《that's life » s. hyde》[68] gimme shelter
"Okay, the game is Password," Fez said, holding the game box. "The box says, 'Using one-word clues, get your partner to say the secret word without using the word yourself.'"
Donna sat a little straighter on the basement couch. "Wait, but what if-"
"Donna, please. I already read the box."
"I said box! Okay. Here are your secret words," he handed some cards to Hyde and Donna. "Good luck!"
Donna and Eric turned to face each other, serious expressions on both of their faces. "Okay, Eric," she said. "Staircase."
Eric thought for a moment, then nodded curtly, clearly confident in his answer. "Jedi."
"I'm sorry, that's wrong," Fez said. "Hyde?"
Hyde cleared his throat and turned to Izzy, who was sitting on top of the freezer and eating a popsicle. "Uh... paranormal."
Izzy took a second to think, then knit her brow. "Paranormal. Staircase." She gasped and clapped her hands together. "Escalator!"
"That is correct!" Fez cheered.
Eric and Donna looked confused. "What the hell?" Eric said. "How did you get escalator from staircase and paranormal?"
Izzy shrugged and threw away her popsicle stick. "Steven knows. Tell them," she said, sitting on Hyde's lap.
He clicked his tongue. "Iz thinks escalators are, and I quote, 'ghosty stairs.'"
Donna scrunched up her nose. "Fine. You guys win."
"I think the real question here is, how did Erc get jedi?" Izzy asked.
Eric raised his eyebrows. "Uh, because the path to becoming a jedi has many steps?"
Before anyone could react, the basement door was thrown open by Kelso. "You guys! I just took my baby girl to the playground, and she's just like her daddy! She's way cuter than all the other babies, and she eats bugs!"
"Wow, Kelso," Jackie said, buffing her nails in Kelso's usual chair. "You've spent every weekend this month with Betsy. The only other thing you've done with such consistency was cheat on me." She paused. "Or hit on Donna and Izzy." Another pause. "Or blow things up- you know, you are actually a very predictable man."
"He also glues himself to stuff with amazing regularity," Hyde pointed out.
Kelso made a face. "Whatever. You know, Brooke is totally starting to trust me now with Betsy. And she's letting me pick out Betsy's godparents! She only has one rule: can't be Fez."
Fez nodded. "That is a smart rule."
Donna scoffed. "Godparents?" She asked Eric quietly. "Like we need any more responsibilities."
"I know! Such a burden."
"Okay," Kelso sat in his chair. "So I've been thinkin' about this a lot, alright? It's a big deal. So... Eric, Donna-"
"Uh oh!" Eric laughed.
Kelso stood up. "Could you please move aside so I can formally ask Izzy and Hyde to be Betsy's godparents?"
Donna's jaw dropped. "What the hell?"
"Izzy and Hyde?" Jackie asked, both shocked and amused.
Izzy's eyes widened. "We win?" She turned to Hyde excitedly. "We win! Oh, we are on a roll tonight!"
Izzy huffed, walking into the kitchen as shopping bags dripped off of her arms. "Ugh, the responsibilities of being a godmother never end!" She set some bags on the floor and some on the counter, calling the attention of her parents, Donna, and Eric. "I spent all day getting Betsy outfits, so she and I can match when I inevitably take her to art museums and Zeppelin concerts."
Donna made a face. "You're starting to sound like Jackie. You know Izzy, being a godmother isn't all about buying stuff!"
Izzy raised her eyebrows. "Oh yeah? What's it about then?"
There was a pause, then Donna rolled her eyes. "Oh, you don't know either!"
The kitchen door flew open, and Kelso entered in his usual manic fashion. "You guys. Brooke's gonna let me have Betsy on the weekends! How awesome is that?"
"My god," Izzy gasped. "If she's gonna be here every weekend-"
"Oh, not here! Why does everything happen here?!" Red groaned.
Kitty hit him lightly on the arm. "Red, stop. I'll always welcome a baby into the house."
"As I was saying," Izzy said. "If she's gonna be here every weekend, I'm gonna have to get her a little painter's smock."
Donna pressed her lips together. "Now you're just trying to make me mad."
"Okay. You know what? We don't have to stand here and take this," Eric said, getting to his feet. "We're going."
"Yeah!" Donna agreed. "Wait, where're we going?"
Eric paused. "Uh... I- I dunno. But, er- y'know, we are just gonna stand outside until my sister leaves!"
Izzy opened her arms as they left the kitchen. "Keep waiting! Cause when I'm gone for a year, you're all gonna miss me!"
