《Better Luck Next Time - Fezco》1


Mia McKenzie was a mystery to a lot of people, even though many thought they knew her.

It was easy to just write her off as a party girl who liked to rebel against her parents. Mia liked to do all of the things that most parents would disapprove of. This included drinking, smoking, taking drugs and staying out all night doing all of the above.

Mia wasn't really popular, but she was still well known. She just drew attention wherever she went, both good and bad. The main reason for this being she was definitely attractive. Hell, if she wasn't so busy ruining her life she could probably be like a famous model or something. Mia's favourite activities included getting fucked up and getting fucked. At least that's what everyone says.

Mia made her way towards the corner store she was pretty familiar with by now. As she approached she spotted the red head drug dealer chilling in his lawn chair, smoking a blunt. She made her way towards him with a slight smirk when she caught his attention. It wasn't difficult for Mia to catch someone's attention. Especially Fezco's.

When he had first met her Fez had felt his chill demeanour get knocked for a moment. She was intimidatingly beautiful and she was asking him for all kinds of drugs. But as the weeks went by he became more used to her presence and found himself looking forward to her almost daily visits. However, he was less pleased with the reason for her visits. Although a selfish part of him was excited to see her face again even if her reasoning for being there was to acquire drugs.

"Yo, Mia what's goin on." He greeted her as she stood next to where he was sitting. She was wearing a pretty simple outfit, just a pair of ripped jeans and a cropped t shirt with some chunky sneakers. Fez was stunned at how she could manage to make something so simple look so sexy. His eyes lingered on her exposed flat stomach for a second before meeting her deep brown orbs.

"Hey Fez." She greeted him, her smirk turning into a smile as she started chatting to the man. Although she had never admitted it, she found Fezco extremely attractive. Mia was especially attracted to his calm and collected personality. Of all the drug dealers Mia has encountered, Fez was certainly the most laid back.

Although Mia had only known him for about 2 months now she knew that he was a decent guy who was just trying to survive. And she could respect that, even if he was selling drugs to teenagers.


"Is Ashtray round back?" She asked cooly as he passed her his blunt. Fezco watched as she placed the joint between her plump lips, taking a draw then handing it back to him. He shook his head, already forgetting what she had said.

"Thanks Fez." She winked at him before strutting into the freezer where Ashtray was.

"Shit" he muttered to himself before stomping out the rest of his blunt which was now finished.

Mia smiled as she approached the young boy with the face tattoos. "Sup Ash" she greeted. "Yo Mia, what brings your fine ass here?" He asked as she approached. Mia refrained from rolling her eyes, amused by the young boys flirting.

"I'm gonna need like 5 G's of weed and 2 tabs. Oh and a gram of coke. She added, he raised his brows slightly.

"You goin' to like a party or something?" He asked as he started weighing out the weed.

"Something like that." She smirked, in reality she just planned on getting high and seeing where the night took her.

"How much do I owe you?" She asked taking out her purse from her tiny backpack.

"Just gimme a hundred" He said handing her the baggies. Mia was well aware that the price should have been much higher, but Ashtray and Fez always insisted on giving her a discount. Although she normally went to Ashtray for her drugs, seeing as Fezco was always reluctant to sell her anything stronger than weed or acid.

Mia handed over the money and put the goods in her bag, zipping up the secret pocket inside of her bag. "Thanks man" she smiled and talked to him for a second before deciding to go and buy some snacks.

Mia made her way throughout the corner-store, picking up a can of Diet Coke and some Cheetos. She looked outside and saw Fezco talking to a girl around the same age as her, they were talking like they were old friends and Mia felt a strange emotion while observing them. She shook off the feeling of jealousy and decided to go and introduce herself.

Rue heard the door of the corner shop open and saw Fez's attention drawn to something behind her.

"Yo Fez, you know how easy I could have robbed your ass?" Mia taunted as she made her way towards the two, holding up her chips and soda.

"You know you ain't have to pay for any of that shit anyway." Fez stated trying not to stare at her petite figure as she placed herself on the side of his chair.


