《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { Short But Sweet }


( Inhye POV )

I woke up Still on the floor.

Did I cry all night yesterday? I must be crazy!

I shook my head and Walked off to the kitchen to get some Water and then to the bedroom to get changed.

I got to my room drinking with the glass of cold water on my hand. I Moved the glass cup away and my eyes fixed on my desk and notice my Father's ring which has Disappeared.

father probably must've took it with him.

I got dressed ready to go out for a quick walk. I wore a Black legging with a oversized Black sweater with my hair in a messy bun.

I walked around not worrying what's around me when Suddenly I met Daoming Si And Xiao Zi. Daoming Si We Looked at each other.

Xiao Zi: " Inhye! Do you want to go to the beach with us?"

She asked me. I looked at them as Daoming Si was Holding onto her hands.

Xiao Zi: " Come On Inhye! Lets go together!"

Si: " Yeah, lets go,"

His voice was Calm but yet Angry at the same time.

Inhye: " Sure, let's go, But I don't have a swimming suit."

Xiao Zi: " It's fine. My Cousin Is also there to."

Xiao Zi: " Hey! Where's my Cousin, he's not here yet?"

Doaming si shook his head but stared at me.

Xiao Zi: " Okay then, Inhye and I will be going to go change first."

We got in the Changing room. Xiao Zi Threw me a swimming suit.

Xiao Zi: " Wear That, I'll wear this one,"

I looked at mine and it was in two piece as Xiao Zi hers was in one.

Inhye: " Uhhhh, I think I'd rather wear that,"


I pointed to her swimming suit,

Xiao Zi: " Uhhh..... No,"

She ran away to another Room and got changed there instead. I couldn't do anything.

Inhye: " This is my only choice,"

I took off my clothes and put my Swimming Suit on. I wore a towel on top of it.

When I arrived at the beach swimming Pool and there was Only Daoming Si who was there.

I walked over there proudly Hoping he'll get the hint that I've moved on. When I got closer to him my heart starts beating faster and faster.

When I got like two feet away from him someone pulled down my Towel making Daoming Si suddenly look my way and then another Untied the strap on my back causing me to cover my chest as Daoming Si ran to be and suddenly hugged me.

Is he saving me or what is he doing?

I suddenly felt like the strap on my back are being tied.

He's helping me?

Si: " You stupid Girl, Why don't you look out for yourself?!"

I felt embarrassed

Xiao Zi: " Ah SI!"

Xiao Zi Yelled as She ran to us.

Xiao Zi: " Where the Heck is Jia Er?"

Thank god it's a female.

Xiao Zi: " Wait there he is!"


We all turned to look as I saw A guy running towards us. I swallowed hard. He was wearing a white T-shirt and Blue shorts as Daoming Si.

They're wearing the same outfit?!!!!

Xiao Zi: " Wohh, you two are wearing the same outfit,"

She smiled happily as Jia Er Arrived To us.

Xiao Zi: " Inhye Meet Jia Er, or you can call Him Jackson,"

Jackson: " Nice to meet you,"

Is he smiling at me?

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