Immediately, the door reopened and the two reentered the room.
"Sorry, Iz," Eric said awkwardly. "I- I'll miss you. Eventually."
Izzy, Hyde, and Kelso were enjoying the peace in the basement, just watching Little House on the Prairie as per Izzy's request. She was sitting on Hyde's lap with his arms holding her close, and Kelso was reclining in his usual chair.
The peace was broken, though, when Donna and Eric came marching down the basement steps.
"Alright, Kelso!" Donna said angrily. "Be honest. Why did you choose them over us?"
Eric popped his head over Donna's shoulder. "Is it cause I don't have a job?"
"Is it because I bleached my hair?!"
"Look, I don't have a job because Hyde turned me into a burnout!"
"And I dyed my hair because Izzy told me to!" She turned around to look at Izzy. "Also, I rock as a blonde."
Izzy held her hands up in defense. "That's why I told you to bleach it."
"Do you see the influence that they have on people?" Eric asked Kelso. "I'm telling you, if you stick with them, your daughter's just gonna be a burnout, no-self-esteem, bleach-blonde hippie with no job!"
Izzy rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. You guys are just trying to make us look bad."
"Yeah, but they forgot one thing," Hyde pointed out. "You can't make Izzy look bad. It's pretty impossible--she's the perfect specimen."
Eric crossed his arms. "If Betsy has Izzy as her godmother, she'll never be in tune with her emotions until the dam breaks one day, and then she won't ever stop crying."
"Damn, he's good," Izzy mumbled. "Okay, Kelso. Why did you pick us?"
Kelso's eyes widened. "Oh, great. Now I feel awkward! Look, I picked them because I think they're gonna last longer than you!"
You could hear a pin drop in the room.
"What?" Eric asked.
"Izzy's gonna be gone for a year, we don't know what'll happen with them!" Donna said.
Hyde paused. "Wait, what?"
She looked as though it were obvious. "We don't know if you guys'll break up or not. You haven't exactly made clear what your plan is."
"We're not breaking up," Izzy said firmly.
There was another pause in the room.
Kelso then shifted awkwardly in his seat. "Okay. That was uncomfortable. But at least Iz and Hyde are doing something! They have a plan, man! What are you guys doing? You don't know, nobody knows! They're just a safer bet right now."
Izzy raised her eyebrows and turned to look up at Hyde. "I think this is better than when he made us godparents," she said softly.
He chuckled. "I like beating Forman at things he cares about."
"Me too."
Hyde looked over at Eric, Donna, and Kelso. "Well. I don't really have a speech prepared, but... I wanna thank you guys for sucking."
Izzy nudged Hyde. "Wanna go celebrate?"
"With what?"
"Oh, y'know."
His eyes lit up.
"Not that," she laughed. "I'll go get us some beer, come on."
The next day began with a too-long ceremony in the hot sun. As soon as the gang returned to the basement, Jackie tossed her grad cap onto the table.
"Oh, I am so glad I graduated high school!" She said, falling back onto the couch. "You know, it is such a relief to finally know everything!" She took Nick's hand in hers and pulled him down onto the couch next to her.
Eric sat on the armrest next to Donna, who had taken a seat on Jackie's other side. "I can't believe I graduated a year ago. It's like... I feel like I've done nothing. Man, time really flies when you take two naps a day."
"Well, I wouldn't say you've done nothing, I mean you..." Donna paused. "Wow, you really sat on your ass."
Hyde nodded as he took his sunglasses off. "Yep, Forman. We've all passed you by. I'm running a record store, Izzy's workin' on her art, Donna's a DJ, Kelso's a dad, even Fez has a job now." He paused, looking at Fez in concentration. "What is it again, man? Uh, shower girl? Makeup lady?"
"Shampoo boy!"
"Eh, I was close."
Eric looked around at the group. "Wait a second, does this mean that I'm the loser of the group now?"
"You are the one that's still living with your mommy," Kelso snickered.
"Man, you're still living with your mommy!"
Kelso shook his head. "Nah, not for long. Me and Fez are lookin' for apartments-"
"Fez and I," Izzy corrected.
Kelso just ignored her and kept talking. "So the only time I'll see my mom is when she's doing my laundry, cooking my meals, taking me to the dentist-"
"Oh damn. You're looking for apartments, man?" Nick asked, at which Kelso and Fez nodded. "I know this great building that's got some units empty, a buddy of mine lived there the summer after high school. I could give you the address if you'd like?"
