《memoirs || beomryu》-EPILOGUE-


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Beomgyu is currently standing near the altar, waiting for the bride to come. It was like a dream to him, but this is real, everything is real here. It all feels surreal for him, but to the others it feels real

Beomgyu suddenly remembered the times, Ryujin always says that she already found somebody that her heart belong to, but she couldn't claim him as hers, Ryujin said that every single time she remembers that, it hurts her even more by the minute.

It was lunch time and the group was busy eating lunch together, while talking about their group project, but suddenly the topic turned into ideal types and stuff.

Ryujin said to the others, and not to Beomgyu, thinking that he wasn't listening to whatever she said, because she knows that he'll make fun of her. But little did Ryujin know, that Beomgyu was listening the whole time she started talking.

Ryujin said to the others, while playing with her food.

Ryujin said to the others, smiling so bitterly.

A voice suddenly said, cutting Beomgyu's thoughts.

'That voice...' Beomgyu thought to himself, as he looked at the source.

Beomgyu then instantly smiled, as he saw a short blue haired girl, standing before him in a white dress, with a veil on top of her head.

Beomgyu said to Ryujin, who was standing in front of him right now, almost whispering it, it was very

Ryujin said to Beomgyu, asking him, as she looked down on what gown she was wearing.

Beomgyu said to Ryujin, as he looked at her still in awe.

Beomgyu then leaned in to match with Ryujin's ear level, as he let out a smirk. Beomgyu said to Ryujin, whispering it into her ear.

Ryujin then started to throw a tantrum in front of Beomgyu, saying all sorts of stuff, that Beomgyu should stop doing that to her. Beomgyu was about to tease her once again.


But instead the priest suddenly let out a cough, which made the others laugh.

The priest said, well more like, priest Soobin, who was playing the part of the priest.

Yes, they're currently at a marriage booth, in their school campus. Today is the fourth day of their weeklong anniversary celebration, and the students decided to have a marriage booth, for fun. Their friends decided to sign them up, just for fun, and well all the jokes. Because they all thought it would be fun for everybody, especially for the couple.

Beomgyu said to Ryujin, asking her, as he offered his hand for her to hold, which she didn't deny at all. Ryujin just smiled at Beomgyu, and went to the altar with him.

Priest Soobin said to the people in the place, as he fixed his posture.

Priest Soobin said to Ryujin, as he looked at her.

Ryujin said to Priest Soobin, as she looked at Beomgyu and smiled at him.

Priest Soobin said to Beomgyu, as he looked at him.

Beomgyu said to Priest Soobin, as he looked at Ryujin and smiled at her.

Which made most of the people in the place laugh at Beomgyu's statement even Ryujin, who's the bride, laugh at his statement. Meanwhile Soobin was obviously not happy at the situation.

Priest Soobin said to both Beomgyu and Ryujin, as he looked at them.

Ryujin said to priest Soobin, to which he responded with a nod and a devilish smirk on his face.

Beomgyu then looked at Ryujin and smirked at her, he slowly approached her, as she slowly started to walk backwards. Ryujin then made a slip up and made her slip because of the gown that she was wearing and the heels. Beomgyu then quickly caught Ryujin, before she hit the floor; he then smirked once again and then went to her ear level.


Beomgyu said to Ryujin, whispering it, as he kissed her forehead, instead of her lips.

The place was filled with cheers of their friends, while Beomgyu was busy making jokes with his friends, and one of them was having a really over-dramatic show, saying that he was a really grown up adult now, and that he got married before him.

Yeji said to Yeonjun, shouting it, as she refused to look at her boyfriend.

" Lia said to Yeonjun, threatening him, pointing at him.

Soobin said to the others, as he laughed. The others then quickly agreed with him.

Beomgyu then looked at where Ryujin is she was with both Hyunjin and Minju, who were playing around with her. Beomgyu just watched them, even though in their past lives both Hyunjin and Minju, were literally the people who came in the picture of their love story. Now they aren't, they are both friends of them and is very much in a very healthy relationship with one another.

'Now this is perfect... I couldn't ask for anything else now... Just please let time stay still...'

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