《Searching For You Episode 2》Chapter 13: I Want You


Rey's POV:

As I meditate I try to focus on a way to bring Ben back. I want him to live the life he deserves, especially after saving mine and our child's lives. The thought even makes a tear fall down my cheek. After a while, I see a light, It almost feels like I am having a force vision but not quite. After what felt like an eternity I see Ben with two hooded figures one in all white and the other in all black, I can't make out any of their surroundings. All I can see is Ben pacing back and forth with tears in his eyes, he runs his fingers through his hair. After a few moments he starts to ramble, "How can I make a choice like this? If I move on I never get to see her or our child again. If I stay here I am forced to watch her in a glass bubble hoping there is a day where she needs my help enough that she will see me. If I return ... I ... I ... don't even know if she will want me. I never got to hear or see her response to me telling her I love her."

I don't think he can see me because I try to step forward, it feels like there is an invisible barrier between us. I focus with all my might as I try to force my thoughts into his mind, "Ben, oh my sweet Ben. Of course I love you and if I didn't want you home I wouldn't be working so hard to try to find a way to bring you back. I don't want to do this on my own. I need you Ben but even more then that I want you!" I cry more as I push my thoughts through the barrier. "REY!" He shouts as he spins around looking for me. When he sees I'm not actually there tears start to fall from his eyes even more, I am pulled back to reality due to someone shaking my shoulder.

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