《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { A Kings Home? )


( Inhye POV )

I took my suit case outside which was heavy, so heavy. I look at my phone which is running out of battery.

Inhye: -Pouts - " Now here am I going to go?"

I Walked around the Neighborhood in the dark with my phone is the only light.

Inhye: " Now it's super late. Everyone In China is probably asleep now."

Not long While walking I notice two shadows.

Inhye: " I guess not those two,"

I suddenly felt a hand tap my Shoulder. I was Standing there shook and scared. I can fight but Only when there's light. I'm terrified of the Dark.

I turned around slowly meeting the face of Shun-Ping.

Shun-Ping: " Nice meeting you again Inhye,"

I swallowed hard.

How did they find me?

( Daoming Si POV )

It was late and we were out drinking. But I Suddenly got a text. Taking a look at my phone I saw it was Inhye.

Si: " Guess what?"

The other looked at me.

Everyone: " What?"

Si: " Inhye finally texted me. And she said, Help I'm being chased and my phone's gonna die."

My heart dropped. I quickly Tried finding her Tracker to find where she is but it is. When I finally found it I quickly Ran out the door.

When I arrived I went to look around and found Her phone which was laying on the floor. I grabbed it and Turned it on. There was a note written in it.

Meet Us Alone at An Ning Lu 458long 13hao 101shi

Si: " Now Who is messing with Inhye."

I put her phone in my pocket as I Left as fast as I could.

( Inhye POV )

I was awoken tied up in a Chair and was in a empty Pool.


???: " So! The little princess is awake"

I recognized that voice. The voice of the guy I beat up a while back.

Inhye: - Scoffs - " It's you loser again"

Boss: " Who's the loser now. Daoming Si will be here and he will watch you die."

Inhye: " You don't know when to stop do you?"

Glaring at him with anger and Hatred I have no idea what to do. I have a fear of Deep and dark Places. Not long we heard the door slam open.

Boss: " turn on the water High"

Suddenly water came rushing down. We all looked at Daoming Si came walking in.

What is he thinking? Saving me again?

Inhye: " What're you doing? LEAVE!"

Si: " Why're you so stupid? Aren't you afraid to die?"

With anger I grit my teeth and Slowly shook my head.

Inhye: " JUST LEAVE!!!! I don't want you to see me die"

Si: " Who says you're dying Tonight?"

I watch as they all took out a a knife. What got me scared the most was that they had also brought a Sword. I can see a gun at one of their backs.

We're gonna die.

Dropping my head down I heard them attacking him. I didn't want to look. Just the water flowing up and up and up. Lifting the chair and I Up It was hard to breath.

Quickly I thought of something. I Pulled my Arm back wider releasing myself from the chair. Then I had my arm go under me untying the Rope with my teeth's underwater.

I quickly Swam up noticing them beating Daoming Si up. He tried fighting back but their sticks and stones are way stronger than him Himself.

Quickly I climbed up with my wet clothes. I took off my jacket and used it as a weapon instead. I twist it enough for me to be able to smack them with it. I Beat them up as Daoming Si Helped. He's a pretty good fighter.


After we were down to the last of them he looked at me.

Si: " There's a cut on your lip"

Inhye: " I know And it hurts like a B****."

Daoming Si Tried wiping the blood on my lips but it hurts so much I groaned in pain.

Si: " Let's get you home,"

Inhye: " Eh? But I'm kicked out of the house. And I have no where to go."

Si: "you can stay at my house."

He dragged my way to his house. I gasped in Disbelief that he'd bring me here after all the crap I said to his mother.

Inhye: " Si Why here?"

Si: " it's my house, if I say you stay then you stay."

He continued dragging my When an old lady stopped us.

???: " Where are you two going?"

Si: " Mrs.Yu? I thought you died long ago,"


She chuckled and Looked at me scarily.

Mrs.Yu: " and who is she?"

Si: " She's a friend I mine. She's staying here from now on"

He continued dragging me but we was suddenly stopped again.

Mrs. Yu: " But if she stays here then she will have to do some work here with the maids."

Si: " Awee come on Mrs.Yu."

I didn't know what to do. Just standing there Awkwardly was not What I planned to do.

Inhye: " Sure. I'll work here as a maid. I might be in a family without a background but I am Human. I Can do the things Others can to."

She nodded at me still looks angry and cold.

Si: " Inhye-ah."

He let my hand go pouting. I was suddenly shocked at his whining.

Si: " Really? I brought you here to stay not to workout. Ximen,Lei and Mei Zuo stays here all the Time and they didn't even get to work. They stay for free."

Inhye: " It's fine Daoming Si. Mrs.Yu is Right to. I'm just a guest, I can't just stay here for free, I have to work to be able to repay."

Si Looked at Mrs.Yu Who Lifts her eyebrows and tilted her head. He then looked at me.

Mrs.yu: " You start first thing tomorrow but treat your wound first. I don't know how you got it but In the Daoming family as the female you should never have any wounds"

Wow, Are they still that traditional? Did I end up in a Kings House?

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