《IN YOUR MIND. fezco》xxviii. the play ( pt. 2 )


"Lexi, you're a fucking G!" Maddy shouted over the loud cheering voices in the crowd.

Lulu was up on her feet, clapping feverishly and an immense grin on her lips. She recalled the endless hours working on this one scene with Lexi, Bobbi and Ethan —who had her shrieking in excitement whenever he was on stage, she recalled how impressed she was by Lexi's visions and expectations behind every single scene, every single dialogue, every single costume, every single song.

"Lexi Howard, you're a genius!" Lulu screamed with her heart pounding in her chest in front of such a brilliant play.

She sat down and the whole scenery changed, displaying moving mirrors where Hallie, Marta and Mona were staring at their reflections. Lulu's eager giggles were cut short when Cassie walked inside the auditorium, making her way toward the stage, clapping slowly. Lulu gasped, "Oh hell no."

Cassie was still clapping, "Lexi, you really outdid yourself," and she let out an irritated laugh, "I mean, where did she find these knockoffs."

The entire crowd could be heard gasping, "I had no idea that my sister had this in her. Good job, right? Isn't she brave? She's up here, unpacking all of her trauma," her tone was snarky, "I had no idea how hard your life was Lexi. Could we give a round of applause for how hard Lexi's life is?"

Some people cheered and clapped but Lulu was growing more furious whenever Cassie said a word. She shot a look at Rue, "Imma destroy that bitch."

"Come on, guys," Cassie continued, "I know they hack the heads off of women in Afghanistan or wherever."

"That's racist!"

"God, it is nothing compared to living in my shadow," she huffed.

"Yo! Is this like part of the play?"

Cassie looked around, pretending to think, "I don't know... Lexi?" she started walking towards the curtains, "Is this part of the play? Lexi? This is your show, come out!" and Lexi was dragged onto the stage, "You're the big star of the day! You're the star of the night. She's always wanted to be the star..."

Lulu looked over to see Maddy grimacing and Lulu copied her actions, knowing how badly Cassie needed to be put back into place.

"This is your big moment! Shine!" Cassie said, "I should stop? Me? I'm not the one putting on a play to humiliate and embarrass you! Oh, really?! Then, what is this?"

Lulu cringed, "That bitch doesn't need a fucking play to embarrass herself," but opened her eyes wide when Suze popped up on stage.

"Hi everyone, I'm Suze, I'm the girls' mom in real life," she said, "Uhm, played by Ethan! Where is he? Ethan?" And Ethan made its way on stage, wearing his robe, "Who, by the way, he's gonna win an award!" Suze grabbed Cassie, "Honey, let's go home."

"I deserve this, right?! I deserve this?" she questioned, pushing her mother away, "Mom, stop! Lexi, I'm gonna fucking kill you."

At this point, Lulu was boiling and she wouldn't need much more to burst out in anger.

"I deserve this, right? Because I've actually lived a life? I'm the one who takes risks? I'm the one who falls in love?" Cassie pointed out, "Oh, wait... How stupid of me. My sister fell in love..."


Lulu's breath stuck in her throat. Every single part of her body suddenly tensed and the girl knew that Cassie was about to use this information to try and humiliate her sister in front of an entire crowd.

"And she never loved you back, right?" Cassie spat with a manic laugh, "How'd that make you feel, uh? Like shit? Like you'd never love anyone else cause she broke your heart? Did you cry yourself to sleep every night knowing she had someone in her mind and it wasn't you?"

Lexi's bottom lip quivering and her eyes filling with tears were the last straw as Lulu rose on her feet, "Shut your fucking mouth, Cassie! Shut the fuck up or I'll put you down in a second!"

Cassie's face lit up with an unreadable expression when she spotted Lulu in the audience, "Oh, look at that! The town's superstar! And now you feel like shit, right?"

"Oh my fucking god, hold me down," Lulu whispered at Rue, knowing she wouldn't hesitate jumping on stage and throwing her against a mirror, "Ugly ass bitch, you should be fucking embarrassed."

"Okay, okay... Well, if that makes me a villain," Cassie spoke with a smile, "Then so fucking be it. I can play the fucking villain."

People were reacting amongst the crowd, booing at her as she didn't seem to care for one bit, "Lexi... is this the part of the play where I steal Jake from Marta?"

"No, Cassie, that's not in the play."

"It is now," Maddy's voice echoed in the audience.

"Who said that?"

The actress portraying Hallie came up behind Cassie, "Look, I wanted to say, I get it, I understand what you're going through—" but she was interrupted by another girl in the audience.

"Wait, Hallie steals Marta's boyfriend?"

"I don't know how many times I have to say this... they were not fucking together."

"Yeah, not only that but she was fucking him the entire time Marta was talking about getting back together with him!" Maddy explained, anger laced in her words.


"Because Hallie's a two faced cunt!" Maddy said, earning an approving shriek from Lulu, who was deeply enjoying seeing Cassie be put on the spot in front of everyone.

"I'm not a cunt, you're the cunt!" Cassie yelled.

"You're the fucking cunt, bitch!"

Everybody in the audience was screaming and gasping as Cassie kept making a fool of herself, whining and crying as her mother was desperately trying to push her off the stage only to see her going after Lexi backstage right when Hallie appeared on a moving pony, emulating a loud and vivid orgasm.

The next second, Cassie was screaming at the girl and forcing her onto the floor, almost ready to fight her right there.