"Hey I'm Mia" She greeted the girl who was watching their encounter. Rue was slightly taken aback, did Fez get a girlfriend while she was in rehab? Either way Rue couldn't deny that the girl in front of her was certainly beautiful. With wide eyes and slightly mischievous smile. She certainly didn't look like the kind of girl that would be hanging around here, but who was she to judge. Rue didn't really look like the kind of girl that would be hanging around here either but here she was.

"I'm Rue, I've been away for a while." Rue introduced, feeling slightly intimidated by the girl who had befriended her favourite drug dealer.

"Ah, I only moved here like 2 months ago." Mia explained, she pulled her pink grinder out of her back pack along with one of her baggies of weed.

"But lowkey is Ashtray in the back?" Rue asked Fez as Mia began grinding her weed.

"You serious?" Fez asked, disappointed that she was still planning on taking drugs after her overdose.

"What you think that because I went to rehab I stayed clean?" She asked, Mia was a little surprised by this revelation. Although not too shocked because she knows most of Fezco's friends are on drugs.

"I mean, ain't that the point?" He questioned, taking the rolling papers from Mia's hands as she struggled to pack the joint whilst sitting half in his lawn chair.

Getting frustrated with her lack of balance, Mia decided to just plop herself on Fezco's lap. Much to Rues surprise, Fezco was very aware of the girl sitting on his lap but tried to remain unfazed.

Mia continued roll the joint as Rue made her way inside to find Ashtray.

"Here lemme do that." Fez took the joint from her and continued to roll it, packing it perfectly with ease. Mia leaned her body back into his chest, her head only reaching under his chin due to their height difference. He handed her the rolled joint and she turned on his lap so she was facing sideways and they were able to see each other. She placed the blunt between her lips and leaned forward as he lit it for her.

Fez watched her take another long drag and she handed it to him. "Your a fucking trip, bruh." He stated as the small girl turned so she was straddling him. Mia smirked, aware of how her closeness was affecting him.

"My legs got tired." She pouted, Fezco's eyes never left her lips as she took another hit from the blunt. She was speaking however her words hadn't registered to him yet. Fezco found this to often be a problem whenever Mia was around. He would get lost in just looking at her, fuck, maybe it was all the weed. But Fez wasn't sure which he found more intoxicating.

"So that's your friend?" Mia asked, not getting a response from him. She sighed chuckling at her stoned friend. "Fezzie" she stated knowing the nick name would catch his attention. She was right.

"Uh yeah." He replied, she giggled at him.

"Funny I never really thought you had friends other than me. Should I be jealous?" She teased, although she was secretly worried. Mia had only moved to town 2 months ago yet she had already formed a close bond with the 21 year old.

"Nah that's my girl Rue, she's like a little sister to me." He stated, implying that he did not feel the same way about the girl in front of him.

"And what am I then?" She smirked taking the blunt from his lips. Fez swallowed, not wanting to answer her question.

"Fuck ion know, definitely not my sister." Fez mumbled under his breath. The two would often flirt, mostly in a harmless manner. However Mia was feeling especially bold today, taking a long draw from the joint and leaning in. She placed her mouth so that it was a centimetre away from touching his lips. Opening her mouth and exhaling the smoke into his mouth. Fez breathed in the smoke, feeling himself start to get excited down there. He lifted her off him before she could feel his oncoming erection.

"Aight enough of all that, don't start that shit." Fez stated, feeling strangely empty at the loss of contact. Mia pouted but an idea struck her.

"Ok ok, you goin to that party tonight?" She asked, Fezco seemed relieved at the change of topic. He didn't know how to think clearly around Mia and her being so close to him was doing shit to him, fucking with his head.

"Yeh I'll be there but just for business." Mia smirked, bending down to pick up her back pack from the floor. Giving Fez a nice view of her round ass, his eyes widened slightly as he openly stared.

"I'll see you there." She winked, kissing his cheek before walking off in the direction of her home.


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