《IN YOUR MIND. fezco》i. impatience


or lulu being a bad bitch

Lulu Jenson... you should all know that it would take me, like, three weeks to give her story full justice. I'll try. She would fucking kill me if I didn't.

First of all, yes, Lulu is her actual name. I think her parents were going through some hippie phase back then and, honestly, the name fits her perfectly. Cause she's really weird. But everybody loves that about her.

Lulu's my best friend. Has been for twelve years. I got drunk for the first time with her, smoked weed for the first time with her, tried a whole bunch of shitty drugs for the first time with her. She was also my first kiss, my first crush... I mean, I still have a massive crush on her but, once again, almost everybody has a crush on her.

"Lulu, come on, it's not that hard," Zahia said as her sister rolled her eyes at her.

"Shut up?" Lulu replied, "Obviously it ain't that hard for you, you have the lines in front of your face!"

Zahia sighed, "Come on, let's start from the beginning."

Lulu grunted, dramatically rolling off the couch to end up on the carpeted floor with a small thud, causing Zahia to give her an unimpressed look.

"We can stop now if you want but, like, it's your business, not mine," Zahia said with a laugh.

Lulu rolled over, "Does it look like I have a choice?"

"Can I be honest?"


"You fucking suck," Zahia admitted.

Lulu's lazy smile quickly vanished to be replaced with an intense gaze. She rose to her feet and decided to stand up, near the large windows of the living-room. Her figure darkened because of the sun lighting the room and she closed her eyes, finding the peace to get focused.


Cause, if there's another thing to know about Lulu, is that she is dying to get the hell out of this place. I get it, it fucking sucks here. And there's one thing she is really good at. Acting. And she knows it. But, more importantly, she knows it's her ticket out of here.

Lulu started acting when she was fourteen. She was celebrating her birthday with her mom and her sister in a cheap dinner when a man introduced himself saying how he thought Lulu would fit perfectly in a movie he was working on. Her mother couldn't pass on this money offer and Lulu got the part. Turns out this guy was a fucking perv but Lulu never got into too much details. I just know he occasionally sends her dick picks. Gross.

Now, Lulu isn't a big star or anything. She books a few gigs here and there, she even has an agent, which, I don't know, I guess it's a big deal, but she isn't really solicited. I know it fucks up her self-confidence but she doesn't talk about it a lot, she pretends everything's always fine. She's very good at pretending. Well... I mean, she's an actress, of course she'd be good at that.

Lulu walked out of her house after rehearsing with her sister for around two hours and brought the lighter to the cigarette dangling between her lips, breathing in as the flame came in contact with the white stick. She exhaled the smoke and looked around, noticing her mother stepping out of a car on the other end of the road.

If she was trying to keep a low profile, she had miserably failed as Lulu kept her eyes glued on her mother with a suspicious look.

"This shit is nasty," her mother said, pointing a finger at the cigarette that Lulu was smoking.


"You literally smoke ten a day," Lulu snapped, "Who the fuck's this?"

"What are you talking about?"

"That guy who gave you a lift."

Her mother pushed the front door open, giving one last look at her daughter, "Oh, hm, a friend. You don't know him."

Lulu squinted her eyes as the guy drove past the house, the two making eye contact for a few seconds before the car disappeared. Chills ran down her spine as her instincts kicked in. She didn't know this guy but she knew he was trouble. And, she didn't know why, but she felt it wasn't the last time he would be around.

The brunette grabbed her bag and messed with her younger sister's hair on her way out of the house.

"Rue's finally allowed to go out," Lulu said, "I'll be back for dinner or else I'll text you!"

She hopped on her scooter and grabbed her phone, typing her pincode to unlock it. She had a text from Rue.

meet me at the store bby

i'm sure i'll be there before ya

i cant wait to see you i've never missed anyone so much i fucking swear

stfu soapbox

And Lulu did get there first. She removed her helmet and placed it on the scooter's seat, knowing nobody would try to steal it from her. Not with a drug dealer around. She brushed her hands against the soft fabric of her trousers and turned around to make eye contact with Fezco who wore a bright smile on his face. She smiled back just as much.

"Hey there, Hollywood star," Fezco said, "How you doing?"

"Shut up, Fez," Lulu scoffed, "Just waiting for Rue. Business' good today?"

"Yeah, there's a party so people pullin' up a lot today," Fezco replied, "You going?"

"I guess... I never miss an opportunity to get wasted," Lulu said as she sat on the ground in front of him.

Fezco chuckled, "Any auditions soon? You didn't work much this summer.."

Fezco didn't mean for his words to sound the way they did. And Lulu knew she didn't have to take it personally, Fezco was genuinely interested in her "career" and was actually really supportive. But what he had just said reminded her that she hadn't booked anything for over four months. She had failed every audition and opportunities were rare for her to impress or stand out.

She brushed the thoughts away, "Yeah, there's one coming up soon."

Fezco could tell she was nervous, "That's cool. I'm telling ya, your face on a huge poster soon."

Lulu laughed, shaking her head with a small smile on her lips. Fezco didn't even need to try that hard to boost her confidence. She was very thankful for his friendship.

A gasp made her turn her face to the side. She opened her eyes wide and jumped up as she recognized Rue.

( )

a/n so there you go! first little introduction to lulu and her family!!! obviously there's a LOT MORE to it but you'll find out later! i really hope you liked it and if you could comment your thoughts it'd make me very happy !

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