Lulu could not even understand what could have happened in Cassie's mind to create such a drastic change. In a way, it frightened her to be looking at someone she had been so close to for years, suddenly wondering where this girl was now.

Maddy's voice brought her back to reality, "Lulu?" and she twirled a finger towards Cassie, "This bitch needs to be put down."

Lulu didn't need much convincing. She knew this one was for Maddy and Maddy only. And, even though Cassie was someone she had cared for a lot, now Cassie had hurt Maddy so it was Lulu's job to help Maddy get back at her.


Rue didn't even have enough time to grab her best friend's wrist, "Fuck, Lulu, no!" that she was racing down the stairs, followed by Maddy and the whole crowd gasped when Lulu jumped on stage and Maddy threw her shoes away, pushing Kat as far away as she could.

Cassie noticed the two girls coming at her, knowing damn well that they held the reputation for relentlessly knocking the shit out of people, and ran off but it wasn't for Lulu's smart move to hide behind one of the mirrors, winking as she heard someone yelling her name proudly in the audience before slightly putting her foot in front of her, causing Cassie to trip and fall face first right in the spotlight.

"Maddy, Lulu, please, no no no!" Kat shouted, praying they would come to their senses.

Lulu didn't even hear Kat and she grabbed a fistful of Cassie's hair and pulled her onto her feet strongly, earning a painful scream from the girl but she couldn't care any less, as she smirked at Maddy, "Babe, it's your time to shine."

The slap was outrageous and it really felt like they were rulling over the world for a second, the two best friends staring at one another with stars in their eyes. Lulu violently shoved Cassie away and the blonde was lucky enough not to fall down once more.

Lulu shrieked when she was forcefully tugged out of the stage, almost ready to fight whoever it was when she made eye contact with Enolla's angry gaze, "What the fuck are you doing?!"

Lulu barely had the time to catch Refn's cheers that she was out of the auditorium facing a very upset Enolla, "What was that for?"

"That bitch needed to be taught a lesson."

"Except it's not the first time you do this," Enolla growled, "Should I remind you that two videos of you went viral on the internet for doing exactly that the last couple of months?"

Enolla was referring to videos of Lulu's altercations, the most recent one with Jules and another one from when she was much younger and was beating the shit out of people alongside Maddy that had not so magically resurfaced at the time her Oscar nomination was bringing her more attention.

"You have to stop doing this," Enolla said with a sigh, "I know you, that you're a good person. But... what about all the people who might wanna work with you and the first thing they come across is this?"

She knew she was making a point, "I know... but with some editing, this one can look like... I don't know... like a scene in the play!" She shrugged, "Refn's a big name and he was laughing his ass off when you dragged me away!"

Enolla rolled her eyes, "I'm being serious, Lulu. You can't keep doing things like this."

Lulu nodded, feeling a slight ounce of guilt as she knew something like this could eventually backfire on Enolla, "Sorry... I—I didn't really think, y'know, I just... I don't know that's kinda an easy way for me to show people they're fucking bullshit."

"I know... Just, next time, think about the consequences..." Enolla replied with a tiny reassuring smile, "You wanna go back in?"

In the blink of an eye, she was recalling that her sister, Fezco and Ashtray hadn't made it to the play. Her guts twisted and her mouth dried at the thought, "Hm, yeah, just gotta make a quick phone call."

Whoever she would call, the phone would endlessly ring. Nobody would pick up the phone. Not Ashtray, not Fezco, not even Zahia.

Lulu was pacing back and forth in front of the school, feeling her heart beating faster and her breath getting shorter by the minute. Soon, it felt like she almost couldn't breathe anymore and her vision quickly covered with black dots as her mind laced with dark thoughts, picturing them getting into a car crash or running into whoever was trying to hurt her family for reporting her mother was missing.

Her ringtone made her jump up in fear, her face falling when she realized it was an unknown number. She picked up with shaky hands, "Yes?"

"Am I speaking to Lulu Jenson?"

Lulu frowned at the voice, "Y—Yes?"

"This is Officer Matthews on the phone," the man said, "I'm calling about your sister, Zahia Jenson."

"W—What about my sister?" Lulu shivered, "What's going on?"

"She had to be rushed to the ER."

If her vision was already blurred, now Lulu couldn't see anymore and felt like she had been struck by lightning. She grabbed the closest thing she could find to stand up straight, feeling her knees weakening, "What? Wait, w–what happened? Is... is she okay? Tell me she's okay!"

The officer took one single long breath. But, for Lulu, this second felt like an entire hour as her mind spun endlessly, trying to understand the words that had just came out of his mouth, bringing her into a reality she had never once pictured in her head when she had left the house a few hours ago.

The plan was for her to enjoy a play and, then, to enjoy a weekend with the people she loved far away from this town that, no matter how hard she tried to like, would always tear her apart and remind her that life was just a shit show that would gradually get worse and worse.

And whenever Lulu thought she had faced the hardest challenge, life would throw another one at her face without warning.

"She was shot."

... ... ...

, well..... i feel like i have to buckle up cause i know you guys are hating me right now. don't worry i hate myself too. as you can all understand, i had to stick with the actual s2 ending and not make them go on that little trip. this is, for now, what i'm doing. doesn't mean i can't write an au of them all being well and shit.

BUT as of now, zahia's in the ER, meaning not dead. injured.

but, go on, throw bricks at me, i deserve them for creating characters with such awful lives (which is my toxic trait)


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