《memoirs || beomryu》Chapter 16


After the professor left, the room was left buzzing so much, because of the students. Every single student in the room was talking and noisy. And Ryujin's group was no exception.

Ryujin said to them asking them.

Chaeryeong said to Ryujin asking her.

Minju said to Chaeryeong asking her.

Ryujin said to them asking them, which the others quickly agreed to.

Chaeryeong said to them asking them, asking for opinions and such from the others. The other then shrugged at the question.

Minju then remembered that she still doesn't know this group's topic. From what Minju knows all the groups in this room have different topics to discuss and stuff. So Minju decided to ask somebody in the group, but since Ryujin and Chaeryeong were both discussing about the project and Beomgyu wasn't in his best mood lately, according to Ryujin,

Taehyun was the only one left for her to ask about the topic. Minju then faced to Taehyun's direction and called his name out.

Minju said to Taehyun calling his name out.

Taehyun said to Minju as he looked at her.

Minju asked Taehyun nicely, while smiling.

Taehyun said to Minju, while still looking back to when they first got the paper back then.

'Beomgyu still has that dark aura around him and he doesn't seem to be in his usual mood.' Taehyun thought, as he looked over at where Beomgyu is.

Taehyun then looked over at where Ryujin and Chaeryeong are. They were both still very busy discussing about their group project.

'Well it seems like those two don't have any problem at all...' Taehyun thought, as he mentally released a sigh.

Then soon after both Minju and Beomgyu coincidentally both looked at Ryujin and Chaeryeong at the same time, which the both of them didn't notice at all. Ryujin and Chaeryeong then felt the stares of the other members and looked at them as well.


It was very awkward because they all caught each other staring and looking at one another. Without even saying anything, it was more like they were stalking one another, but more like staring at one another.

Taehyun then decided to break the silence and awkwardness that was building up within their group. Taehyun said to both Ryujin and Chaeryeong asking them.

Chaeryeong said to Taehyun in reply while taking out Ryujin's cell phone.

Taehyun said to both Ryujin and Chaeryeong asking them once again.

Chaeryeong then nods her head and continues to scroll through Ryujin's cell phone, still without her permission. Ryujin then just stares at Chaeryeong going through her cell phone while nodding her head.

Chaeryeong said to the others as she smiled at them.

Beomgyu said to Ryujin while glaring and smirking at her.

After Ryujin heard that come out from Beomgyu's mouth she then glared back him, before answering back at him. Ryujin said to Beomgyu retorting back at him while pointing at him.

Minju then looked at both Beomgyu and Ryujin who are currently both insulting each other. Minju then looked at both Chaeryeong and Taehyun, and then looked back at Beomgyu and Ryujin back and forth. Minju then pointed at Beomgyu and Ryujin who are still insulting each other.

Taehyun said to Minju as he reassured her. Chaeryeong then quickly agreed with Taehyun by nodding her head.

Chaeryeong said to Minju as she looked at her and smiled at her. Minju then quickly agreed with Chaeryeong.

But as Minju and Chaeryeong continued to talk to one another about their project, Taehyun was still a bit skeptical of this. Especially the fact that Minju was getting closer to Chaeryeong, Taehyun was not pleased at all. But the weirdest thing about it was that Taehyun didn't know why.


'What the heck? Why am I suddenly feeling this? Why does it seem like she's a threat or something to me?' Taehyun thought as he looked at Minju then to Chaeryeong and the other two lover birds who were still quarreling about the stupidest of things, which it seems like there was no end to it.

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