《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { I thought so }


( Inhye POV )

His smile suddenly Just makes me want to so smile. I also smiled back at him.

Jackson: " So, Anyone wants to play Volleyball?"

I raised up my hands quick as possible,

Inhye: " Me! I want to play it!"

Jackson: " Okay, Partner Up! The first group to Get to 21 points wins."

Xiao Zi quickly chose Daoming Si,

Jackson: " Xiao Zi! Join me! I know you're good,"

Inhye: " Aye Jackson! You're my partner! I'll make sure we win!"

We set up the Net as we got in our position. Jackson Had the ball so we're serving first.

He hit the ball over as Xiao Zi hit it up high enough for Daoming Si to Spike. I quickly Jumped up blocking the Spike causing the Ball to bounce back.

21-21, tied game. I have to win this round

Daoming Si served as I hit it to Jackson and he hit it over, Xiao Zi Hits it as Si was about to spike again, the ball was about to hit he floor when I slid and It hit my hand bouncing up and Jackson Spiking it back to them.

WE WON!!!!! WE WON!!!!

Inhye: " WE WON!!!!"

I was so happy I didn't notice I was running to Jackson to hug him.

( Daoming SI POV )

Does she really think I've lost feelings for her?

I kicked the Ball high Up out of anger.

Xiao Zi: " Are you still mad? It's fine to lose this time."

He put her hand on my shoulder as I pushed it away.

I'm not mad because of the game. I'm mad because Jackson is hugging my girl.

( Inhye POV )

At the Beach I was All Confused between Jackson and Daoming Si. I've felt Stares all day.


Xiao Zi: " Inhye! After this let's go to A party my Friend is holding for her and her boyfriend"

Why am I hanging out with a bunch of rich people?

Inhye: " No, I think I'd rather go home"

Xiao Zi: " Come On! It'll be fun!"

I didn't know what to do.

I wore my all black clothes as Xiao Zi Wore her beautiful pink Dress. After Jackson went home I had to stick Around with Them Third wheeling because Xiao Zi wanted me to.

Everyone was so formal including Daoming Si. They Were all wearing Such Beautiful clothes after we went to their house.

Xiao Zi: " Inhye! Meet Ying Yue and her boyfriend, Peng."

I bowed to them as in respect. I am in a household with rich people. It's difficult.

Ying Yue: " Wow, Inhye Right? You're really beautiful,"

All I could do was fake a smile.

Inhye: " Thank you so much, How Long Have you two been dating?"

I Asked Politely.

Peng: " For about 5 years now,"

I gasped all of a sudden dramatically.

Inhye: " Wow! You two are amazing! I hope you two will get married and have lots of children"

I turned around aiming at the door.

In 3..2..1 NOW!

I quickly rushed to the exit door when someone suddenly stood in front of it making me stop.

Jackson: " And where do you think you're going?"

I noticed that Voice, Jackson.

Inhye: " Jackson, you're back?!"

I Tried pushing through him when he pushed me back.

Jackson: " Hey! Where are you goin?"

Inhye: " Home"

I tried shoving through him when He also again stopped me by grabbing my hoodie.

Si: " Hey! Inhye! We're over here talking!"


I rolled my eyes at his words while Jackson Held onto my Hoodie Tight.

Jackson: " You're not going anywhere,"

He pulled me with him a He had one of his hand in his pocket.

Jackson: " Now stand here!"

I stood there as I looked to the side to see a tall man. Doaming Si And Xiao Zi was standing across from Us.

After they cut the cake of Happiness they suddenly added something more.

Peng:" We would like to say a couple of words to a couple who's about to get married soon. DAOMING SI AND XIAO ZI!!!"

Everyone clapped as Daoming Si stared at me with A cold look.

Xiao Zi: " Yes! We will be getting married soon, I hope you all will be happy for us!"

Everyone cheered happily. Jackson Clapped, well for me I didn't. I just stood there looking at Daoming Si.

Peng: " Ouuu, How about we see you two kiss?"

Everyone: " Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss"

She tugged on his sleeve. She cupped his face as she leaned In to kiss him. I turned away Instantly Leaving the Party in disappointment.

Jackson: " INHYE! INHYE WAIT!"

I ignored him and Ran out the door and into the rain.

( Daoming Si )

Xiao Zi cupped my face and was about to kiss me when I pushed her back.

Everyone: " Aweee..."

Xiao Zi: " You're embarrassing us,"

Si: " I Don't care if I'm embarrassed. Embarrassment is now a normal thing to me,"

I Looked at see that Jackson and Inhye has Disappeared. The rain was pouring hard. I ran out after them as I notice Jackson kissing a girl who Looks a lot like Inhye. I don't know what happened but my heart broke even more until I Heard a voice.

???: " Daoming Si"

I turned my head to See Inhye Who was Drenched in rain.

Si: " Crazy Girl! Why'd you Run away?"

She suddenly hit my Arm hard.

Si: " Owww! What was that for?"

Inhye: " Okay that felt better"

She turned away and Walked away.

Si: " You're going to get sick!!!"

Inhye: " Why do you care!"

She Yelled as She continued to keep Walking and ignoring me.

Why does my heart still beat fast for you?! I've thought I've moved on?

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