《memoirs || beomryu》-Author's Note-


so, yes. this book has officially ended. (both sadly and happily)

after, so many things coming into the picture (like seriously there were a lot of stuff that came in). this book officially finally came to an end. i hope that you guys are satisfied with this book. i'm so sorry if you guys just weren't satisfied with this. i made this book while i was on my christmas break, i spent sleepless nights just thinking of plots and how to write them. how to write a certain chapter and stuff.

now, i don't know what to do. since, all of my books are all finished and this was the last book, that i have ongoing. i guess, i'm just going to do some stuff that i really want to do. this is also my last book. (yes you read that right.)

now there will be a number of announcements, i've thought about this long and hard, i also took some advice from my friends and stuff.

don't expect any books come from me. since, i'm already going to quit being a author (more like take a break or not idk), more likely to quit/stop writing txtzy books. i have been dropping subtle hints over at instagram and twitter about this, i was never that sure about this when i was still attending school, but now it is my summer break, i've given it some thought and yes. i will be quitting now. i'm so sorry for the sudden announcement, but i want to have my old life back, i don't want to be the type of person who is just focuses on her books.

i want to be somebody who can explore herself more, and have time to myself. i also get pressured a lot by some readers, telling me to update and stuff. i personally want to be someone who can be herself more and not just be bounded by the boundaries. because to be honest, i feel so worn out because of all of this. i found out having deadlines in school is tiring, and that's why I always do my tasks early, but then when i remember that i also have a deadline to meet here in wattpad, i became sadder than before.


wattpad used to be a app that (for me) was fun. where I could let lose, without anybody holding me back. but now i don't think of this app to be that place anymore. people are dictating me to what to do and other stuff. wattpad became a place where i cannot be myself anymore. it used to be a safe haven for me, but now when I think of it. it is no longer the "safe haven" that i could also call as "home", instead it became a place where i am being told what and when to do stuff.

although, I have like 40+ draft books- some of them are in the language of tagalog or taglish. i don't think i'll be publishing them any time soon though, since i am as i have stated up above going to quit being a author of txtzy books or anything really. i just want to go back to being a reader, it was a really nice experience of being an author even if it was just for a short amount of time. no, I will not delete my books, i will just let them be in my drafts for quite some time. i'll just let them be there until i know what to do with them.

i know we (txtzy authors) have lost a lot of our co-authors, but i honestly don't know what happened to them, but for me it was more like a burn out. i was so worn out to the point i was pushed to do this. i never wanted to end it like this but i think it would be the best for me. i don't want you guys to keep on hoping that i'll be writing another book anytime soon.

and i already lost my txtzy thing(?), if you're wondering what that means, then this is what it means: i'm not that into txtzy anymore. plain and simple right? i'm just gonna focus on reading the txtzy books in my library nowadays. just to lessen the load the because i currently have like 250+ books there and i want to lessen it more than a few couple of books.


i'm only a person who sees them both as friends, colleagues and both monster rookie groups of 2019. nothing more, nothing less. i just felt like it was wrong for me to ship idols to a certain extent and i was just invading their privacy. i don't know why i suddenly did that but yes it kind of felt like that. i don't want the idols themselves to ever see that anymore as imagine if they found out about it and their friendship became nothing and they just became really awkward when talking to one another.

don't worry, i won't be unpublishing any of my works, it will stay like that, but i will probably changed my book covers (already did) into much more blended and stuff, it would just contain the book title and the ship. no more pictures and stuff.

please do stop going to my dms and dming me about my books (like asking me when I'll publish another book or update?) now. i don't like that it just feels like a pressure if you continue on doing that.

i'm already satisfied enough that you guys actually read my books here in wattpad. thank you for all the votes, comments, and most importantly the memories your guys made with me. i know for a fact that "thank you" itself isn't enough for everything you guys gave me. thank you so much for sticking with me 'til the end, i'll never forget the time i spent here with you guys.

please respect my decision and continue on supporting both groups, in the future.

it doesn't mean that i stopped shipping them, that i also stopped supporting both groups. i am also very serious about this letter to you guys, please do not take authors for granted. do remember that we (authors) also have a life outside of wattpad, we are also humans. we need breaks as much as you do. remember you aren't the only reader of the book, a lot of people actually read the book and patiently waits for the updates that actually came from the author. although some (most) of them are silent readers, they still do wait for the updates. you aren't the only ones who's waiting for the updates.

p.s. please do tell me if somebody plagiarized my works in any sort of way (like plots), website and stuff without my permission. i don't want people to read a copycat's work, than mine because it would just break my heart, just like what other authors would feel if they had their works plagiarized or stolen.

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