《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { ShunPing }


( Inhye POV )

" Daoming Si, What're you doing here?" I Asked.

" Daoming Si? Inhye Who is that?" Zhi bu asked me

" H-He's,~" I was cut off by His words,

" Her Boyfriend," Daoming Si Spoke angrily. I was so shocked by his words.

" Uh, He's Daoming Si, were F4." Qinghe Spoke as Everyone Suddenly got confused and some never even heard of F4

" Its such a boring name, Like the F4 On the Keyboard?" Everyone suddenly started laughing.

I looked at both of them. I could see the anger in Si eyes. I quickly grabbed his arms and pulled him away.

" Why're you here? If you're here to cause trouble then don't, this isn't my School reunion, don't ruin it for any~" I didn't even finish my words until

" yeah, we're having a reunion,it's none of your business, Do you want to pay to take that part? You don't have to pay, just Drink this, and we can be friends." Si and I both looked at Zhi Bu Who was holding up the cup of Nasty Sauce.

Si looked back at me and grabbed my hand,

" Inhye, Let's go," He said as I forced my hand back.

" Daoming Si, This is the first Fun I've had ever since I've met You, don't ruin it." I Plead him.

" Don't ruin it it for her Daoming Si, this is the most fun she's ever had, She's never liked being with you," Zhi Bu talked again. I rolled my eyes and Looked at Zhi Bu angrily.

" Hey! Can you stop talking? This isn't your boyfriend is it?" I Yelled at Zhi Bu making everyone shocked.

" They're dating?" I heard whispers, Shancai and Xiao You was in confusion.


( quick Daoming Si POV )

When she said that, does she mean we're dating? Does she actually like me?

( Inhye POV )

" I mean like Guy friend." I said as I grabbed his hand and walked out of the store.

" Inhye!" Zhi Bu Yelled as I ignored him. I notice the other F4 Members Who was sitting outside spectating us. Zhi Bu came out quickly from the store and grabbed my wrist. " Don't go, we haven't even had real fun yet," He smirked at me as Daoming Si Pushed him away.

" Hey! Stop bothering us." He tugged onto my wrist and Zhi Bu also Gripped onto the other side. They pulled me back and forth.

" This Virgin is Different. She would want someone special like me to lose it to," I was surprised by Zhi Bu Words. Daoming Si was about to Punch him when I told him to stop and instead Punched Zhi Bu instead.

" who said I was planning to be sleeping with an retard like you?!" Yelled as he rubbed his cheek which I punched.

I walked away in anger leaving Daoming Si Behind.

Who does he think he is? We just met today. He thinks I like him. Nasty and Hideous looking hair like him who would want to sleep with.

( Lei POV )

We watch as Inhye Punched The Guy in the blue jacket.

" Ouuu, Damn that's gonna leave a mark," Ximen Snickered.

" He should've never said that," I spoke as they both looked at me.

Si walked over to us and suddenly slammed his hand on the table.

" Okay first of all, she said Boyfriend and she meant guy friend and then said she's still a virgin, it's weird how I heard all that." Si complained.


" Well then you got Jackpot. Not many girls are still virgins." Mei Zuo Crossed his arms.

" Mei Zuo is Right, Si You've done a good job," Ximen And Mei Zuo laughed.

( Inhye POV )

" Inhye!" I heard someone call my name. I looked over to see Shancai Running towards me.

" Inhye, you punched Zhi Bu pretty hard, it left a mark." Shancai.

" He said some nasty Crap that got on my nerves." I shook my head. Suddenly I was stopped my Someone,

" Hey! Inhye my girlfriend." I furrowed my eyebrows at Doaming Si Words. He looked different today.

Perfectly Shined shoes, Non Spiked hair, Perfectly brushes Eyebrows, White T-shirt and Red Jacket, ripped black jeans,... woh, whats gotten into him.

He got close to me and Smiled widely at me.

" Where's Your ugly hairstyle?" I asked

"I decided to change it up! And about yesterday. So I guess we're dating? I'm your boyfriend now." I stopped on my tracks. I signaled Shancai to go to class first as I deal with Daoming Si.

" Si I don't like you! Did you not hear? I said like guy friend." I said as he seemed a bit hurt.

" Fine!" I ignored him and walked away but I bumped into someone making me drop my stuff.

" I'm so sorry," A voice said as My books dropped as Some coffee spilled on it. I Dropped down and grabbed my stuff. I lift up my head to see a guy.

" I'm sorry, my name is Shun-ping, is there anyway for me to repay you?" He Questioned me.

" No! These are my book!" I walked away in anger.

I walked out from my class to meet the same guy waiting for me outside.

" Inhye. My name is Shun ping, I just want to apologize for yesterday I spilled Coffee all over your notes. I'm hoping if we can be friends." He reaches out for a handshake. I smiled and replied,

" Friends, Yeah sure. sorry I was a bit cranky yesterday," I shook his hand.

After a couple of days he keeps talking about Daoming Si to me about how bad he is.

" I actually think he's nice sometimes," I replied.

We held onto our Cotton candy. We laughed and talked as suddenly Daoming Si Popped out of no where,

" Kang Inhye," He Yelled out my name. I Just sighed . He walked up to me and grabbed my hand furiously.

" Let's go I need to talk to you," He coldly Spoke.

" But I don't have anything to talk to you," I tried moving his hand away but his grip keeps getting tighter.

" Daoming Si! Let go of me." I struggled while trying to move my hand away.

" Let go of her Daoming Si." Shun-Ping Tried removing his Hand from mine.

Daoming Si suddenly Glared at Shun Ping And Let go of my wrist but instead punched Shun Ping.

" Daoming Si Stopped!" I Yelled at him.

I could how angry and hurt he was. Tears was forming in his eyes.

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