《Billionaires Tainted Love》O N E


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.


"Sierra darling, is the dinner ready?" Mary, the housemaid, asked me and in return, I had the biggest smile on my face.

"Oh Mary, see I made Thai chicken and rice but the chicken this time has come out with beautiful color!" I exclaimed.

" It sure has a beautiful color and smell darling, please go and set the table and I will clean the dishes." I dished out the dishes but then realized what Mary had just said.

"Mary, you don't have to, I can wash the dishes," Mary said as she walked up to me, kissing my forehead, "you have exams starting in two days, you should be studying, this is your last year." "t-thank you," I stammered, my eyes filled with tears, and I drew her into a close hug.

I've never had anyone watch out for me, but Mary is an exception; she has, in a manner, brought me up since Sir refused to bear my load.

Finally, I wiped my tears away took the dish off the stove to serve.


I turned to see Mary calling me out again "after dinner go straight to your room, there's a surprise for you."

I smiled at her and mouthed a thank you for making my way to the dining area, for today it was beautifully decorated with orchids around the whole area.

I set everything out and just then my eyes caught the time, holly Molly.

I ran up to my room and changed into the beautiful dress that sir gave me this morning, today some guests were coming over which usually meant I was supposed to be locked up in my room but for once I was needed.

Shaking my head as if trying to get rid of my thought I went to the washroom and took off my contact lenses to change into a new one.

It felt so good.

I rarely got to take off my lenses but when I did it felt refreshing.

taking a minute to myself I put on the other set of brown contact lenses again and smiled at myself in a small mirror.

I was nowhere as beautiful as Sara was, sure we were identical twins but she looked way more pretty. she had a super lean and wrong body from her gym training whereas my body looked the same but I had no strength.

I did notice how Sara's dressing table had loads of makeup and perfume on it but I was never interested nor was I allowed.

she was after all a supermodel.

For personal care, I had four things- no wait! I have five things.

Powder, moisturizer, body wash, shampoo an-and girl stuff!

Sara was out of town currently for her fashion week so I had to have dinner with sir today because some guests were coming over and they wanted to meet Sara but because she was not here, I was replacing her.


"Sierra darling can I come inside?" I heard Mary's voice from the other side and called her in. The moment the door opened Mary stilled "Sweetheart, you look beautiful!" I smiled at Mary "I do have to look beautiful Mary, just like Sara does!" I exclaimed as the smile on Mary's face vanished "no darling, you look beautiful because you are you. You don't need to compare yourself to Sara." Mary said in an encouraging tone but I did not understand why?

All the workers around the house felt I was going through some trauma but I never understood why.

I was happy or at least I tried to be as happy as I could be sir did beat me and scold me but I was still happy.


Simply because I was not like sir or my sister.

I was happy being a replacement I liked to be one.

Yes, there are times I hate, like when da- uhhhhhhh, he is sir. SIR! I hate it when sir beats me or when I wake up on a hard mattress when I'm on my periods but I was still good.

It was the way I was brought up, I never knew better than this or worse than this, and I did not want to know either.

I did not want to be like Sara and Dad, not that they are bad but they don't respect any of the workers in the house.

Mary always told me growing up to respect other people's opinions, occupations, and beliefs.

"Sierra!" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back at Mary.

"Darling your father has asked me to help you get ready because right now you need to look like Sara." I nodded at what Mary said, I did need help because my sister does a lot of makeup and I don't even know how to use it.

I took hold of Mary's hand and lead her to my small dressing table.

"But I don't have anything?" I said looking down at the things on my dressing table "oh worry not darling, I have everything." Mary said pulling out a big pouch filled with makeup items.

"darling, sit down I'll get you ready in no time." Mary smiled and I sat down.

After fifteen minutes I was ready.

Honestly, it was difficult to recognize myself and all the makeup on my face made my face feel heavy. But I did look good!

"Wooooow Mary, you just did magic!" I exclaimed as Mary laughed out loudly, she finally stopped laughing and pulled me in a hug "you, my, Darling Innocent princess are naturally beautiful there was no magic!" I twirled around once and then grabbed a pair of flats which sir gave as well, looking up at the time I still had ten minutes "I make a good replacement don't I Mary?".

