《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { falling In love }


( F4 POV )

" Lei do you want a picture with the mummy?" Mei Zuo asked Lei as he smiled and got up. Walking to Daoming Si who was sitting down on a chair wrapped in bandages.

" This is the report of Daoming Si first Knock out . Yay!" The picture was taken.

" How embarrassing" Lei spoke in disappointment.

Daoming si slowly woke up.

" What time is it?" He opened his eyes and suddenly was shocked.

" Ah! Wai! What Is This?" He questioned.

" You fainted, we brought you back here" Ximen smiles quietly as he spoke

" I remember, that crazy girl actually kicked me. I'm going to knock her head off." He angrily spoke.

" about Shancai, did you know she was sexually harassed by two guys on the way back from delivering your order?" Lei spoke calmly.

" What? You saw her?" The others asked as Daoming Si looked Confused.

" Is she okay? " Ximen asked.

" But about Kang Inhye, what happened with her for her to kick you in the face?" Mei Zuo asked.

Daoming Si slowly got a flashback from where he destroyed Inhye Father's Ring.

" Nothing. She's just crazy." He replied awkwardly.

" Well then bye, we have class" they waved him goodbye and left.

" Hey! Unwrap me first! Hey!"

( Inhye POV )

Shancai took out her notes as suddenly Qinghe quickly snatched it.

" Shancai I want to be in your group. My group haven't done anything." He angrily spoke

" Too bad." She spoke as we all got out of class together.

Out at the yard I notice These guys walking up to Shancai. She walks with them into the car. I didn't bother so I left to go home.


I got up and I was late! I quickly picked and outfit and ran to school.

Running there I notice Shancai and Li Zhen together. I quickly ran hoping to scare them. I notice F4 But they were far enough for me to not bump into them. I saw Daoming si looking at Shancai as Shancai looked at Lei.

What in the world is happening? I don't remember any of this happening?

I keep asking my self that not looking at where I'm going and, I bumped my head onto someone's chest making me bounce back.

" Oui " I rubbed my forehead with my hand.

" Hey, You bumped into me first." He talked to me half yell.

I took my hand off my forehead and crossed my arms looking at him.

" Yeah but it's your fault who have such a rock like chest, it could've gave me an concussion." My words caused him to laugh.

" Yeah cause I work out." He replied to me getting closer to my face.

" Can you stop doing that? Your breath stink," that shocked him causing him to quickly back away. " if you have nothing else to say then I'm going to leave." I pushed through them and quickly ran to Shancai.

I didn't help but notice Shancai who was walking down the stairs with Lei.

A girl with the Black leather jacket spoke with Shancai. She has big eyes and Nice body but she looked like the type to be pretty but have a ugly attitude. Then it clicked my head. It's that girl!

I walked over to them and interrupted.

" You both got together Quic~"

" Did you hear any of them confess to each other? Mind your own business. oH and that red bag isn't gonna help hide any of your pores" I quickly Dragged Shancai who was extremely confused. She turned back at them and apoloized.


I walked with Shancai to her house but we stopped along way to get some drinks.

" You stay I'll go get us a drink." I smiled as I quickly ran.

Later when I came back. I notice Lei. Lei kissed Shancai on the cheek. I gasped quietly to myself.

Well shit

I couldn't do anything so I just stared at them. When Lei passed I walked over to Shancai setting the drinks down and she was frozen like a rock.

" Shancai. Shancai. Shancai You Okay?" I waved my hand in front of her face. Her cheeks turns Bright red.

Oh no. no. NO! YOU cannot like him. You can not like Lei

I smacked my hand on her head.

" Yes!... Wait What?" I laughed at her cute expression.

" I see why Daoming Si likes you so much. You're so cute, here I don't know what you like so I bought you this instead." I handed her a wrapped Sandwich and strawberry juice.

" Lets go." I wrapped my arm around her Shoulder since I was a couple of inch taller.

( Daoming Si POV )

I was driving my car around to get some fresh air as I notice Inhye. She wrapped her arms around Shancai as they both smiled happily.

I couldn't help but gave a little grin. I notice my heart beating fast.

" Am I falling for Shancai?"

I sped up my car and raced home.

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