《The Innocent Soldier - Linstead》Chapter 3


Once we got home last night, Jay went straight to bed. Avoiding the subject of what happened last night. Now this morning, even on days off he usually wakes up around 8:30am. It's now 9:43am and he's still not up. I'm letting him rest but I haven't seen him in 4 months so I'd like to do something with him. I'm calling Voight.


V- "Hey Erin."

E- "Hank, Jay got home yesterday evening."

V- "Really?"

E- "Yeah but last night, he ran from the fireworks. Hiding from them basically. And now he won't get out of bed. I haven't seen him in 4 months and he's barely talking to me!"

V- "Calm down Erin. He's probably seen some things. Come by the district later and I'll talk to him."

E- "Thanks Hank."

*beep beep beep*

That's the 10am alarm. I don't want to get up. After what happened last night, I don't want to face the issue. I know you're not suppose to run from your problems but I really want to right now.

"Jay, it's 10 o'clock. Can you get up now? Please?" I heard Erin say as then I felt a dip in the bed and a hand on my shoulder. I turn onto my back and look at her.

"I know you're thinking about what happened last night. I'm not holding it against you."

"What about my job Erin? If I can't handle fireworks, how am I gonna handle a gun?"

"We'll figure it out. We're gonna run by the district later in the day to discuss that with Hank."

"Does he know what happened?"

She nods. I nod back. I'm not very excited to talk to Voight about this but right now, my main focus is food and a nice hot shower.

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