《memoirs || beomryu》Chapter 19


As soon after Beomgyu had said that Taehyun's eyes went wide, it was as if his eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. Taehyun also stopped from his tracks and looked at where Beomgyu is standing at. Taehyun looked at Beomgyu as if he was crazy or what not.

Taehyun then noticed that Beomgyu was just looking at him with a sad look on his face. Taehyun then released a sigh and walked over towards Beomgyu. Taehyun then held Beomgyu's face as if he was checking his body temperature.

Beomgyu then looked at Taehyun very weirdly, as if he was judging him. Beomgyu said to Taehyun obviously pissed, as he pushed back his hand away.

Taehyun then released a sigh as he looked over the ground. Taehyun said to Beomgyu, as he looked away from his gaze.

Taehyun said to Beomgyu.

Taehyun said to Beomgyu as he put his hand over his shoulder.

Meanwhile, Ryujin and Chaeryeong then entered their dorm but as they enter their dorm. They saw a note from their other dorm mates, saying that they went to the mall and will be coming back late.

But as they read the note that came from their other dorm mates Chaeryeong noticed Ryujin's silence, once again. Chaeryeong started to notice it once again after entering their dorm.

Chaeryeong said to Ryujin asking her. Ryujin then shook her head to answer Chaeryeong's question.

Chaeryeong then noticed that it was probably a better choice to change topics, before things really get very different. Since Chaeryeong couldn't think of anything else as a topic, she decided to use the one about Taehyun's theory earlier while they were on the way to their dorm. Chaeryeong said to Ryujin asking her.

Ryujin then released a sigh before answering Chaeryeong's question. Ryujin said to Chaeryeong, as she looked at her with a sad look plastered onto her face.

Chaeryeong then tilted her head to the side. Chaeryeong said to Ryujin asking her.

Ryujin said to Chaeryeong, while looking down on her hands.

Chaeryeong said to Ryujin, as she looked at her obviously surprised by the sudden revelation that she did.

Ryujin said to Chaeryeong, while glaring at her.

Chaeryeong then put her hands up as a sign that she surrenders. Chaeryeong said to Ryujin, demanding her.

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