《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { I will Never Cry }


( Inhye POV )

I pulled Daoming Si away from Shunping.

" let's go Inhye, This man is crazy." Shunping walked ahead of me as I walked behind.

" Inhye!" Daoming Si called my name.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to look at Him.

" Inhye, I don't know why, I'm even Surprised By how much I like you. No matter where I go you're the only person that I see."

" Damn you're annoying, just like a buzzing fly" Shunping Spoke Complaining.

" Shut up I wanna know what he's going to say next" I shush him.

" Inhye! I know I'm annoying, If you want to run away, I'll chase after you, If you run to mars, I'll go there too,"

Daoming Si, the main purpose in this world for me is to make you fall in love with Shancai, even If I want to love you ,I can't, because I'm not from this world of yours. No matter how much you say you like me, I cannot agree. I've been hurt many times throughout my whole life, If I can't make you fall for Shancai, I can't escape from this misery. I really don't know what's my real feeling towards you anymore.

" Let's go, He's crazy" Shunping Took my Arm and we walked away from the situation leaving Daoming Si hanging.

I sat down at the bench as Shunping Sat next to me.

" I'm sorry about what happened back there. But Really, Daoming Si is a bad guy, I have some friends who wants to meet you and talk about Si with you,"

I nodded my head at his words.

" Um I'm going to go grab a drink, what would you like?" He asked me,

" Juice, I just want some juice." I replied to him as he ran off. I took out my phone but then I dropped it. I leaned down to go grab it when some people stood in front of me.


" What's happening?" I questioned as One of them took my phone and threw it in the water.

" Hey! My phone!" I turned back to look that them.

" What's your problem? It's not your property and you're throwing it in the water?!" I Yelled at them. But then they all held onto me as one of them Put a Towel over my face. My eye lids suddenly felt heavy.

( F4 POV )

" Ximen, isn't pleasing girls one of the things you do best?" Mei Zuo Put his hands in his pocket.

" Pleasing girls are not the same as Apologizing for Si." Ximen replied.

" Hey! Guys, are you guys looking for me?" Qinghe asked. Mei Zuo sat on his left as Ximen sat on his right.

" Where's Inhye?" Mei Zuo Asked.

" Inhye? She didn't come to our previous class,. I'm not sure what happened to her, she's not answering her phone, that's not like her at all." Qinghe worriedly told them

" When was the last time you saw her?" Lei asked.

" I saw her walking with a guy. I think I've seen him somewhere before, I think his name was...Shunping,"

" If she calls back then call me right away." Ximen ordered as Qinghe nodded.

" Hello?"

" Qinghe, I thought I told you to call me if Inhye called back." Ximen Spoke Kind of Angry,

" I didn't forget that. Inhye never called me back. Shancai is also really worried."

" Okay thanks "

Ximen ended the call.

" I'll go check with the office about ShunPing." Ximen said as he ran to the office.

Later he came back with news.

" The office said he dropped out of Mingde About an hour ago." Their heart suddenly sunk.


They all quickly went to Daoming Si House.

" Mr.Liu have you seen Si?" Lei asked

" He's downstairs in the library. He said he doesn't want to meet anybody,

" Sorry Mr Liu but we have to see Si," Ximen Hurriedly spoke as Mr.Liu Moved over and they walked through

" Si!"

Daoming Si looked up in shock,

" Oh, why're you all here?" Calm as possible Daoming Si Spoke.

" Inhye," Lei Mentioned her name,

" What about her? I don't want to hear her name ever again," he angrily yelled.

" She's missing." They all Spoke At the same time. Daoming Si looks up worriedly.

( Inhye POV )

I awoke in this Abandoned Place. I have no idea where but it's pretty dark.

I looked around and notice these men's. They took off the duct tape on my mouth.

" You guys have no idea who you're messing with do you?" I spoke Trying to scare them.

" Shut Up, come here and take a picture." The Guy Spoke as He held onto my hair pulling it back. One of them took a picture.

" Sent it, Daoming Si will receive it in any moments."

" Sheesh, you are all Stupid, that's not going to scare him nor me." Again trying to scare them.

One of them slapped me on my right cheek.

" You weak MotherFucker, Did your mother fuck a horse to make you turn up looking like one?" I grinned. The guy Kicked me as I fell hitting the floor hard.

" Boss what should we do to her?" A guy said.

" Just Beat her until she Cries," He commanded.

" You will NEVER see me cry," I laughed Hard.

" This Girl is crazy" one of them spoke.

They slapped me Hitting me. Causing the chair to break.

" You know something? Your little boyfriend broke our Boss's leg and now we're going to kill him," Shun-ping Slapped my face.

" I never liked you anyway," I Spit on his face. He wiped it and punched me.

We heard footsteps coming in. I looked up to see who it was but the Light was too Bright. When finally I could see who it was , I was surprised.

" Daoming Si." I spoke Tiredly laying on the floor.

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