《♡ Meteor Garden ♡》Meteor Garden { Flying Kick }


( In hue POV )

I watch as he smashed the food to her left face.she backed up a bit. The blood boiled up to my head .

" Hey!" I Screamed popping out from the corner. They both look at me. I walked furiously to him pulling Shancai back. " You're wasting completely good food that takes Time and Energy to make.You have lost your mind. You have lost your dignity today in front of Shancai and I." I covered Shancai with my jacket.

I suddenly felt a grip on my arm.

" Who are you to get involved?" He coldly and angrily asked me.

" Kang Inhye, Remember that and never ask me again , or I'll tattoo it on your forehead," I threatened him and forcefully moved my arm from his grip. But I stopped on my tracks and turned back at him. I walked with Shancai outside. She was Teary but didn't want any of her tears dropping.

" Don't think too much about what happened there. He just haven't learned yet." I comforted her.

" It's fine. Thank you again. You should go home first." She suggested. I was starting to think she doesn't like me. I shouldn't have got involved.

" Ah-Okay. I'll be going first "

I waved her goodbye as I turned around and walked the other way. But seconds later I notice how My fathers ring was missing.

I must've dropped it back there.

I quickly ran back as I notice Shancai who was already gone. I walked back inside and notice the ring laying on the floor. I walked over ready about to grab it when someone kicked it away.

I got up right away and looked at who it was. I notice it was him but I just ignored him like I didn't see anything and about to go pick up the ring when he took a grip of me again making me face him.


" Why're you back?" He asked me as he lean closer to my face. I bend my back to lower down a bit so I wasn't so close to him.

" I came back to get my ring." I told him calmly.

He snickered as a little smirk came on his face. I rolled my eyes. He scoffed at me.

" Are you talking about that one?" He signaled me.

I nodded my head slowly having a bad feeling about this. He walked over and grabbed a hammer along with it. I gasp as I quickly ran over to stop him.

" Hey! HEY Stop it~" I didn't even finish my sentence before he started smashing it. I was in disbelief. I pushed him away as he breath heavily with a big smile on his face.

" Ou that FELT good!" He happily spoke.

I got teary as I slowly picked up the ring piece by piece. He didn't smash it into powder get but it broke into pieces.

" No. Dad. My Father's Ring!" A couple of tears dropped down my eyes as I quickly wiped them off. I picked it up and picked up every piece and put them in my pocket. I walked away without looking back.

( Daoming Si POV )

I watch as she pick up the ring piece my piece.

" No. Dad. My Father's Ring!" She half yelled. I suddenly felt guilty. I smashed her Father's ring.

I watch her as she picked the ring pieces and but them in her pocket. I watch as she walked away without looking back at me.

( Inhye POV )

I rode my bike to school still couldn't stop thinking about the horror from last night.

I've had enough of his crap. He's caused too much trouble for me and my friends. He broke the last thing my father gave me before he passed away. Today he's going to get a flying Roundhouse kick from a Black belt girl. Shancai is suppose to do it today but I'm Angry enough to kill him and feed him to the birds.


I quickly parked my bike and locked it. Walking quickly I found Them.

" Inhye have you see~"

I interrupted Qinghe by throwing my bag at him. I angrily walked towards Daoming Si.

" DAOMING SI!!!!!!" I Jumped up High and Kicked his Left cheek causing him to fall down and fainted.I breathe heavily and smiled then brushed my feet.

Everyone was shocked at the sudden move.

" Inhye! Wow what kind of kick was that? You litterly spin in the air and then kicked his face" Shancai ran up next to me.

" Hey good news I got revenge for both of us." I smiled at her as she pat my back.

" How'd you know I was going to kick his face today?" She looked at me confused.

" Oh. I know. I know from episode 1 to 2. I can't really remember episode 3." She gave me the look of ' I don't get what you're saying but okay '

I grabbed my bag and headed to class.

" Let's go"

I notice Shancai who looked back and looked at someone. Curious me I turned to see who she was looking at. Lei.

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