My question caught Mary off guard "you are not a replacement sweetie and someday your father will understand what a gem you are. He will regret his mistakes like I do" I looked up at Mary puzzled "what mistake did you do Mary?" it was difficult to think of Mary doing any mistakes


She was perfect.

I love her like I love my mother!

"Sierra, everyone makes errors, including myself. In fact, I committed the greatest mistake of my life. I abandoned my newborn baby, but that's a tale you already know and will be continued later." The truth hit me hard; Mary had a son when she was sixteen and abandoned him, but I don't know anything else; she tells me about her pregnancy but never about her son's whereabouts. I know she loves him because I've seen her cry when she sees the image of the newborn baby in her purse.

she loves him a lot.

"But you never continue...." I complained and Mary shook her head "that's because you are my darling innocent princess, keyword innocent!" I pout at Mary's reply "that name is way too big and what is it with everyone calling me innocent?" I exclaimed and Mary grinned "see, that is what I mean for you everyone who works around in this household along with you father and your sister are your world, but just so you know there are more than a billion people on this planet" Mary teased "I know that I was homeschooled Mary and I am doing my college degree online" I retorted back.

"Okay, okay now go it's time for you to go down now." I looked up at the time and sure enough, it was time I was about to leave the room when Mary stopped me "remember darling, you are not a replacement you are just a good actor and I told you there was a surprise for you in your room which is probably lying in your cupboard. Check it later ok?" with that she winked and lightly pushed me ahead.

I gave a full-blown grin and went down the stairs to where sir was sitting, there was someone else sitting next to him but I could not see the person's face.

Sir saw me just when I was about to approach them "Sara! You look beautiful as always cupcake." Sir called Sara cupcake; I smiled at him, a fake smile.

but deep down I was enjoying this, this is probably the only time Sir will ever treat me like his own daughter.

Everything that I was going to do this entire evening was going to be fake because right now I was Sara, not Sierra.

The man who sat on the table turned around, and for a moment I stumbled.

We usually had Sir's business partners come around and they were pretty old but the man in front of me seemed to fit in the description of greek god that I had read about in middle school.I haven't seen a lot of people but he was defiantly an exception.

He had a defined jaw and black stormy yet mysterious eyes.

His suit fit him perfectly and he looked good, like better than the boy in hi- high school musical?

I think that's what the name was.

I smiled at him but he gave me a flat look. Rude!

See this is what I meant, people from outside the house are always rude and Mary taught me in first grade that we should never be rude.

The man brought his hand up to shake mine and I did the same, he had a firm grip but it did not hurt.

"Alex Taylor" he introduced himself "Si-Sara Vega"

I felt sir hold my other arm firmly, which was definitely going to bruise, but it went unnoticed by Alex, all of us sat at the table as one of the serves came forward "would you like any drink's sir?" one of them asked sir and he looked up at Alex "would you like anything Alex?" a moment later Alex answered "white wine."

With that the servant went to the bar to get some white wine "so how is your business in California going on?" sir asked Alex but he seemed to think before he spoke anything and everything "good, great."

"I anticipated that from you Alex, each and every endeavour with you is always successful," Sir said with a nod. Alex seems to have impressed Sir; he must be quite skilled at what he does. It takes a lot to impress Sir, after all, even after all my years of life, I am still unable to impress him. Sir seldom considers what others have to say, but he definitely values what Alex has to say.

"What do you do Ms. Vega?" Alex finally shifted all his attention onto me, he had a penetrating gaze.

"I am a model under IMG, and last month I did a photoshoot with Vogue for the debut of my business," I responded, trying to recall all Sara had done recently... "hmm....the Milan photoshoot?" Alex inquired again, and I simply nodded, although, in truth, I had no idea.

Sir's phone abruptly began to ring, "just a minute, I have to take this..." With that, Sir walked away from us, and I noticed Alex staring at me.

Did I make a mistake?

What was he doing staring at me like that? I shuffled uneasily in my seat, but Alex's following words astounded me.

"So you're the daughter of Mr. Vega. Are you going to pretend you don't remember me? I should have known, you're the girl who kept flinging herself at me at the Milan party."



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

Q. Who is your celebrity crush?

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