《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { Young And Broken }


(Inhye POV)

I Walked away trying to bare my pain by talking to myself. But I was suddenly tapped by the shoulder by

Inhye: " Xiao Zi?"

She smiled at me as I felt like beating her up.

Xiao Zi: " Inhye, lets go grab a coffee"

Inhye: " N-No, I'm fine,"

Xiao Zi: " Come on, it's on me"

She grabbed my arm and dragged me.

She is so annoying

Xiao Zi: " Eh, seriously, what do you think of Si?"

I looked at her as she asked me the question I don't even want to answer.

Inhye: " Errmm, He's kind of like a Friend to me."

Xiao Zi: " Really? So like you two have no feelings for each other?"

I shook my head

Inhye: " Yeah, we really don't have feelings for each other, he treats me like a Friend,"

Xiao Zi: " But from my perspective He seems to like you more than just a friend."

I suddenly choked on my coffee.

Inhye: " You go ask him then, I'm not him,"

She stopped talking for a while before talking again.

Xiao Zi: " Have you two ever kissed?"

I lift up my head faster than the Speed of sound.

Inhye: " K-Kiss?"

Flashback starts coming to those times.

Xiao Zi: " I know that Face, you two did."

Inhye: " W-Why would you think that?"

Xiao Zi: " Because your face is as red a tomato"

I touched my face. It's burning hot.

Inhye: " B-Because I'm Sick"

Xiao Zi: " Do you think Si will ever like me?"

Her question, I didn't want to to answer her at all

Inhye: " Of course, he'll love you, You're outgoing and very energetic, Who wouldn't love you,"


You said that? Really that?

Xiao Zi: " You think so?... Inhye, lets be friends"

I really don't know what to answer,

Inhye: " Sure," I fake a smile.

While walking home I sat down at near the lake and Looked around thinking to myself,

What are you doing to yourself Inhye? You're just hurting yourself more and More. You know you Love Daoming Si. why can't you admit it?

Two side of me are speaking to me.

Just let him go, you're nothing but a girl without a background, you're just a background girl, you shouldn't Love a guy who's in a higher position than you. Just Dump Him And Let Them fall In Love slowly.

Inhye: " That's right, Maybe I should just Tell Daoming Si,"

I got up and Turned to my Left when I notice Him who as already standing there.

Inhye: " Why're you here?"

Si: " Why would You ask me that Question, I called you all afternoon. Why can't you pick Up your phone for once"

Inhye: " I was about to Come to your house to tell you something,"

He suddenly smiled at me,

Si: " Are you about to confess? I knew it,"

Inhye: " ... Not Quite..."

His smile turned into a frown.

Inhye: " I was about to come tell you that, you should be With Xiao Zi. She's funny, outgoing and at your level. You two will be a perfect match"

I faked a smile trying to hold back my tears.

Si: "Why would you say that to me? I thought we were going wel~"

I interrupted him with my answer

Inhye: " I was lying, I never had feelings for you, I'm a fake, I had to fake everything. I'm just a Two face, I lied to you. My plan was so you'll fall in love with me and then I dump you, I'm that cold hearted."


My voice started to crack. Daoming Si Looked at me with Anger and disappointment.

Inhye: " I think you should Marry Xiao Zi, I'm just a two face Lying Short tempered Fatty," I smiled trying to get rid of the tears

He looked at me with Teary eyes and anger turning away Leaving me.

I watch with tears and pain as he walks away further and further away. Disappearing into the distance. I fell to my knees as the tears just rolls down my eyes with no emotion on my face.

( Ximen POV )

We were playing cards at ah si house waiting for him to come home. It's late and the rain is coming down harder and harder than usual.

Mei Zuo: " Si has been gone all day,"

He Complained as he Put down his cards. After his complaint the Door Opened And there comes in Ah Si drenched in the rain.

Ximen: " Ah Si,"

He stopped.

Ximen: " What happened? Why're you drenched?"

Mei Zuo: " Did you and Inhye Fight again?"

He just walked away with anger up the stairs.

Mei Zuo: " I think Shancai said something to Ah Si"

Ximen: " We have to help Inhye and Ah Si together again. Xiao Zi is making it difficult for them both. Lei help us think what to do"

Lei: " It's you two who wanted to do it, You two think, I'm not getting Involved"

( Inhye POV )

I threw my backpack away to the floor and took off my clothes wearing something More comfortable.

Inhye: " Ughh... why did you say that? You're not lying to him or anything?"

I stopped and thought for a while

Inhye: " Who am I kidding? It's so hard to live in a life like this,"

I lay down on my couch as I turned on the T.V

Blue Skin Guy: " Don't be sad,"

I got up instantly and saw him eating my snacks.

Inhye: " Hey! Why're you here?!!"

Blue skin Guy: " To Tell you that My boss said for you to exit this story Immediately."

Inhye: " Like right now?"

He nods at me.

Inhye: " Can I talk to your boss?"

Blue skin Guy: " Yeah, he's in your room,"

I walked to my room to see a back of a male. He seems around his 50's. He has All White Hair and Skin wasn't blue but normal. His clothes was a suit. I have a feeling I've met him somewhere. He looked at my Fathers ring which was sitting on my desk. He picked it up but I called

Inhye: " Excuse me, Who are you?"

He turned around and I stepped back as a single tear dropped down my eye.

Inhye: " Father?"

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