《Love And Sarcasm [Currently Editing]》11. | fetishes




Incoming call - Blocked Number~

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"I told you not to call her, didn't I? And now she's in trouble because of you!"

"Nothing that should concern that adorable but foolish head of yours."

"Your insults are pathetic. You can't do shit to me and you know that. You don't know me or her for that matter. You don't know where she lives or how she looks like, and me too, so pray, do tell how you will make me 'pay' for hurting Audrey when you don't know shit about her?"

"Speechless much? I told you that you should be scared of me, Justin. I can do a lot of damage, you are forcing me to do damage because you called her when I specifically told you not to do that. I was going to give you updates on her because I am a generous person but you forced my hand, Justin. You really did."

"Inside voice, Justin. The children are sleeping, you wouldn't want to wake them up now would you?"

"You actually do, I told you this already, but you don't recognize my voice. We've met already, I know you and your friends, Ezra, Seth, Austin...should I go on?"

"What can I say, It works for me, but you can't call me a stalker when we actually met."

"Thank you for that unnecessary lesson that I didn't ask for Justin. I was going to tell you what I did to Audrey for your misbehavior but now I'm not going to do that anymore."

"That punchline was actually not bad, cheers to you Justin for not being totally pathetic in insults as I thought you were, but no, I don't do fetishes. I'm just teaching Audrey and I guess you a lesson."


"She talked to you."

"Alright class that's enough storytelling for today! Don't forget to do your homework on page last warning call Audrey again and I'll do more than scar her pretty neck! Is that clear?"

"You still want to stay for extra credits even if the class is over? Too bad, the time for extra credits has expired!"

Your futile efforts on threatening me are admirable..."

"Don't forget that I know you, Justin. You wouldn't want your precious friends to get hurt right? And I'm known for being generous and keeping my promises, I can hurt your friends one by one if I wanted to."

"We'll see about that honey...just stay away from her by not calling her again and your friends and possibly even you will remain alive and healthy."

"It's a win-win for everybody Justin."


*dial tone*


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