here?

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