《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { no more light }


( Inhye POV )

Inhye: " Father?"

He smiled at me as All that I could do was cry.

Father: " My daughter is still beautiful like always. you still kept my ring,"

He looked at his Broken Ring that was slowly fixed together by someone.

Father: " Inhye I'm here to tell you something. Everything you're experiencing they all have reason to it. Think carefully before you do. That's all I have to say,"

Blue skin Guy: " But boss didn't you say we're taking her back like this instant?"

Father: " It was a lie. Bye now Inhye, have fun in this Drama, you must finish to the end. Love isn't all Just about happiness and laughter, there will be consequences where you'll have to fight your way through to get the person you love, be strong my child."

He disappeared in an instant.

Inhye: " But Father I didn't even get to talk to you,"

My voice cracks very single words I spoke out. I sat there and Cried.

He left without even saying goodbye,

I cried all night my eyes were very puffy. I had to go to work today to get some money. Even though I might look like this I can still be strong.

Xiao Zi: " INHYE!"

I lift up my head at the hearing of my name. I didn't know how to react.

Inhye: " What?"

She stopped with her smiling face and just looked at me with curiosity.

Inhye: " Why're you looking at me like that?"

I asked her still Really sad.

Xiao Zi: " You look Ridiculous today. Your eyes are So- So puffy."

Suddenly my Manager came in.

Manager: " Inhye? What happened? Why aren't you wearing your uniform?"


I looked at my clothes and just scoffed.

Inhye: " I'm so Exhausted and Unhappy that I forgot that I didn't have my uniform on... yes Ma'am, I'll go put it on,"

I put my Hair in a bun and started working.

Xiao Zi: " Inhye, Are you free after this?"

She asked me as I shook my head.

Inhye: " I have some Homework to do,"

Xiao Zi: " alright then. Do you want to keep those bra's? Mei Zuo suck at finding the ones I like, and you can also have those Stuffed toys, I kind of don't like those,"

Inhye: " No you should take them Home."

Customer: " Can I have a Mango Jelly boba Tea?"

Inhye: " Yes, That will be $3.00"

He handed me a credit card and I gave him a receipt and He sat down.

Xiao Zi: " Inhye, Talk to me..."

Inhye: " Xiao Zi, I'm sorry but I'm working, I need money to survive."

I got done making the Mango Jelly Bubble tea and The customer left.

Xiao Zi: " Okay. I see, you're still busy. I'll just go shopping, see you later Inhye!"

She left as Another customer came in

Ximen and Mei Zuo: " Bye Inhye! Pray for us!"

I nodded my head at them as they left the store.

Ximen: " Inhye! Let's go, Xiao You wants to meet you,"

I Rubbed my neck and shoulder while walking towards Ximens car.

I sighed and placed my head on the table.

Xiao You: " What's wrong everyone? You all look so down."

I turned my head to face Xiao You.

Inhye: " Xiao You, Have you ever feel so Heart broken for the person you don't even Like?"


She just shook her head

Inhye: " * Sighs * then you don't know.

Waiter: " What would you like to drink?"

Inhye: " Beer,"

He nodded and Left. Later he came back with Four drinks. He hands them to everyone but I just quickly Chugged them all down Quickly.

Ximen, Mei Zuo, Xiao You: " Inhye slow down! You can die if you drink too fast!"

Inhye: " Sorry,"

After a while I suddenly felt sick and dizzy.

Xiao You: " Inhye! Inhye!"

I rubbed my eyes and shook my head.

Inhye: " I'm going to go home,"

Ximen: " Like this?"

I stopped in front standing up.

Inhye: " Everyone, you know this girl here?"

I pointed at myself drunkly,

Inhye: " She's just a lonely Liar. She Lies and Keeps secrets. She Suddenly was getting used to living alone, until I appeared in this Lame Drama."

I walked drunkly Home.

Xiao Zi: " Do you think she'll be okay?"

Mei Zuo: " This girl can take down more than 10 men's, how can she not be safe? Don't mess with her drunk tho, she might kill,"

I got home when suddenly I met Xiao Zi.

Inhye: " Xiao Zi! YOU! How'd you get my Address?"

She suddenly cried

Inhye: " Oh? Are you crying? I never thought you'll learn to cry like that,"

I laughed as she suddenly hugged me.

Inhye: " Wait What are you doing?"

I asked her as she Held onto my tighter.

Xiao Zi: " Is there anything going on with you and Ah Si?"

Inhye: " No,why?"

Xiao Zi: " Because he just Asked me out on a date"

Her word Suddenly made me feel like I'm being skinned alive. A tear dropped down at the corner of my eye.

Xiao Zi: " I'm crying Because I'm so happy."

I pushed her away not looking at her.

Inhye: " Go home, I need sleep,"

I Opened the door to my house as I left her outside. I fell to the floor With tears running down my eyes. The darkness surrounds me as only one little light Shined above me. I burst into a full breakdown.

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