《Billionaires Tainted Love》T W E N T Y S I X


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.

‼️Same skies (A mafia romance), is out now‼️


Smile Sierra, smile.

I looked back at my reflection in the mirror and smiled again, trying to make it look as real as possible.

My dress fit me just fine and looked okay, even though it was hardly something I would choose for myself.

The dress was more of something that Sara would like but I was after all filling in the void space that Sara was supposed to fill so it should hardly matter.


I picked up my phone from the countertop and realized I should be heading out because it was almost time to leave now.

After yesterday's abrupt turn of events, Alex and I kept to ourselves until today morning when Alex came and told me that we had an event to go to and he wanted me to accompany him.

I adjusted my dress one last time and walked out of my room only to find Alex sitting in the hall going through his phone.

For a moment, I stopped and simply stared at him while he failed to notice me.

Alex was wearing an all-black suit with a bow tie, and the moment his eyes caught mine staring at him, I felt a shiver run down my body.

Alex looked back at me intently, with his brown honey brown eyes that were almost black, while I continued to hold my breath unknowingly.

His eyes traced my entire attire and he slowly got up, walking up to me.

Alex stood right in front of me, leaving very little distance between us and then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled closer if that was even possible.

My breath hitched at the sudden proximity, between us and I closed my eyes for a second trying to calm my breath.

"You do realize that by now, everyone already knows you're my fiance, right?" Alex whispered in my ears and I nodded lightly.

"Good, let your ring do the speaking for the people who don't already know."

Alex placed a small kiss on my cheeks and pulled me along with him into the car.

Instead of the regular car, we have around their stood a limo at the door with a driver inside.

After thirty minutes of the drive, we were now standing in front of a huge resort with paparazzi surrounding the whole area.


I looked at Alex, confused at what he just asked me but Alex seemed to have realized his mistake.


I took a long breath, and unknowing tightened my hands around Alex's.


The driver opened the car doors, and I stepped out along with Alex.

Alex kept his grip around my waist firm and walked right through the paparazzi while they threw thousands of questions our way.

"Since when have you and Sara Vega been dating?"

"Is Sara Vega pregnant?"

"Is it true that you are the one who's making Lucas Vega go bankrupt by pulling out all your shares from his company?"

The moment we stepped inside my eyes went twice the size they were at how beautiful everything was.

The entire hall was color-coded in black, white, and silver.


"Mr. Taylor" An old Asian man called out to Alex and walked up to us all the while smiling.

"Mr. Chang" Alex greeted and shook hands with the Asian man.

"This is my soon to be wife, Sara Vega and Sara this is Mr. Ju Chang" Alex introduced me to Mr. Chang.

"Hello Mr. Chang" I greeted surprisingly without stuttering.

"Hello my dear, oh look there's my wife" Mr. Chang exclaimed and a beautiful black woman walked up to us and stood beside Mr. Chang.

Mr. Chang smiled down at his wife and gave her a quick kiss "darling this is Mr. Taylor and his fiance, Ms. Sara Vega"

"Oh hello darlings, you both make such a beautiful couple, young love!" Mr. chang chuckled and looked at his wife lovingly making me wonder if I'll ever be able to have what they have.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Chang thank you. I am most definitely a very lucky young man" Alex greeted the beautiful woman and pulled me closer to him by the waist.

I smiled and looked up at Alex.

Soon Alex pulled us aside and took me to meet all of his investors and board members.

Not all of them were as nice as Mr. and Mrs. Chang though.

"Yo, my bitch" A voice followed and I turned around to see a man with a crazily huge smile on his face even though he still looked pretty good.

Not as much as Alex though.

I've seen him before though, I think.

Xander, his name is Xander.

"Shut up Xen, why am I still keeping you around?" Alex grumbled but you could see that he was genuinely happy to meet Xander.

"You know because I'm hotter than you and all that" Xander responded making Alex snort.

I mean both of them look equally good but Alex still had the upper hand.

"Anyways, I don't even know why I even bother being your best friend, you unresponsive douche also hello pretty lady remember me?" Xander asked me and grinned.

"H-hi, yes I do." I smiled politely.

"Got any random facts to through around this time?" Xander asked and I laughed.

"umm, your shoes are the first thing people subconsciously notice about you. Wear nice shoes?"

Xander frowned "are you trying to tell me my shoes don't look good enough"

I frowned hoping I hadn't offended him, Xander burst out laughing and winked at me.

"I'm just messing around popcorn, anyways I have a question to ask you."

I nodded implying Xander for to go ahead and Alex grumbled something amongst the lines of 'what the hell'

"So you know, you're marrying my crack head of a best friend soon, and I thought I'd ask you this very important question right now."

I smiled "go o- on?"

"Ms. Sara Vega, will you do honors of being my sister, I've never had one until and unless you count Maya?"

For a moment I was confused "y-you're close to Maya too?"

