《My Mate : Lizkook》Chapter 22: Field Trip...part-1


"Ok guys, important announcement, important announcement so sit down and be quiet." our teacher said while clapping his hands.

I get to my seat from Jimin's seat that me and Jungkook were around talking. As soon as I reached me seat I looked at Jisoo to see her focusing on the teacher so I did so myself.

"Ok guys so, today we will be talking about our field trip."

When I heard what my teacher just said I just let out a groan.

Jungkook and Jimin were laughing quietly as they knew that I hated school trips. I skipped the last one, and the school couldn't stop talking about it.

I decided just now that I am not going to be going this year either, no matter what happens.

"Ok so we will be going to Jeju as our field trip as the student council approved of it. I will let our student council president talk more about it." he said as he stepped away.

Jisoo then got up and went to the front of the classroom. All eyes were on her and I got rather irritated. When did Jisoo become the class president? I guess I really need to pay more attention in school.

"Ok so many people have been requesting Jeju so this year we thought we would give it a try. So the fee won't be much as the school will help pay for funds. The point of Jeju, is to work on team building skills and to have fun, so there will be teams of boys and girls fighting for first place in total and fighting for first place in their genders."

I stopped listening as I just stared at her beautiful face smiling and I just felt so relaxed. I suddenly woke up somewhere in the middle of her speech.

"If you have any questions or concerns come to me and we can spend time talking about your situation accordingly due to maybe finances or if your just not free."

That was not even the worst, the next horrified me.

"Also there will be boy and girl partnerships for certain activities so if you do not want a certain partnership as it will be randomly drawn." Jisoo continues.

That means if I don't go she will be partnered with another boy that's not me and spending time with him. Yeah, I am going. I looked to Jimin and Jungkook and they were just smirking at me. Of course, the drawing will not be the problem as we can use our magic but if I don't go I will regret it.


"Anyone who wants to go come up to get a form later, anyone who doesn't want to go please stand up now so I can write it don for your slip."

I could feel all eyes on me. I kinda got the name of 'cool, handsome boy who is too cool for school trips'.

No one came up so Jisoo then just smiled and continued " I am so happy that everyone will be going to this year's trip. Now if anyone has any questions that they don't mind to ask in public."

I looked around the room and someone raised his hand.

"Can we choose who we work with because I would love to work with you." the boy said.

I gritted my teeth and my hands were clenched under the seat. How could someone say that? In front of Jisoo? In front of me? I will have to teach him a lesson later after school.

"Sorry no, it will be random." Jisoo says.

"Any other questions." Jisoo continues.

No one moved. "Okay those who want a permission slip it will be distributed during homeroom later, so you are now all dismissed," Jisoo says.

I get up from my seat to go back to the classroom I belong in, with Jungkook and Jimin beside me.

"So are you mad." Jungkook asked.

"Hell yeah I am." I answered.

"Is it because of that question cause we can take care of it." Jimin answered.

"No it's not just because of that questions but it's part of it. I am freaking forced to go on that stupid field trip, knowing that if I don't go my mate is going to get raped." I said frustrated.

"She's not going to get rap-."

"Well that's what it feels like when I think of her partnered with another man." I said.

"That reminds me about that partner thing, were going to use our powers right?" Jungkook asked as if it was not obvious.

"Of course." Jimin yelled out.

"Oh yeah I am just saying that we should tell you not to beat the guy up. Jisoo will just get mad at you and it won't be good, especially during the trip." Jimin said.

"Yeah, I am pretty sure the guy was just joking around." Jungkook said.

"Oh but I am still so mad." I said.


"Jus igno-" Jimin started but I stopped listening, there he was the guy who yelled that.

Before I could do anything to him or even say a word Jimin and Jungkook took me away to the classroom.

"It's for your own good Tae." Jimin said.

"Whatever I wouldn't have hurt him anyways." I said back.

"Of course you wouldn't." Jimin said.

The teacher then opened the door and came in holding a ton of papers. Or should I say more like struggling. He then keeps the papers on his table and told us to come up if we are planning to go the field trip. Everyone rushed up to get one and I slowly and reluctantly got up to get one.

As I got it I quickly went back into my seat to see Jisoo talking to her friends excited about the whole field trip.

At least one person is excited about it.

...at lunch...

"So why aren't are hyungs here." Jungkoook asked.

"What are you saying they are graduating and you have us. We are your hyungs." Jimin said a bit offended.

"So when is the field trip again." Jungkook asked.

"Why are you actually excited." I asked.

"No, it's just that I have to know when to start packing."

"I am pretty sure it is really early this year since they gave the papers out really late. I think next week." Jimin said.

"NEXT WEEK!" I yelled in surprise. The whole cafeteria looked over to me.

I sat down and continued to eating.

"I don't have time for this." I said to myself.

"You think we wanna go, we don't wanna go but we are ok with it, you are the one who actually hates it. If you think about it, Jeju might be a little fun." Jimin said.

"I think that is just your opinion." I said putting my head in my hands.

I am not ready for a fucking trip in my life right now.

"So how was your speech in front of the whole grade," Jennie asked me interested.

"Good and bad." I said thinking about my speech.

"Oh how so." Jennie asked.

She skipped it since she already knew what it was about. Rose and Lisa knew but they weren't here yet.

"Oh it's just that I said everything nicely and presented it good but someone asked me a romantic question in front of the whole grade."

"Who cares it happens so often." Jennie responded.

"Have you forgot about my mate. He looked mad, he looked really mad." I said.

"Ohhh, I think I am scared for the boy." Jennie said.

"Yeah, but I am glad that everyone will be going to the field trip in our grade, the whole class of 2020." I said happily.

"Wait did you just say the whole grade you mean every single person in the grade." Jennie asked shocked.

Why does she look so shocked?

"Yeah I saw everyone came up and no one came up to get a 'not going' slip."

"Even Taehyung?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't he come? It is a school field trip." I aksed confused.

"Oh it's just that Taehyung has always hated class trips like the most in the whole school. He would never go, he always ditched class those days. It's weird that he is going this year.

What? Really? Is Taehyung really like that here?

"No he wouldn't he loves school. He told me."

"Literally. You believe him when he says that. Trust me Jisoo no boy likes school." Jennie says.

"Oh whatever that doesn't matter at least he is going. That way I won't have to be paired up with some random dude." I said happily.

I then looked at Jennie and saw her smiling like a devil. She really scares me sometimes, like if you want to have the creepiest smile in existence then go ahead but not around me.

"I think I know why he wants to go to the field trip," Jennie said.

"Really, tell me." I said.

"Oh what are you guys talking about." Lisa and Rose said as they came to sit at the table.

"Taehyung is going to this years field trip. It's all over the school." Jenne said smirking at us.



Why are they so surprised what have I been missing out on?

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