《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { Drown }


( Inhye POV )

The lights turned back on but it was quiet.

Please don't be Si please don't be Si please don't be Si.

I slowly opened my eyes and met my eyes with his face.

It's Him. Let's pretend to faint.

( Daoming Si POV )

I opened my eyes meeting with Inhye face. I was on top of her. I Notice everything was filmed live. I pushed her off me and stood up.

I was going to Shancai but it's her instead?

I notice she's not waking up.

" hey! Hey wake up" I mini slap her face many times. She's not waking up. I felt her pulse and it's still beating.

" Take her to her room Si." Jing ordered.

" She's So fat! I can barely carry her" I complained. She gave me a look where I know I have to agree.

" Okay fine." I was about to carry her when she suddenly woke up and pushed me away.

" I'm good I can walk on my own now. Bye thanks for the invite Jing" she brushed herself off before walking away.

" you two can stay here and have fun. I'll get go back first since I'm not well.. Qinghe you come with me." I heard her words made me grin now since I have a chance with Shancai. She dragged Qinghe away.

" But there still Shancai"

She walked away as I Walked over to Shancai and smiled. I leaned in and kissed her. Causing her to be shocked. She pushed me away and got teary.

" D-Don't tell me that was your first kiss?" I asked her

She looked up at me angrily and walked away. Mei Zuo came up to me and pat my shoulder.

" No no no no, Si that's not the way to the girls heart if you're going to just kiss her like that. Show more skin ship before kissing her" He sighed and I stood there.


( Inhye POV )

I woke up and got dressed. I decide for something more skin showing since today is so hot

" Lets go to the pool." Qinghe recommend.

We walked down the stairs and couldn't help but notice Daoming Si and them.

" Hey! Miss first kiss Shancai" Xi men words shocked me.

First kiss? Oh did they kiss after we left?

" Don't call me that." She half yelled

" What first kiss?" Qinghe asked.

I took out my water bottle but it accidentally dropped it as it rolled over near to Daoming Si. I couldn't help but got to go grab it. I opened the bottle of water and took a big sip but ,

" She and Si kissed last night." Xi men words got me. I spit all those water to the side. The side where Daoming si is sitting at. Everyone's eyes widen including mine. I spat all over his face.

He got up instantly and grabbed me by the collar.

" You again. Inhye. First you puke on me now you're gonna spit on me?" He pushed me closer to the water.

" Heh? When did I puke on you....~" just then it clicked. The day when I got drunk. " I might of puke on you but it was an accident. And it isn't spit it was water!" I argued back.

We ended at the edge of the pool. It was the deep end 12 feet deep.

" N-No Daoming Si. If I were you I wouldn't do that." I shook my head. He just smirked at me and threw me in the water. " Hey!"

(Shancai POV )

" Dao-Ming-SI!" We watch as she struggle trying to swim. Daoming Si scoffed.

" She's faking this one to." He crossed his arms.


But after a minute she went underwater as we waited for her to come out. No sign anywhere.

" Someone Help her!" I screamed. I look at everyone and they didn't move a bit.

" It's your problem Si." Xi men said in a low tone.

" Inhye! Inhye! Hold on." I was was about to jump in when Someone decided to jump in instead.

" Inhye. Please be okay." Qinghe spoke.

( Daoming Si POV )

I swam deep enough to see Inhye. I swam faster. Grabbing onto her hand I pulled her in and grabbed onto her waist. She suddenly opened her eyes and pushed me away causing me fall. Suddenly there was a cramp on my leg. My leg was aching and I couldn't move. I slowly sank and struggled to swim.

( Inhye POV )

I got scared when I saw It was him. He was suppose to stay with Shancai and worry about her instead. Faking it wasn't good because now he's in trouble.

I quickly swam down again. I notice his body which was sinking. I grabbed his hand and swam up.

We got to the surface as the others help us up. I was coughing like crazy. Si layed on the cement not moving.

" Somone do cpr." I yelled. No one was moving. My lips pressed against his as my left hand held his nose. I pressed on his stomach slightly. I saw his eyes moving a little bit. I looked up at shancai and pulled her whispering in her ear.

" Listen to me. If you want to impress Lei you should do it now. Save his best friend" I pulled back instantly as she looked at me worried. I look up at everyone.

" No one tell what I did to Ah Si." They all looked at me. I got up.

" Where you going?" Qinghe asked me as I suddenly to the floor scrapping my Hand. " Inhye are you okay?" I nodded.

" I'll be fine. I need to go back to the room to get changed. You stay here with Shancai and help her?" He nodded as I walked back to the room alone with the sun beating on my face.

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