Xander smiled and gave Alex a wicked smile "oh this douche did not tell you? Mary, Lex, and I grew up in the same orphanage so if you want to know any embarrassing stories you know who to contact."


"Okay, that's enough!"Alex voiced and pulled me further to his side while continuing "You better think of her as a sister itself"

Holy moly do I resemble a tomato right now?

"I'm honestly surprised, pop-corn. I'm sorry to say this, but you've got a pretty bad reputation out in the media and even though I've never met you before you seemed to have a pretty scandalous career but then here you are, an absolute Angel , quite an irony to you image out in the media though"

That's because I'm not Sara I wanted to cry out but kept my mouth shut and smiled, a real smile.

"Mr. Taylor?" Another man called out to Alex and he stilled for a second.

"Wait right here with Xander, I'll be back in a moment" Alex whispered loud enough for me and Xander to hear and left.

"What happened to him?" I mumbled out and Xander smiled at me.

"The person who just called him is Mark Harrison, he doesn't have the best character record in history. He's been pointed fingers at on various occasions for molesting women." I nodded at the explanation Xander offered.

"you know, the human body can only deal with 45 del units of pain yet, at the time of giving birth a woman has 57 del unit of pain which is like fracturing twenty bones in the body at the same time. Now imagine going through that type of pain to give birth to someone like Mark Harrison."

Xander burst out laughing at my explanation and slowly recovered from his laughing fit "I do, I know that because I am a Doctor, remember?"

To say I was surprised would be an understatement "Really? What do you specialize in?"

Xander looked down at me with great happiness "I actually am a neurosurgeon, but I only operate on extremely critical cases because aside from being a doctor I also own a few hospitals around the world."

"Wow that's so fascinating to know, but it must have taken a lot of hard work, right?" I asked

"I guess it did, but it also paid off very well"


I stilled at the sudden voice and my hands started sweating immediately.

I looked beside me slowly sure enough there he stood.



Sir walked up to me and pulled me into what probably seemed like a hug but the pressure he was holding to use my waist made me want to scream.

"Who is this gentleman right here, cupcake?" Sir asked me and raised an eyebrow while looking at me.

"T-That's X-Xander" I introduced but kept my gaze on the floor.

"Hello Mr. Vega" Xander greeted and all the friendliness from his voice long gone.

To be honest it scared me to look at how quickly he channeled himself.

"Hello, Mr.Xander" Sir greeted and shook hands with Xander.

Xander and sir exchanged a few words and the moment sir left I excused myself to go to the washroom and ran leaving Xander behind.

The entire way to the washroom I hoped that I would bump into Alex but he was nowhere in sight.

The moment I got to the washroom I ran inside a cubicle and let the tears fall.

Why, Why, Why

I was happy but then, why?

Why does this happen to me?

After five minutes of calming myself down, I got out of the cubicle and washed my face trying to erase any signs of my tears.

The door of the washroom opened and I let my open hair fall to the side of my face blocking the person who just walked in from seeing my face.

A hand gripped my forearm in an extremely tight grip and looked up to see sir standing in front of me.

"s-s-sir this i-is t-the l-ladies w-w-washroom" I tried to explain but sir simply tightened his grip around my hand.

Sir pushed me forward making me fall and kicked on the side of my rib which had just recently healed.

"Listen here whore, continue being the slut you are and get married to Alex as soon as possible I know he probably treats you like shit, just the way you are."

I cried out in pain but let no voice come out, "y-y-yes sir"

"My daughter has had enough of this hide and seeks game, once you're married she will be able to come out of the shadows and I will get back all the shares of my company as promised. Do you understand whore?"

I nodded vigorously "y-y-yes sir, I do"

Sir smiled "good, that's good"

Finally, he turned around to leave but then decided to kick me on the other side of the shoulder and left.

After five more minutes of keeping my calm and getting back in shape, I walked out of the restroom walking gracefully just like I had for the past twenty-three years.

You'd think I wasn't able to walk or that I kept falling but none of that happened.


Because after some time you eventually know, how to handle the darkness and not let others know.

"Sara?" I looked up to see Alex looking at me with anger.

"Xander told me you ran away to the washroom about fifteen-twenty minutes ago! Why did it take you so long? I was Fucking worried, why can't you be respond-"

Before Alex could continue, I ran to him and hugged him. My face still void of emotions but having him around me was all I needed.

After all, he was my safe place, my home away from home.

"What's wrong, damn it?" I refused to answer and kept my hold around Alex tight.

After a few more urges from Alex, I decided to come up with an excuse "Just don't feel very w-well, can we go home...please?"

"That's fine, let's get moving I am already done with my workaround here"

I smiled at him feeling genuinely relieved that we were leaving "thanks"

Alex looked down at me but said nothing until we got into the car "so Xander told me you met your dad?"

I stiffened a little and answered "y-yes, I did"

"How was it, did he say something about the wedding?"

"He asked me when we were planning to get married and uhh, i-it was g-good meeting h-him"



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

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