《memoirs || beomryu》Chapter 13


A couple of minutes passed by, and almost every single person in the room were talking in groups. On the other side of the room you can see a female student sitting all by herself, looking around the classroom that were all either busy talking about their project or actually working on it. Some were busy on their laptops, some were busy making diagrams, some were busy writing down some notes, some were busy making scripts, and some were just doing random things with their own groups.

Minju just looks around the room and notices something. Minju then lets out a loud sigh, before looking around yet again. Minju whispered underneath her breathe. Before looking around some more before her eyes landed on a particular group of friends.

Minju then tilted her head a bit to get a better look at the group. Minju then released a sign once again before looking at them with sadness in her eyes. Minju whispered underneath her breath. Minju once again whispered underneath her breath. Minju once again whispered underneath her breath, before looking down on her hands and once again looked at the group.

Minju whispered to herself as she kept looking at them from a safe distance.

But as Minju whispered that to herself, two people from that group looked at her direction almost exactly at the same time, she could've sworn that it was almost like the thing was a play or maybe it was scripted. But on actual terms it can't be since they haven't done anything to each other, normally they throw hurtful lines to one another, pull pranks of one another, shout at one another, but this time they didn't which was actually surprising enough since it was already a normal thing to their classmate's eyes.

As those two people looked at Minju, as if they already actually saw her before she even entered their school. Minju then became self-conscious of herself and looked down once more and not daring to look back at the two, as she did that one of the two people looking at her looked away and started participating once more in the group assignment, talking with the other two group mates a side of laughter. This made the other one furious because of all the noise he was making, as it was distracting her.


Ryujin said to Beomgyu, while fuming with anger. Beomgyu then looked at Ryujin and glared at her momentarily.

Beomgyu said to Ryujin as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. And with that they began to have their childish feud which little to none of their classmates paid attention to.

After a couple of moments later Minju then started to life her head up once again and looked at the two. When Minju finally got a full look at them once again, she saw them talking to both Chaeryeong and Taehyun, who looked like they were scolding the both of them because of their childish behavior. Well Chaeryeong was scolding the two because of it, while Taehyun was just watching in the sidelines and with a smile on his face, well more like a smirk; he was obviously finding this to be amusing to watch.

Minju then once more released a sigh before taking out her book on this subject and started flipping through the pages of the book. Minju was so bored that she even found this subject very entertaining enough, for her to stay sane for the rest of the allotted time. As Minju was flipping the book's pages her eyes suddenly saw a very interesting topic, and quickly stopped flipping the book's pages and sat up straight.

Minju then started to read the topic's contents and for some reason she was more interested in the topic alone, than the ones around her. As Minju continued to flip through the book's contents she saw a picture of herself? But the photo looked like it was from a very long time ago. Not to mention but the clothes that the girl in the picture was wearing looked so expensive in their time, to get a better look at the photo Minju took a closer look at the book and saw that the dress that the girl in the picture was wearing it had so many gemstones embroidered onto it.


Minju then started to take pictures of the book using her phone's camera to probably take a look at it later. After taking some pictures Minju then soon after started to scan that part of the book as well and saw the name of the girl in the picture right below the picture itself. Second Princess Kim Minju of Alynthi.

As soon as Minju read that part of the book, she then stood up from her sit which took most of the attention in the room and she quickly apologized and bowed to them as she made her way towards the teacher's desk and took the hall pass on it. Minju then soon after quickly made her way towards their classroom door and went out of the room.

Minju then continued to make her way towards the girl's rest room without a single doubt in her head. As Minju walked towards the place she also tried to convince herself that whatever she read wasn't and will never be true. It has got to be a joke written within the book itself. But is that even possible? All books ever have in them are questions that should be answered, the lessons themselves, and the facts that should be written there.

Soon after that Minju started running towards the girl's rest room and went inside it, slamming the door behind her and catching her breathe. Minju then looked around and even checked the stalls and when she was sure nobody was inside the room she went back to the door and locked it. Minju then ran once again but this time it was towards the sink.

After reaching the sink Minju looked at herself using the mirror in front of her as she lightly slaps herself and then looked at herself. Minju then looked down and saw the faucet, she almost immediately turned it on and as soon as it started to let out water, she started splashing it into her face. Minju then stopped momentarily from splashing herself with water as she looked up to the mirror.

Minju said to herself while she denied it as she looked at herself using the mirror once again.

Minju then soon after started to splash some more water onto her face once more.

Minju said to herself while she denied it some more as she looked at herself using the mirror once again and started to splash some water again.

Minju said to herself while she denied it yet again. As Minju looked at herself using the mirror once again as she messed up her own hair.

Minju said to herself while she denied it as if her life depended on it as she looked at herself using the mirror once again.

Minju then looked at herself fully and fixed her composure right in front of the mirror. Minju then noticed the faucet was still on so she decided to finally turn it off, for the sake of saving water. Minju said as she quickly dried her face with a tissue towel from a dispenser and then went over her hands soon after.

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