《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { When You're emabrassed }


( Inhye POV )

I was dragged again by Daoming Si who was Furiously holding onto my wrist.

Inhye: " Can you stop with the wrist grabbing? It hurts."

We arrived in his bedroom. He threw me on the bed sitting down. He walked searching for something. Pulling out a mini medkit he walked back to me sitting next to me. I watch his every moment. He pulled out a medicine tube. Squeezing some out he looked at my eyes then my lip.

Inhye: " I'll do it myself."

I grabbed the medicine cream while looking for a mirror.

Si: " No! I'll do it! You can't put it on without a mirror"

Inhye: " Then I'll use my phone."

I searched for my phone but it wasn't there.

Oh yeah I dropped it somewhere.

He suddenly held up my phone. I quickly tried. Grabbing it but he moved. Looking at him I quickly pushed him to the bed and tried grabbing it but his arm is too long. When I gave up I finally looked down and notice his face and my face inches away.

Inhye: " S-Sorry."

I got up halfway when I was suddenly pulled back again. He wrapped his hand around my waist pinning me down on his chest.

Inhye: " W-What are you doing?"

Si: " I'm laying down holding my future's wife Waist"

I looked up doesn't want to make eye contact. Pushing myself off I quickly walked away grabbing the Cream Medicine with me.

Wow, what is wrong with that dude?

I woke up at 4:55 because it's my first day on the job. I can clean, cook and... Clean...

Looking for the stuff I need to use I cleaned the Kitchen, bathroom, basically the whole mansion while everyone is still asleep. I also did the laundry. The drier Broke so I Hung up the clothes and then later replaced the curtains in the house with new ones.


Looking at the time I notice it was 6:45 already. I place down the last breakfast Plate. The maids all came in shocked.

Maid Zhou: " Wow. Inhye Did you clean all of this?"

I nodded smiling happily.

Inhye: " You all can eat first,"

I bowed to the maids and left to find Mrs.Yu. For some reason I found her Walking to my Room.

Mrs.Yu: " Inhye! Wake up!"

I walked over to her and bowed.

Inhye: " I cleaned the whole house today."

She looked so scary.

Mrs.Yu: " The whole House?"

I smiled nodding.

Mrs.Yu: " If I do the examination and you don't pass you have to do everything all over again"

All over again? It took me all Morning.

She examined my Cleaning as all I can feel right now is my Heart beating faster than ever. I've ever been this Scared. Other than dying.

She suddenly turned to me with her hand on her Walking stick.

Mrs.Yu: " Amazing job Inhye but the thing is that You forgot to Fix the Books on the shelves. It's unorganized."

I bowed apologizing.

Inhye: " I won't do it again. To be honest the book shelves are kind of difficult to Organized."

Mrs.Yu: " Then dont do it. It wasn't your job. Now go wake up Si."

I bowed down as then I walked out to the kitchen grabbing the trays and the breakfast.

When I arrived at his bedroom door I didn't even want to go in. But I am a maid in the house so I had to. I opened the door looking at him who was sleeping in his bed half naked, making me turn my head real quick.

Inhye: " Doaming Si, Daoming Si wake up your breakfast is here."


I took a quick peek seeing him who was still fast asleep. Slowly I walked over. I reached to give him a little tap to wake him up.

Inhye: " Daoming Si, Your Breakfast is he~"

I was suddenly stopped when he wrapped his arms around my whole shoulder.

Inhye: - Gasps - " Daoming Si! Let go! This does not look good if Mrs.Yu see's us."

Si: " Who cares. As long as I'm here with you I'm not embarrassed"

Inhye: " Of course, you're never embarrassed... Perhaps you might want to wear some clothes?"

Si: " Why?"

He got up as I also Stood up. He walked towards me as I tried to not make any eye contact nor look at his face.

Inhye: " Because...Because..."

Si: " Because?..."

Inhye: " Because I'm Just a guest and a maid, it's very... Weird..."

I finally took all my courage and held onto my guts and Finally looked at him. He suddenly lifts up an eyebrow.

Wha-What am I going to to? I need to get out of here fast.

Si: " How Is it weird when..."

He suddenly whisper in my ear

Si: " You're going to be mine soon"

My face was so hot it can grill a whole set of food.

Inhye:" W-What Are you talking about?"

I just looked down to the side. He suddenly slowly leaned in closer to my lips when someone stopped him.

Mrs.Yu: " Ah Si!"


She tapped her walking stick on the floor hard causing me to Flinch.

We are in so much trouble.. 😧

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