《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { Foreigner }


( Inhye POV )

I walk through the crowd of people as. Everyone stared at me. I could hear whispers

" Who's that?"

" Damnnnn She's hot"

" I think I've got a boner"

I heard that last one got me disgusted.

" and this is why I don't dress nicely like thi~"

" INHYE!" I heard my name. I stopped and Turned back slowly. He was a couple of feet away from me.

" Daoming Si." I spoke very low.

He walked towards me as Suddenly I could see fire flaring in his eyes. I gulped hard with my eyes slowly widening.

" Inhye. Why~" he leaned in, " Is that make up?" He wipes his index finger on my left cheek.

" Hey! It's foundation. Don't erase it." I took my phone and checked my cheek.

" Go erase it. And why're you dressed like that anyway?" He asked me as I lowered my head.

" I forgot to do the laundry. This was the only thing left in my Closet." I finished my words as he grabbed my wrist and took me to the fountain. He took out some tissue paper from his pocket

" Hey what're you doing?" He dipped the tissue in the fountain water about to wipe it on my face. " Don't wipe my makeup. It will not match my outfit."

" Well then let it! " we were wrestling and fighting.

" You are not going to put that thing on my face." I said struggling with his grip.

" Yes.I.Am. I'm going to wipe all your makeup off of your face"

We both struggled , trying to Avoid and trying to Wipe off makeup

" You two need to stop. You two look like kids." Xi men Stopped us.


" Inhye, it's cold, why're you wearing a skirt?" Mei Zuo Asked me.

" Well, I haven't done my laundry yet so All I have left in my Closet was this outfit." I pointed at my outfit.

" Pfftt, it doesn't even match your body." Daoming Si crosses his arms.

" Okay then I'll wear it even more. Just to piss you off." I smirked and turned stomping away.

" This Crazy Grandma."

I heard Daoming Si's voice before entering inside the school.

I didn't have the appetite to eat after what Happened in the morning. The guys can't stop Whistling. It's so annoying. I plugged in my Earphones and listened to my music walking up the stairs to the roof.

" Bucket full of tears baby know I'm here I'm here waiting. Close your precious eyes and just realize I'm still fighting. For you to be with me and sit under this tree and we can watch the sunrise~" I stopped in the middle of my singing when I saw Shancai and this one guy. " Daoming Si didn't wear that today" I frowned wondering to myself.

I rushed down the stairs and head to her. When I got to her I notice it was the guy from yesterday at the club she was dancing with. Including Daoming Si. He's litterly everywhere.

" He's uh, He's~"

I knew I had to help Shancai

" He's my Friend. I asked Shancai to pick him up. Don't get mad at her, he's just my friend." I elbowed his Arm as he looked at me. I mouthed him, ' what's your name?' He replied with ' Thomas'

" oh yeh. Thomas, Let's go." I dragged him by holding his hand.

When we got far enough we hid.


" What happened Last night?" I asked him.

" Yesterday One of her friend told me to take care of her, Shancai was really drunk." He explained. But I didn't get the full story.

" and what happened next?" His phone suddenly started ringing.

" I got to go, my flight is today," he ran away.

" Hey! But you didn't tell me the full story yet!" I yelled. He just waved goodbye.

I looked on my phone on weibo. A new post?

" Shancai Slept with an Foreign Guy, stayed in a hotel. Ughh who would write something disgusting like this." I Put my phone away and ran to find Li Xin.

When I found Her they were already bullying Shancai. I saw Li Zhen and Qinghe with her but My heart starts to beat faster in anger.

" LI XIN!" I Yelled in anger. Her eyes widen as I walked angrily at her. " We all know you like Daoming Si. BUT YOU SHOULDN'T BE POSTING CRAP LIKE THIS AND BRAG ABOUT IT TO EVERYONE." My voice caused everyone to come look what was happening.

" What did you just say?" She asked me.

" Yeah, you heard me attention seeker." I stood in front of Shancai,

She scoffed at me

" Hey little kid, don't start just assuming that it's me, it could've been your friend there, Li Zhen." I went speechless.

I walked home still thinking about who could be the one that did it. I mean Shancai couldn't just walk home alone drunk, one of them had of told Thomas to take her home.

" Who could it be?" I thought carefully. " Li Xin Face didn't Give me a vibe of that she did it. But behind me there was someone I felt like she is Guilty." I suddenly remembered the face Li Zhen has on her face after I started to assume Li Xin. "she seemed nervous, Wow what the heck. Is it Li Zhen?"

( Shancai POV )

I called Thomas Over and Over 17 times today. He still hasn't picked up.

I was set up. Is it one of them? Or could it have Been Inhye? She went home first. She could've gave him the money and told him to do that before taking me to the hotel. It couldn't have been her. UGHH I don't know anymore!

I fell on my bed stressed. I took my phone and went on Weibo.

" Why would Daoming Si fall for a shameless girl like her?"

" Dong Shancai, you should be a shame of yourself, you've embarrassed Mingde"

" Dong Shancai whom are you really dating?"

" Do you like Daoming Si or that Foreigner?"

" I wonder what Doaming Si sees in you"

" Poor Si, I cant believe he likes you,"

After reading all those mean comments. I threw my phone away in tears.

How did it end up like this?

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