Fez grinned. "That would be wonderful, thank you Nikolas!"
"I- It's Nick, man. I've known you over a year now-"
"I said Nikolas!"
"Wait, Eric, I feel kinda bad," Jackie said. "I mean, you wouldn't even be thinking about this kind of stuff if you weren't caught in the blinding light of my bright future."
Nick smiled proudly, his hand on Jackie's thigh. "That's my girlfriend. Always aware of her... superiority complex."
"You know what the scary thing is?" Fez asked. "If one year went by this fast, imagine where Eric is gonna be in ten years. My money says he will be going to the Star Trek conventions with Donna. And he will make her dress up like the ever-so-beautiful Lieutenant Uhura."
"That's good, Fez," Izzy chuckled. "But I think it's gonna be a little different. Still nerd conventions, still with Donna, but it'd definitely be Star Wars. Star Trek is my thing. Ooh! And Eric would force Donna to dress up like Princess Leia."
There was a pause, then Kelso piped up. "Hey Donna, d'you wanna dress up as Leia for us?"
Before Donna could react in disgust, Hyde chimed in. "Nah man, you're both wrong. Star Wars convention, ten years from now. Eric dressed as Luke because he'll be clinging onto his lost youth, but instead of Donna being Leia, it'll be way worse. Cause we all know she'll leave him and move outta this town someday. So his Leia will be..." He grinned. "Mrs. Forman."
"Whoa!" Eric exclaimed, getting to his feet.
Donna laughed. "Eric, they're just joking around! It's funny!"
"No, Donna, it's not funny! In fact... it's completely plausible!"
"Eric, you think you want to be a chiropractor? When did you come to this realization?" Izzy asked warily, sitting on the basement floor that afternoon.
He shrugged. "Mom told me to go to chiropractic school, so I'm gonna try it out."
Kelso giggled. "Alright man, every chick patient you have, you gotta tell them the problem is their tailbone. That way you get to grab around on her butt!"
"Kelso, ew." Izzy said, crinkling her nose.
Eric rolled his eyes. "Kelso, I'm doing this cause I wanna help people. A handful of ass is just a perk."
Jackie entered through the basement door, a small stack of cards in her hands. "Okay, so I just want to remind everybody about my graduation dinner party tomorrow night. Be there by six o'clock for the champagne toast."
Kelso's eyes lit up. "Free champagne? I'm in!"
"Free toast?" Fez asked. "I am in too!"
"Gross, a dinner party?" Hyde mumbled. "Jackie, why can't you ever make us do anything fun? Like... drive up to the border and throw things at Canadians."
Izzy perked up. "Ooh, that sounds fun! Plus, they won't fight back cause they're Canadian."
"You guys!" Jackie whined. "This party is an important event to mark my entrance into womanhood."
Donna stifled a laugh. "I thought that happened three years ago in the backseat of Kelso's car."
Izzy held up a finger. "No, it happened when she was wearing white jeans to the movie theater in sixth grade."
Jackie huffed and turned to Fez, now desperate to change the subject. "So, Nick told me he's found a few apartment listings for you."
"Man, I like Nick," Kelso said. "I mean, I don't like hanging out with him, cause Hyde won't let anyone near Izzy when he's around, but I like hanging out with him because he enjoys the finer things in life. Like me."
"Oh please," Donna scoffed. "You once ate a whole package of Kraft cheese singles for dinner."
"Y'know... whatever, Donna. By finer things, I meant Jackie. So just... okay?" He paused. "I just hope we can find a place that has everything my baby needs."
Fez smiled. "Aw Kelso, you're always putting me first."
Kelso made a face. "Not you, moron! Betsy, my daughter. I- It's amazing how one tiny person can change my life so much."
"You changed mine, too." Fez said, setting a hand on Kelso's shoulder gently.
The following afternoon, Eric has just returned from his chiropractic lesson. Now, as he was sitting in the circle and reflecting on his day, it didn't look all too good.
"Poor Donna," Eric said. "I think I hurt her pretty bad. Her neck's stuck, just tilted over like this-" He cocked his head to one side. "But on the upside, it looks like she's really interested in everything I have to say."
"So she's got a bad neck, quit whining!" Fez said. "I've gone out with girls who do not even have necks!"
Kelso grinned as he handed the blunt to Izzy. "One time, this girl whipped her head around to look at me--cause I'm hot--and her neck just snapped. And then she collapsed into the jukebox!"
"Kelso," Izzy giggled. "That was Fonzie."
