《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { Kill me }


( Shancai POV )

I called Inhye many times. But she isn't answering any of my calls. I called her 35 times and she's not answering.

" Inhye please answer."

Suddenly someone called me

" Shancai where are you?" Qinghe asked me

" Qinghe I'm near Inhye house." I replied

" There's said a Mad man near the street you're at" He said

" Qinghe I'll be fine, I just need. To. Find Inhye."

I notice there was a man standing in front of me at the end of the road. He took out a hammer and charged towards me. I ended the call and starts running.

I ran to a park and hid. I hid behind a big rock hoping the mad man takes another path. I Held my breath hoping he wouldn't hear it on this quiet night.

After a couple of minutes he ran away to another direction. I looked around and noticed Inhye phone and her Purple high heels.

Is She here somewhere

I looked around and finally looked down. I noticed foot prints. Seems like it's been there for about a couple of minutes already. It was heading into the pond.

Oh no.

I quickly went into the pond searching for Inhye. I finally found her still pretty near the edge of the shore.

I quickly swam over to her and pulled her up.

" Inhye." She started choking and crying.

( Inhye POV )

( After the story telling )

" I'm glad you're safe. Everyone was worried sick." Daoming Si spoke.

I guess no one worried about me. I knew I was just a supporting character. This is the best I can do.

I sighed and finally spoke.

" You two should go home. Daoming Si please take Shancai home safely." I pushed them both out and closed the door instantly.


( Daoming Si POV )

Inhye pushes us out and closed the door. I looked at Shancai who was pouting a little bit.

" Lets go." I dragged her wrist into my car. I smiled a little for holding her wrist.

" Daoming Si. Did you know that Inhye almost killed herself? That poor girl. I feel so bad for her. She's about to lose her mother and her father passed away already. I heard she has this one ring from her father that means the world to her. The ring was the last present her father ever gave her before he died. If you hear her part of the story you'll feel very bad for her."

She finished her words which made me speechless. I suddenly felt bad. Super guilty.

( Inhye POV )

I woke up and got dressed into something like this.

I got to school and I notice Li Zhen walking inside.

" Li Zhen!" She turned to me with her turtle neck shirt.

" Are you sick? Your face is really red and it's burning hot." I felt her face. " Wow you shouldn't be a school today. You should've been at home. But why didn't you come to Jing party like 2 days ago.

" I was busy." She replied before walking inside.

I notice Shancai walking up to the rooftop. She was meeting with Huaze Lei?

What is she doing up here with him?

I wondered to myself.

Eh nothing special. I should just go.

I smiled and slipped back downstairs which I accidentally slid down on with my butt.

" Aiya! Ouish. Did god punish me?" I questioned while looking up at the sky. " Nahh why would I think so much."

( Shancai POV )


I got to the roof turning to the side to notice Lei. He was looking at the sky. When he noticed me walking to him he looked at me.

" Are you alright?" I asked him quietly.

" Do I look like I'm not?" He answered back

" you must be shocked by Jing's decision too, right?" I sat down on the side lower of him. " Are you going to let her go?

" That isn't my decision to make. Jing has always been strong-willed. She chooses her own path. She doesn't like being dictated to. Shancai, this is just like what she'd do." He looked at the sky again.

" But if she really left, she'll be in pairs while you're in shanghai. What if... What if she fell in love with someone else? What then? Go and stop her, you want her to stay don't you? Maybe she'll listen to you." I suggested.

" No, once Jing makes a decision, nobody can change her mind." We both stayed quiet as I slowly thought to myself while Turning to look at the sky.

When I heard that Jing is goin to Paris, There was a brief moment when I felt a flash of Happiness. I thought maybe with Jing gone, Huaze Lei can forget her and notice me who's right here. But Right now all those selfish thoughts are out the window. This is the first time I've seen Huaze Lei so depressed. Deep down I don't feel happy Either.

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