《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { Mad man }


( Daoming Si POV )

" Hello?"

" Daoming Si! It's your fault! Now Inhye is missing. You better help us fine her now!"

" It's not my problem she wants to go missing"

" Damn you Daoming Si."

- Ends call -

" It's none of my business she's gone missing. She wants to go missing" I continued reading.

A madman escaped from jail and is now for wanted. Last spotted at Jungyu Street.

( Inhye POV )

( Flashback )

" would you go out with me?" I asked my crush

" I rather die than date a crybaby Fatty Like you" he smacked the chocolate.

" Would you go out with me?"

" I rather Die than Date a crybaby Fatty like you, an ugly person like you deserve to go live in a garbage can with the pigs." He took the chocolate and left.

" Would you go out with me?"

" Kill me first. Who would want to go out with a Ugly fat person like you. I can't even look at you, I will Gouge my eyes out. Go kill yourself loser."

• Lost a lot of weight

• Did a lot of skin routine

• Learned how not to cry too much

• Learned about fashion and makeup

( End of flashback)

( Later a night )

I didn't know where to go because I couldn't find my house key. I sat down at a Bench at the park as the moon and street light shines. In front of me was a beautiful lake.

My phone was ringing nonstop. It's shancai calling me. My tears were still spilling when I think of all those things happened. I keep wiping them but they just kept coming.

" Mom I miss you. Where are you and how're you doing? My little sister Eunbyul how are you? I miss you two so much." My voice started to crack. I suddenly thought of something.


How about I just end it right here? Can't I? I miss my mother.

I took off my shoes and walked towards the lake. Sinking my head down the water. Flashback of everyone and Their smiles. I was crying but my tears were blended in with the water.

I think the best is for me to die here. The two can fall in love slowly.

I was starting to loose breath when suddenly some pulled me out.

I started choking.

" Inhye are you stupid?" Shancai voice came up.

" I want to go back. I don't want to stay here anymore."

I hugged her crying as she hugged me back.

" Don't die! What would you feel if you have to burry your own child? Think about what your mother would feel like."

Shancai pat my back.

" Don't worry. You still have me. I'll be there for you."

She put her sweater on me and she took me home.

Changing into something comfortable I asked her

" How'd you find my keys? "

" Turns out I took your Purse with me on accident and I didn't notice until I went home and found it laying on my bed."

I nodded my head as she handed me the warm tea.

" Why did you think of dying? " She asked me.

I sighed and finally answered.

" I missed my family. Well my mother and my sister. Can I ask you something?"

" What is it?" Shancai took a sip of her tea

" Do you have any feelings for Daoming Si?" She chokes a little

" Daoming Si? No, I barely even like him." After her answer, I thought to myself

How would I make her fall for him? Maybe I can learn bit from Huaze Lei.


" Mm are you helping send Jing to the airport?" She asked me

" Yeah. What time tomorrow?"

" After school then she leaves. We can go together. Qinghe is also going." I looked at her hand and saw a cut.

" I'll get it." She Walked over to the door opening it.

To my surprise it's Daoming Si. He suddenly hugged her. She pushed him away after a couple of minutes.

" Are you okay? Qinghe said you were being chased by a mad man." He put his hands on her shoulder looking at her

I was surprised by his words and stood up instantly.

" Is that why you had a cut on your Hand? Shancai? Why didn't you say anything? Instead of helping yourself you decided to help me? You could've died." I half yelled at her.

" Well. You were about to kill yourself. Even if I die I rather die while trying to save my best friend."

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