《Love And Sarcasm [Currently Editing]》14. | douche


audrey | ezra |



"Hey, Justin?"

"Why is there so much noise on your line?"

"Oh...so you're busy?"

"Why would you do that? I'm actually taking up your guy hanging out time aren't I?"


"Oh? So what girl were you talking about?"

"Some random girl you shagged at a party? How charming of you manwhore."

"I was being sarcastic. That was totally disgusting of you."

"Or more like didn't even know I was being sarcastic."

"Aw, don't worry Justin, sarcasm isn't for the fainthearted or the dimwitted."

"That's what people who aren't smart enough to think up of a comeback say."

"Yeah, and you're one of--"

"Dude, finish up with that call would you? Seth wants us to play truth or dare."

"I would have respect if you were talking to your mom, but based on that fucking dopey smile on your face, it isn't your mom."

"What? You know I'm right."


"You were with us before you were with your 'friend', we are also your friends Justin, or did you forget that you have more than one 'friend'? Why don't you just drop the phone and hang out with us, people you've actually met and not some fucking random chick that you don't know, that could be actually catfishing you and pretending to be a sixteen-year-old girl when she is instead an--"

"--Shut the fuck up Ezra."

"I speak nothing but the truth."

"Dude no stop talking. Look Justin, it's all good man, get back to your phone call and we can play once you are done."

"It is not fine Seth! All Justin does is talk, talk and talk on that stupid phone with that stupid chick and never has time to hang out with us anymore"

"Bro you have to stop talking--"


"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Wha-- You know what? Fuck this."

[The door slams shut as Ezra walks out of it.]

"He can be a douche sometimes."





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