《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor garden { Mr. Blue Guy }


( Inhye POV )

" Inhye, I really Like you, What are your feelings towards me?" He asked me.

" I-I'm not sure about my feelings yet," he turned me around and looked at me.

" Why can't you be Honest with yourself?" He asked me. I didn't know how to answer that question so I changed the subject.

" You can take the Mini Fondant cake home. It's has your name and your angry face. it looks really realist~" I was suddenly stopped when I felt a pair of lips on mine

He's really making me go bizarre.

( Mrs, Daoming POV )

I asked my Agent to search some information about Kang Inhye, he came back with some Reports.

" There's no result Of Kang Inhye, But we did bring someone here to meet you, come in"

I took a sip of my tea as A lady walked in.

" Miss, Daoming it's an Honor to meet you," She bowed to me.

" So, Are you the one who is taking care of Kang Inhye? What do you know about her?" I asked looking at the table.

" Kang Inhye, I am her Caretaker, ever since she moved here to study I was just told to help take care of her since I'm a professor at her school,"

" So, how long have you been taking care of her?" I questioned,

She sighed and counted " About 7 months now,"

I sighed and excused her out. She bowed as in respect to me one more time before leaving the room.

( Aunt Hua POV )

" Does she think I'm stupid? Kang Inhye, she's not from this world, And So am I. I'm just helping her survive from this world," i scoffed before Driving my car away,"


( Inhye POV )

I opened the door About to leave for school when I notice Daoming Si Mother.

I invited her inside the house.

" How much will it take for you to leave my son alone?" She asked me.

" W-What? Oh no, Miss, there's nothing between us two," I waved both of my hand and shook my head no.

" Kang Inhye, you sure are one Bad Liar," she signaled the guy to her side to come forward. He Took out an envelope.

" Here's 5 Million Yuan, Take it and stay away from Daoming Si," She got up and was about to leave when I stopped her

" NO! You take your money back, I can Take care of that myself," i held my Hand in a fist.

" Kang Inhye, I know you'll never get over him, know your position, you're just a Unknown girl in this world. It's better if you just Leave forever and never Face with Si ever again, take the money and never Meet Si ever again," she turned around

" WAIT! If you won't take the money, then I can't take it also," she turned around as I picked up the envelope and opened the check. Ripping it apart in small pieces I could tell She was secretly offended. " Your money means nothing to me," she angrily walked out acting like she's calm.

" Inhye You should try applying at our work, they pay us a lot," Shancai Smiled At me as she Fixed her stuff. I couldn't think straight, " Inhye, my parents we will be leaving Shanghai for a while to go live in the country side to take care of my uncle who suddenly fell ill." I stopped walking and Looked at her


" for how long?"

She sighed " For maybe A couple of Months, who know,"

" What about School? Aren't you worried?" I asked her

She looked at me and Nodded " Yeah, I'm worried, but I have an excuse to leave for a while, so I'm leaving you alone for a while with Li Zhen and Qinghe, I hope you can handle them both," She joking joked with me.

I just awkwardly laughed. " I can Handle them, plus they're not much of a bother than you," I laughed as she slapped my shoulder,

" Hey! What did I ever do to you?" I Just laughed

She's such a sweet girl. I feel bad.

" Shancai! Class is starting!" Qinghe Yelled as Shancai waved me bye and left.

I walked alone As the cold Wind Brushed against my face. I looked up at the sky walking, Suddenly I bumped into someone.

" Hey! DO YOU NOT HAVE EYES?" He Yelled At me. I bowed in apologizing.

" Kang Inhye?" He asked me. I notice it was a Guy, he had a small ponytail on its head and was shirtless with a Loose short and also Blue?

" Wha-Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattt?" I tilted my head scratching my head.

" Kang Inhye? I'm The Ghost of Drama." That got me even more confused.

" What are you and what do you do exactly?" I asked him.

" Okay, I'm a helper, Sometimes People get sucked into Movies on accident, Perhaps You stumble upon something before you got sucked in here."

I suddenly thought back.

" I was in an Alley with my phone which was playing Meteor Garden," He looked at me closer

" Think Clearer, did you see anything On your left or right? Or anything?" He asked me, I focused really tight.

" Ohhh!! I see a Blue Shining Bottle," He suddenly Snapped.

" That's It! That's how you got sucked in! Your parents must be looking for you now." He sighed and crossed his arms.

" What?!!" I Yelled!

" I'm just kidding, an whole drama is just an hour in the real time, But here's the thing, I Have to get you out of this Drama. Let's Go!" He Grabbed my Arm and dragged me when I stopped him

" Hey wait! Give me some times," I Asked , We argued for a while,

" Fine, 1 Month,"

I sighed and made another suggestion " No 2"

" Deal! But after that I'm taking you home," i nodded my head. He suddenly disappeared.

" What the heck just happened?" I Smacked my head before walking to take a break.

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