《My Mate : Lizkook》Chapter 18: Romantic..


"Guys, guys, Guys, I figured out a way to get her back." I said excited.

"Uh huh. You have told us that for at least 50 times. Now see hyung is asleep. Do you really have an idea? I don't even know why I am here." Jungkook said sleepily.

"Now I really have it. Wake up taehyung." I said still excited.

"HYUNG WAKE UP!!" Jungkook shouted in Taehyung's ears and he get up with a jolt.

"OK what is it now?" Tae said half asleep.

"I have my idea here it is..."

"Here we go again." Tae says.

"I am going to ask her to meet me somewhere and tell her." I said beaming.

"THAT'S THE REASON WHY YOU WOKE ME UP!" Taehyung said about to choke him until Jungkook holds him back.

"What do you mean?" Jimin said confused.

"Your so dumb and not even romantic I am doing something so much better. I am not going to tell you because you will just do the same." Taehyung said smirking.

"Wait what. I am romantic." Jimin looks at Jungkook but assurance but Jungkook looked uneasy.

"W-Wel hyung n-not to burst your b-bubble but that'snotromanticatall.Itneedstobemoreromanticifyoureallywanttogetherback." He said as fast as he could.

"Why but I am the international playboy with Jungkook. I have smooth moods."

"No it's just your face not your act and that's the thing you are acting as if you are going to break her there."

"BUT I'M NOT! Ok so whenever I break a girl we would just meet in some random place but now I really actually love her why can't I just use the same place!"

"Well douche because how you treat her is everything." Taehyung muttered.

"Well I will treat her well it's just that I had a past ok. It's not like I didn't change." Jimin said.

"We know that it's just that you need to be more romantic." Tae said again.

"Whatever, I am just going to make my plan into action." I sad and stormed off.

How could they say that? I am romantic? Everyone says that I have no feelings but I know I have them and I will use them for love.

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