《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { 1439 words }


( Inhye POV )

I got home still shocked at what just happened.

" It's okay Inhye! It's okay. Just go shower and pretend you never saw it." I walked to my room and showered.

" Daoming Si is not at school today." I over heard Some girls speak.


I sighed and walked away quickly.

Today suddenly was just a normal day. It was the most boring day ever. I was so used to Daoming Si popping out everywhere I go. It's so irritating.

" I'm going to the bathroom. Can you all watch my stuff for me?" Li Zhen asked as I nodded.

" Qinghe have you seen Shancai all day today?" I asked him.

He shook his head.

" I haven't seen her either. It's like she skipped today or called in sick."

I looked at Li Zhen stuff. I saw her phone sticking out of the bag. I reached in and grabbed-her phone.

" Inhye what're you doing?" Qinghe whispered to me.

" I'm just trying to figure out something." I opened her phone and notice no lock. " This girl really need to know how to put a lock on her phone."

I looked through her messages and saw a picture sent by a phone number.

" I took her safely home - Thomas ." The message said with a picture. " At 3:30am, on the day we went to the club together." I slid Down and notice another message. " I can't do this anymore. Now I'm going to have to leave the city because of you lying." I quietly spoke.

So Li Zhen is the one.

I screen shot it and quickly sent it to me and then erasing all the evidence of me being there. I quickly placed it back in her bag and continued eating. Minutes later she came back.

I quickly Contacted Ximen.

" Xi men! I know who did it."

" So do us. I'll come pick you up later to confront her."

" So quick. Okay."

I hung up

( Daoming Si POV )

I skipped school today just to go play squash

" Mr. Si you've been playing for about 1 hour already you should get some rest."

I stopped and threw my racket down on the floor and lay down.


I slowly thought about what Shancai said and Inhye.

" Inhye's right." I turned on my phone and tracked Shancai.

( Inhye POV )

I was still walking home late at night from buying something to eat. I waste my money on food.

I notice Shancai who was also walking alone. I was about to yell out her name when two guy came up in front of her and dragged her away.

" what the heck?" I quickly followed them.

We ended up in a abandoned home. They pushed Shancai on the floor. One of the men slapped her as the other one unbuckle his pants.

I quickly ran and jump kick the guy that was still standing on his back and grabbed the guy that slapped her and threw him away.

" Do not touch her!" I yelled! " Touch her and you two die here today." I yelled at them.

" More like you two die here today women." They both took out a pocket knife.

Oh shoot.

I grabbed Onto a nearby stick. It was thin but it hurt like a B-

" You're dead women." One of the guy ran attacking me to the floor but I kicked him away. The other one Charged at me but I started whipping him with the stick.

I just kept whooping them with the stick until Someone showed up.

" Daoming Si." I heard Shancai voice. I stopped and looked over. It really was him. That gave one of the guy to kick me in the stomach. I covered my hand over my stomach. Daoming Si Quickly rushed to Shancai who had a hand print on her face.

I got up slowly and walked out.

At least I saved her from getting raped.

My painful stomach hurts every time I take a step but I endured it.

( Daoming Si POV )

" Inhye where's Inhye." Shancai looked around.

" She left." I told her. She suddenly looked at me with anger.

" She hurt her hand. And now she got a kick to the stomach. Now she's going home alone? What happened if they came back?~"

" Shancai! It's fine. She'll be alright. She's not a stupid girl like you." I flick her forehead.

" Hey!" She Yelled.


" Shut up. I know who posted it." Daoming si quiet her down.

( Inhye POV )

I got home with XinHui who was standing at the door. I faked being well and walked to my front door.

" What do you want Li Xin Hui?" I spoke.

" I want you and Shancai to back away from Daoming Si, or else I'll make your life miserable." She threatened me as she walked away bumping into my shoulder.

" * Snickers * rich kids." I grabbed my keys and opened the door.

I walked to class still in pain from the kick and the Cut on my right hand.

" I can't believe she did that. I thought we were friends." I walked up to my seat hearing Qinghe Words.

" is that what you called friend? She betrayed you without any guilt." Xinhui spoke directly to Shancai who was sitting down at her seat in disappointment.

I guess they confronted her yesterday.

" all right settle down." The professor Walked in setting his bag down. " This is a reminder, Turn in your group report by the end of the month. Please work together in groups since you'll be getting the same grade."

" Professor can we change groups?" Xinhui asked loudly.

" What. Why?" Professor was confused.

" Because we don't want to work with a liar and get the same grade as her." Her words just makes me want to slap her but I didn't.

" Is this about the Weibo rumors?" Professor asked.

" Yes it is, Li Zhen Fabricated that rumor.you can ask Shancai." Xinhui Made everyone look at Shancai and Li zhen.

" Shancai, tell everyone what happened." Professor Ordered Shancai as she stood up.

" The day before that I went out with some classmates and we got drunk. Li Zhen Asked a Foreigner to take me to a hotel. I assured her that I was okay, that Foreigner friend took a picture of us and sent it to her. Li Zhen accidentally posted the picture online. Those internet trolls left terrible comments on it. Li Zhen knew she made a mistake that day. She didn't know what to say. That's what caused the understanding." Everyone looked shocked after what Shancai said.

Shancai, you're so kind hearted.

" Li Zhen is that true?" Professor asked Li zhen as she just Looked down at her table. I got up and started talking.

" Professor, I think this is enough. It's coming out of Shancai, the victim. She's telling the truth. Li zhen is our friend. Our best friend. Plus, you're a professor why're you so interested in this subject?" I pointed that out

" * Clears throat * Okay then. On with the class"

Everyone started laughing as me and Shancai sat down.

I walked out a bit late. I notice Shancai and Li Zhen who was hugging.

Wow. This reminds me of my sister and I.

I walked over to Shancai after Li Zhen. I got closer to her but then someone Bumped onto on the side making me go flying to the side. Shancai turned around and notice Daoming Si. I inhaled madly at Daoming Si who pushed me. I got up and Pushed him out of the way.

" Hey Shancai~ wohh" He pushed me again. He stuck his tongue at me. I gasped angrily.

" I went to ask your mom at home for you but you weren't home yet. Her~" he didn't finish his words. I kicked him out of the way.

" Shancai do~" he pushed me again but harder this time making me drop all of my books.

" Daoming Si!" I took off my backpack and jumped on his back tugging him back.

" Inhye! Let go! LET GO!" He Yelled.

" Lei!" Shancai shouted.

I was still tugging onto Daoming Si. Mei Zuo Grabbed me by the waist pulling me off.

" Daoming Si! You First Cut my Hand, got me kicked in the stomach and now you're pushing me while I'm hurt?"

" Kang Inhye! You Kicked my handsome face and then flipped me over on hard floor. which is more painful?!" He argues back.

" it's more like a pinning~" I correct him

" You two can stop now. Lei is back!" Ximen cut us off. I looked to the side seeing lei who was standing with hand in his pocket and Shancai who looked so pleased to see him again.

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