《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》[ Mr. Kang ]


( Inhye Father POV )

Before I died I knew my Daughter lost hope at having a relationship and getting married. I told her not to worry as I knew how I was going to plan this out. But now since I've gone and passed away, my daughter has been more clumsier than ever.

When She lost hope at love, I decided to bring her into this Drama. I know My oldest daughter deserve the best and so I'm going to make the best.

There are only Three person that I've thought through and had them come into this Drama.

First was Mrs. Hua. She's the neighbor next door. She loved our daughter Inhye ever since she was a kid, but ever since they moved away, Inhye never got anymore free sweets.

Second was Inhye. Inhye has Always been different. She was bullied and rejected many time over her life. I knew my daughter was a beautiful girl inside and out. I brought her into this Drama Meteor Garden Because, it'll teach her about Love. Love can hurt and Love can be happy to. She needs to understand it first to be able to find a good future husband.

Last but not least, the third person I brought in here is tall and very handsome.

His name is........

Dylan Wáng { Wang He Di }

Or Known

As in Daoming Si.

They all each got a story to tell...

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