《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { Jerk Boyfriend Alert }


( Inhye POV )

I got up and dressed nicely to the date. Today was a little chilly.

Inhye: " what should I tell Xiao You."

I thought of all the excuses I could think of.

Xiao You: " INHYE!"

I turned around seeing Xiao You Who was with her boyfriend.

Xiao You: " Sorry you had to wait long. This is my Boyfriend Xiaoqi."

He suddenly grabbed my hand.

Xiaoqi: " Nice to Meet you."

This guy. I have a bad feeling about.

Inhye: " H-Hi."

I pulled my hand back quick as possible.

Xiao You: " Where's Daoming Si?"

Inhye: " He has some problems at home. So I don't think he'll make it."

Xiaoqi: " It's fine! Should we get burgers?"

He was about to pat my shoulder when I harshly snacked his arm back. We were about to walk away when someone's voice stopped us.

???: " Sorry I'm late."

We all turned our head to see who it was.

He's here? Daoming Si?

I watched as I saw him walk towards us. A smile appeared on my face.

Si: " Traffic was bad"

He came and stood next to me as I just watch him mesmerized of how he looked today.

Inhye: " You came."

He looked at me as as little smile creeped on my face.

Si: " Inhye."

Inhye: " Yeah?"

Si: "Stop doing that before I change my mind."

Inhye: " Yes."

We went to go grab some burgers together.

Xiaoqi: " It's all on me. Order what you like."

Daoming Si pointed to the kids meal. Xiaoqi Suddenly burst into laughter.

Xiaoqi: " What are you? A kid? Expecting to get a minion along with it."

He laughed. Daoming Si looked like he was ready to kill that dude. I grabbed his hand patting it signaling him to calm down.


Inhye: " I'll get one to. A kids meal."

We all ordered a kids meal.

Xiaoqi: " All right then"

He got up leaving.

Xiao You: " I'm so sorry for his behavior he's always like this."

I nodded my head with a smile on my face.

Inhye: " It's fine."

Not it's not! WHAT THE HECK! Xiao You! What kind of boyfriend is this? You're wayyyy too good for him.

He came back with the burgers. After eating we decided to go ride the Ship.

Xiaoqi: " Lets go on there."

Doaming si just stayed quiet.

Xiaoqi: " Lets go boys with boys then girls with girls.... What? You're too scared little girl?"

He was pointing fingers at Daoming Si. He was grinding his teeth together ready to fight.

Inhye: " It's fine. We'll go on another ride first."

I dragged Si arm along.

Inhye: " Whats Wrong with you?"

Si: " What's wrong with me?"

Inhye: " I know Xiao You Boyfriend Xiaoqi is acting like a dick but just stay calm for a bit. Now let's find something to cheer you up."

I looked around and found a perfect Ride.

Inhye: " Roller Coaster!"

I cannot believe I'm about to do this.

I dragged his arm again. We got on the roller coaster as I was so excited. I hate roller coasters but my face expression will get people to laugh. Yup I'm ruining my face for him.

When the ride started my face when blank. I yelled but then I stop and Yelled again with a face of a shocked and scared person. That got Doaming Si to burst into laughter. After the ride He was still laughing.

Inhye: " Hey! The rides over! You can stop now!"


He was laughing hard still unable to get some air he's laughing like crazy causing me to laugh also.

Inhye: - laughing - " Hey. What's so Funny"

We continued to laugh as Xiao You and them came.

Xiao You: " Whats so funny?"

Si: " I-Inhye he-Her~"

I slapped his shoulder still laughing.

Inhye: " Hey! Stop laughing!"

I tried stopping my laughter. He finally stopped.

Xiaoqi: " I'll go buy us drinks."

Xiao You nodded at her boyfriends words

Si: " I'm going to the bathroom."

I watch as he got up leaving. Xiao You next to me and nudged me on the shoulder.

Xiao You: " Why were you two laughing so much?"

Inhye: " I don't know."

I looked at her and laughed.

Xiao You: " Inhye you're scaring me."

( Daoming Si POV )

I got back from the bathroom and saw Xiaoqi who was sitting flirting with some other girls. He noticed me and walked over to me.

Xiaoqi: " You want to go to the bar with me tonight? Those hot girls will be there. Let's ditch our girlfriends. They aren't even that pretty. Especially your girl Inhye. I held her hand and she looked like she liked it~"

I couldn't control my anger so I punched him on the face. But suddenly Inhye and Xiao You came running to us.

Inhye Looked at me and asked me.

Inhye: " What happened?"

I was so angry I couldn't even talk.

Xiaoqi: " He punched me."

Inhye: " You punched him?!..."

I walked away with my hand in a tight fist.

( Inhye POV )

I watch as he walked away fast to his car.

Inhye: " Doaming Si!"

I ran to him turning him around to face me.

Inhye: " Why did you punch him?"

Si: " He's a dick! You should be thankful I punched him"

He got in his car as I stood there speechless. I need to know the truth. Quickly I got in a taxi and he drove it to Daoming House. I rushed to his room which he was already in.

Inhye: " What really happened?"

He stayed quiet still with anger in his eyes.

Inhye: " If you're not going to reply then I'll just say that you punched him because you were angry. We're over!"

I pushed him on the chest and walked out the door angrily.

What the heck got into him?

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