《The Berlin Wall》Chapter 21 - Kirsten's P.O.V


Little did Kirsten and everyone else know, but although Reagan had made a speech to tear down the wall, it still wouldn't be torn down for a while. But it had provided people will hope and had voiced the thoughts of the people. And those were the main objectives.


I stared at the wall in front of the gate. Freija and I had stayed throughout the speech, and then until everyone had cleared out, just staring at the wall and thinking. Thinking about the speech, and the world, and either side of the wall, and just everything. What had the world come to that made them have to divide two parts of the same country in two and kill or arrest everyone who tried to cross without being allowed to? I just hoped that it would be over by the time I brought children into the world, if I even got the chance to. Which looking at the situation I had put myself in, didn't look promising.

Then my mind went back to Lukas. I had gotten so caught up in all this, I had forgotten why I was here. I hadn't even stopped to think what his reaction might be. Well, I had but I had swiftly pushed aside the thought because it wasn't very favourable. The thought of him seeing me, fury building up in his eyes, and hours of shouting and verbal abuse building up in his throat reading to let out on me. Yeah, I hadn't wanted to think about that.

Glancing down to my foot, I could see the bandage still around my ankle. Without all the adrenaline of coming here and from Freija's excitement, the pain in my ankle began to return, dull but spread out and painful. I could walk on it, well hobble, with a bit of pain, but I certainly couldn't run anymore for a while. That would be an issue.


"Do you want to come back to the house to stay overnight?" Freija asked, seeing my pained expression as I studied my foot.

"No, no, that's not necessary. You've shown me more than enough hospitality already. I couldn't stay another night in your home." I said quickly, although the thought of a comfy bed and resting my ankle was the thing that I wanted most right now. Freija must have seen the lying in my eyes because she gave out a small giggle.

"Don't be silly. Come on, I can help you search for your friend tomorrow, when you feel better." She smiled, grabbing my hand and arm and placing it over her shoulders, offering for me to use her as some sort of crutch on the way back to her home, but I could barely lean on her, I was so terrified that if I did, I would just squish her tiny delicate body. She smiled up to me once again before leading me back to her home where I would collapse in bed again and sleep there until the morning came.

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