《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { We're going on a trip }


( Inhye POV )

I stood there watching them talk and Shancai smiling.

" Shancai, long time no see." Lei smiled with his hand in his pocket.

" welcome back," She smiles even wider now.

Daoming Si and I looked at them both back and forth. They're smiling at each other not even flinching.

" Hey! - puts hands on Shancai shoulder - Shancai is now my girlfriend." He half yelled.

" no I'm not," Shancai pushes his hand away. " Stop saying that."

" Really?" Lei questioned. " What a pity"

" A handsome Batchelor like me just got taken, it is a pity." He pat his hand on her shoulder

Mei Zuo crosses his arms and spoke " It's a pity because we'll never have peace and quiet again."

" No, it's more like if Daoming Si and Inhye started dating. They'll bicker more than we do in a year." Ximen words made all of us all turned to look at him. Daoming Si and I looked at each other and suddenly spoke at the same time

" I will never date a Idiot like him-Her." We turned to look at each other again.

" Let's see about that." Ximen laughs.

" I have eyes for Shancai and only Shancai." He looked back at Shancai who just looked angry.

Shancai, why be angry? you're making my job harder.

" Well I have eyes for one person to. It's Jeon Jungkook." I fought back knowing there's not a single chance meeting him here.

" Pfft, you think Jungkook will notice you?" He scoffed. " Who's Jungkook?"

" Shancai, lets go." I grabbed her by the arm and we walked away.

I walked home with Shancai to her house. On the way there I decided to mess around. I picked up a stick as a mic and opened my phone up and Start being a reporter.


" It's Kang Inhye News Today We have witnessed a guy confessing to our Beautiful Dong Shancai, Shancai how do you feel?" I faced the camera and Stick to her. She still gave me a resting sad face.

" Inhye I am exhausted and right now I can't think." Shancai tiredly spoke. " But were home. Come in for some water if you don't mind."

She invite me to have some water. I know I can't Just decline it. I have to accept. I need to know more about her.

" Yeah sure." She smiled.

" I haven't had a friend over since high school." We went inside and to our surprise her house there was a bunch of stuff.

" well. Seems like someone bought some stuff." I whispered to her.

My phone suddenly started ringing.

" I think I'll just go home. Thank you for inviting me, bye Shancai see you Tomorrow."

" He~"

" Inhye"

" Daoming Si. How'd you get my phone number?"

" Ximen."

" Okay then, why're you calling?"

" I'm calling to see if you have seen my Girlfriend Shancai."

" CALL her. Why even call me?"

" Bye."

He ended the call rudely.

" This dude does not know when to stop."

( Daoming Si POV )

" So How was it?" Ximen asked me

" She can't even speak nicely, I just wanted to speak with Shancai." I slam my hand on the table.

A minute later I saw Lei with a girl coming down the stairs.

" Lei changed a lot after coming back from Paris." Ximen Crosses his arms.

" Where's our girls?" Mei Zuo asked Ximen.

I should call Shancai.

( Shancai POV )


After showering I got a voice mail from Daoming Si.

" Meet me at Careen bar"

I sighed and Got up putting on my shoes and leaving.

" Mom dad I'll be back"

I headed off taking my bike.

When I arrived I notice Lei and a girl including Ximen and Mei Zuo.

" Hey! Are you a turtle what took you so long?" Daoming Si Yelled At me.

" How can you say that? Let me get this straight. Why should I show up whenever you want to?"

" Because I want to see you."

" Who do you think you are" I looked away with my hands in my pocket.

" Hi Shancai." I turned to look at Lei.

" This is Kiki." Lei introduces her.

Wow. She's really beautiful. But, Lei would never do this kind of stuff,

" We're going on a trip tomorrow for spring break. Come with us" Daoming Si shouted.

" Is Inhye going? I asked him."

" No." Daoming Si Annoyingly said it.

" If Inhye isn't coming then I'm not going." I was about to leave when He stopped me.

" - Sighs - Fine. Inhye is coming."

( Inhye POV )

I packed everything I needed.

" Inhye. * Gasp * what kind of outfit is this? Jeans with a sweater? You're not going to Alaska, you're going somewhere warm and hot. Hopefully your clothes are good for the weather." I got scolded by my moms best friend.

" Then what should I wear?" She looked through my Closet and smiled.

" This. And a little of makeup,"

" Uhhh... Can I not wear this?" I questioned her. She slapped my arm.

" Listen to me. Just say I'm kind of your mother. YOU better wear this or ima Slap you"

" Okay Okay. I'll change."

I pulled my skirt down a little but Aunt Hua just kept pulling it up.

" Now go! You're gonna be late!"

( Daoming Si POV )

" Let's just go. She's taking forever." I complained

" Si. Just wait 10 more minutes, if she's not here then we can leave." Ximen suggested as he sipped his Drink. I put my sunglasses on and sat there waiting for Inhye.

10 minutes later she's still not here.

" Okay 10 Minutes up! Lets go!"

I got up and walked away but

" INHYE!" Shancai Yelled.

We all looked as she ran with her suitcase behind her and her short skirt. I took off my sunglasses off to see this in color. I felt my heart beating faster as she gets closer.

Hey! It's not her. Probably because Shancai is near.

" Sorry I'm late." She Smiled out of breath.

" Eyyyeee... Si is smiling at Inhye." Mei Zuo Pointed it out.

" No I'm not!" I frowned back coldly again. Grabbing onto My suit case we lefts Shancai walking behind with Inhye.

" Wow Inhye you look so pretty" I heard Shancai.

" Pretty my ass" I scoffed. I turned back to take a quick glimpse of Shancai but my eye landed on Inhye first. We made eye contact for a second before I turned away. " Stop it Si. You don't like Crybabies."

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