《My Mate : Lizkook》Chapter 16: Fun


I looked behind Jungkook to see V and Jimin sitting there getting wasted. Wow, they seem really desperate. I look over and they don't see me, they look like they are just talking to each other about problems. Oh so that means they don't know about me or my unnies yet. I looked over to my unnies and they are just staring at Jungkook with their mouths open. They are in shock.

"Well if you want you can leave, but ya know you don't have long till they smell you. You're lucky their pretty drunk because now their sense is pretty weak." Jungkook says trying to help my unnies.

"Why are you trying to help us." Jisoo questionably asked.

" Well I am naturally kind, you are my mates friends so I am kinda forced and if my hyungs see you it will just be a problem for me." he said crossing his arms.

I rolled my eyes at what he said.

"Ok so how do you think you are going to help us." Rose asked curious.

"Well, guys I am not leaving someone has to look out for Lisa and I also want to party."

I then looked at Rose and Jisoo to see their reaction but I was surprised when I saw her she had a devilish grin on.

"Ya know what I want to stay too, it might help me in some ways, I dressed up and everything already so why waste it." Rose said smirking.

"No Rose don't do this we know what your planning and it won't end fun," Jennie said worriedly.

"Don't worry I just want to party," Rose said innocently.

"Ughhh fine I will stay too. I don't want to be left home bored." Jisoo said.

"Whatever but make sure to stay far away from them they will smell you," Jungkook said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me away.

He pulled me aside to the bar and made me sit down next to him.

"Why did you want me here again." I asked.

"I was forced to go to this party because I lost a bet and you know how vampires are not allowed to break promises, I thought it would be more fun if you would come but you just added more drama." Jungkook said while smirking.


"I'm sorry." I said looking down filled with guilt.

He then brought my chin gently up wiht his fingers slowly.

"It's fine as long as I have you here." Jungkook said.

"Thanks, Jungkook."

"Call me kookie."

"No, why? Isn't Jungkook fine."

"I want you to call me like you used to call me."


"Hey, you get away from him!" I yelled.

The bullies then saw me and ran away. I moved closer to the small boy he looked my age and leaned down.

"Hey, you ok. Did they hurt you?" I asked worried.

"U-uh y-yeah. B-but I I-Im fine. Why did you s-save m-me." he whimpered out.

"Because that is the nice thing to do, what your name and how old are you."

"U-uh I'm 8 years old and my name is Jungkook."

"Oh hello, Jungkook I am also 8. My name is Lalisa but call me Lisa. Can I call you kookie."


"Let's be friends kookie."


He then smiled a smile I have never seen before. He looked like a bunny. It was cute and I made it my daily mission to see him smile like that.

I held his hand and pulled him up.

"Let's meet here tomorrow, same time, ok kookie, I think you are my only friend." I then kissed him on the cheek and ran away.

...end of flashback...

"You still remember." I asked.

"Of course I remember you were the only thing I thought about for the rest of the week," Jungkook said blushing red.

I giggled at that. I touched his cheek and said.

"Now I really know that you love me wiht all your heart."

"You didn't know that already."

"No, I wasn't sure but now I am."

"Are you happy, ya know that I love you."

"Yeah, I am happy, because I love you too you know that."

"Really I thought it was impossible."

I pinched his cheeks at that.

"Well you should know that I love you, probably only because your handsome, and good at everything you do, you're my mate, we have a history and more that I can not remember at the time, You probably don't love me as much as I love you," I said smirking.


He then kissed me passionately and I kissed back and when we pulled apart I was breathing hard, but he wasn't breathing at all. Him and his super lungs.

"That shows you how much love I have for you and there is many more where that came from," Jungkook said smirking.

"Nope, well I don't want it then," I said and we both laughed. For the rest of the day, we had fun laughing and talking and randomly kissing each other. It was pretty fun.

I wonder how my unnies are doing?

"Ughhh why can't we just go home." Jisoo whined.

"Because I have a plan." Rose said.

"Well, I am not in it. I don't want random men trying to take me to bed or something."

"Well actually that's what I need but ya know never gonna happen."

"Rose this is dumb. Stop playing and be serious."

"I an unnie I am done asking him and begging him and giving him things, I want him to love me and I am gonna get serious."

Jisoo then just rolled her eyes.

"I'm telling you your plan is going to go all wrong."

It has been an hour and no guys approached them. Jisoo was glad and relieved thinking they would get by. Rose was annoyed, thinking also that no guys would approach them. Well, let's just say she is wrong.

As they were talking 2 older guys came over to them. They looked to be in their 30's and Jisoo just looked away. Rose then looked at them and started to worry. She tried to remember the plan but she totally forgot.

"Pshhhh, Jisoo," Rose whispered before they got to her.

"What? Just ignore them. Or do your stupid plan for all I care." jisoo whispered back.

"Well, I forgot the heh plan."

"You what! Then ignore them and do not let them see your face."

Rose then did exactly what Jisoo was doing and just stared right down at her glass not looking at them.

"So tell us what are you, two lovely ladies, doing here without a date." One of the men said.

"So you're going to ignore us, heh. At least show us your face."

They touched Rose on the shoulder. She then couldn't take it. She moved a bit and allowed them some access to her face until she quickly looked back at her cup.

"Oh, so your one of the beautiful ones heh. You are pretty I am sure pretty girls only hang out wiht pretty girls." the man said and turned Jisoo's chin toward him showing her beautiful face to him.

"Wow, what beauties." the man said.

"You know we have rooms booked her that are private." He said and smirked.

"Umm no thank you, we are actually heading to our friends now bye." Jisoo said nervously.

She took Rose's hand and was about to pull her away when one guys took ahold of Jisoo's wrist and the other Rose's.

"Oh they won't mind that you have a few more special *wink* friends." one guy said to us.

We just stood there not knowing what to do. We were scared and we had no strength inside us to do anything we were stuck and soon we would be dirty.

He pulled us with them and we tried to pull away but he was too strong this was the end. Right then I felt him loosen his grip and cry out in pain, Rose then was set free too.They dropped to the ground whimpering in pain.

When we looked up we saw Taehyung and Jimin staring at us angry as hell.

"So you were just going to go with them," Taehyung yelled obviously the angrier one of the two."

"Have you forgotten that you are not allowed to be intimate with anyone other than your mate." Taehyung yelled.

" Why are you so du-."

"We were trying to get away, but they were too strong and if you are mad at us then why did you even help us." Jisoo yelled back starting to cry.

"Well because your mine and you are not going to go into the hands of anyone else."

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