《Stuck With Him》11 | eleven


When I woke in the morning he wasn't present in the room. last night memories came rushing into my mind. He cared for me that was enough to satisfy myself. He is not as bad as he acts. He tries to act rude and arrogant but deep down he cares.

My chains of thoughts broke when there was on knock the door, khyati came to worriedly

"how are you feeling bhabhi" she asked the moment she entered

"I am fine" I replied weakly

"I hate you for not taking care of yourself. U didn't eat anything last night and you got wet in the rain. How can you be so careless? Bhabhi I already lost my dear ones now I don't want to lose you" she said in a concerning tone, Her voice was filled emotions

I didn't understand what she meant by 'I already lost my dear ones' but she was scared to lose me, is it not enough to say how much a person loves you. Her fear was clearly seen in her eyes.

"I am so sorry" I said while catching my ears

Without saying anything she hugged me tightly

"Take care and from next time please stop getting wet in rain and don't skip your dinner or lunch" she instructed

"As you say Madam" I said and both of us chuckled

"Bye, I will back soon and take care of yourself" she said while walking out

"and I love you" she added with a broad smile

"I love you too" I said with a sweet smile

After a few seconds Dhruv came and spoke the moment he saw me "how are you feeling now?"

"I feel much better now" I replied

"I called the doctor, he might be coming now" he informed

"I don't need a doctor, I am fine can't you see! It's just a common flu that's it." I said


"Look naina we don't if it's just a flu and the temperature is not normal yet" he said while touching my forehead I immediately pushed his hands away and said "Dhruv why can't you understand I don't need a doctor"

"Stop acting like a five year old" he yelled

"I am not acting like a five year old" I stated as he glared at me

The doctor came and examined me, he checked my temperature, monitored my blood pressure and pulse rate. Throughout the check up dhruv stood right next to me

Doctor took a syringe from his bag and filled some liquid medicine in it and injected it into my upper arm. I clutched Dhruv's hand tightly.

"There's nothing to worry Mr.Singhania, it's just the common flu I gave her an injection and here are a few medicines just in case the temperature again gets high." The doctor informed me and took some medicine from his back and kept it on the nightstand.

"And I suggest give her some light food to eat " he added

"Thank you doctor" dhruv said

"Now you take rest mrs.Singhania" the doctor said looking at me

"I will, Thank you"

After the doctor left I looked at dhruv and spoke "see I told you it's just a normal fever and if u are forgetting let me remind you Mr. Singhania I am a doctor" He didn't say anything but gave me a stern look

After some time Mrs. Miller came with a tray that had a bowl of chicken soup. She said a few words before leaving.

"Are you serious! Look Mr. Singhania I am not going to eat this I want normal food not all this tasteless stuff" I announced when he passed the bowl of soup

"Stop testing my patience Naina" he said angrily


I rolled my eyes at him, why does he always get mad at me without speaking a word? I took the bowl and ate the soup.

Once I was done with the soup he passed the tablets which the doctor gave. He is now acting as if he is my mom and his five year old kid. Soon the medicines started to work and the sleep engulfed me.

After a few hours of sleep I felt so much better, this time when I woke up he was present in the room sitting on the couch and working on his laptop. I took my phone that was placed on the nightstand as I unlocked my phone. I saw so many messages and calls from my mom and sara.

I sent a message to mom saying I was busy at the hospital so I didn't answer her call. If I tell the truth, I am sure she will freak out. I am so sorry mom I have been lying to you so much recently.

I was about message sara when I received her message in return


Why the hell weren't you answering my damn calls?



The phone was on silent


Why u didn't come to hospital today when I asked the receptionist she informed me that you are on a leave


I actually fell ill


And you didn't inform your best friend


I am Sorry


Forget it. How are you now?


I am fine.

It was just a common flu


Great! Now u take rest I will talk to you later



Bye! See you tomorrow.

After placing back my phone on the nightstand I looked at him. He was so engrossed in his work that he didn't notice my starting. I cleared my throat so that he could at least hear me and finally he looked at me. He placed his laptop aside and walked towards me.

"How are you feeling now? Do you do anything?" He asked in a concerning tone

"I feel so much better, thank you" I replied

"Good. The dinner is ready. I will ask someone to send the food for you and after eating take some rest" he instructed I hummed in response.

After eating my dinner I again slept.

Uff! It was Another boring day in my life.


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