"Well, where d'ya think they got it from?!"
Hyde shook his head. "Forman, forget being a chiropractor, man. The way I see it, you're diligent, tidy, and detail-oriented. So I think you should become a professional... butt-wiper."
"Come on, Steven, this is serious. Eric, you need to start off small. An entry level position, maybe." Izzy said, before she had to hold back laughter of her own. "An amateur butt-wiper!"
Kelso let out a loud laugh. "And then, when you get a promotion, you'll become an expert butt-wiper!"
"What's wrong with you three? So rude" Fez said firmly. "Eric, I think you should move to Paris with Izzy. That way, you can become a butt-wipiér."
Izzy scowled. "Fez, if you're gonna speak French around me, get it right. Eric, I'm sorry. I should not have said you have the skill set equivalent to being a butt-wiper." Once again, she began to giggle. "You're much more of a personne qui essuie les fesses."
"What does that mean, Izzy Bee?"
"What the hell do you think?"
"We got an apartment!" Kelso cheered, rushing down the basement steps.
He was followed closely by Fez and Nick, who were both chanting, "We did it! We did it!"
"And you'll never guess who the landlord is, you guys," Nick said. "That creepy skinny from the mall, Fenton!"
Eric's eyes widened. "Fenton? The one who thought Izzy and I were dating?"
"He what?!" Hyde said, disgusted.
Izzy snickered. "Yeah. It was funny. But you guys!" she turned to the three boys excitedly. "What's the apartment like?! How's it look?"
"It's great," Kelso said. "Plenty of room for Betsy to stay, and for you guys to hang out."
The basement door opened, and in marched Bob, his hands on Donna's shoulders. "Eric, I can't believe you crippled my angel, my pride and joy! It kills me seeing her like this!"
"Then why are you bringing her over here?" Eric asked.
Bob paused. "Well, I got a date. I met a lady at an open house. She's got crow's feet, but she works at a sandwich shop. So I bent the rules."
Once Bob left, Eric helped Donna sit down next to him. "Look, Donna. I'm so sorry about what happened. You know, I've been thinking about it, and I don't think I ever really wanted to be a chiropractor. I was just grasping at straws."
"I'd nod in agreement, but I'm paralysed." Donna said.
"Man, you know what I just realized about you?" Kelso asked. "You're not good at anything."
Fez shook his head. "That's not true, Kelso. Don't forget butt-wiping."
"You know what? You guys suck," Eric said. "Whenever you're in trouble I don't burn you. I mean, you know, it's usually because it's difficult for me to think of things on the spot. But also because I try to help!"
"That's actually true," Donna said. "I mean Fez, remember when you wanted to learn how to kiss, so Eric helped by sticking M&Ms to the mirror?"
Fez's face turned bright red. "That never happened! I know how to kiss! Ah, shut it Donna!"
"Yeah," Izzy thought aloud. "And Kelso, the time he stayed up all night to help you study for that math final. I mean... you didn't retain any of the information, but I blame nature for that."
Kelso grinned and crossed his arms. "Yep, some people you just can't reach."
"Y'know Forman," Hyde said slowly, "if you can teach Fez how to kiss and Kelso how to do math, you can probably teach anybody how to do anything. Why don't you just become a teacher?"
"That actually makes a lot of sense," Donna said. "I mean, you have all this knowledge about stuff you have no ability to do."
Eric thought for a moment. "A teacher. Hm. Well, I do like helping people. And I'd love to help kids." He nodded. "Yeah! Like... Mr. Forman. Yeah, a teacher! That just feels so... right."
"There it is," Izzy said proudly. "Eric's gonna be a teacher."
"This calls for a toast," Hyde pulled out a pack of beers and began passing them around. "To Forman!"
Everybody raised their cans. "To Forman!"
Before they could drink, the basement door opened. As Jackie walked in, her arms crossed, she looked around the room. "What's goin' on?" No one answered. "You guys were all too busy to come to my party, and here you are. Having a party."
Nick's eyes widened and he stood up. "It's, uh..." He glanced around the room, pleading to the others to help.
"A party for you!" Izzy said brightly.
Nick nodded. "Yeah! For you!" He raised his beer again. "To Jackie."
"To... Jackie." Everyone repeated awkwardly.
"Okay, I don't believe you. But as long as I'm the center of attention, I'll take it!"
Eric grinned. "Jackie, grab a beer. This is a great day, my friends. You graduated, they found an apartment, and guess what? I'm gonna be a teacher."
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