《memoirs || beomryu》Chapter 10


Beomgyu finally reached their dorm after spending some time walking alone back there. Beomgyu reached the door step of their dorm and opened it to reveal his other members doing their stuff. Yeonjun and Soobin were busy with flirting with each other. While Taehyun and Huening Kai were also busy playing games competing with one another. Beomgyu released a sigh before entering the dorm and closing the door behind him.

This quickly grabbed the attention of the other four people in the room making them turn their heads towards the Beomgyu's direction. Taehyun then stood up from his sit and went towards Beomgyu and hugged him. After Taehyun hugged Beomgyu he then held Beomgyu's whole face with his bare hands and started searching and looking at it. Beomgyu obviously got annoyed with it and then pushed Taehyun's hands away from his face. Taehyun then looked at him in disbelief.

Taehyun said to Beomgyu asking him while glaring at him.

Beomgyu said to Taehyun as he started taking off his shoes.

It became quiet afterwards nobody spoke a word. It was quite awkward in the room as of the moment. All five of them were literally not used to this kind of set up. Huening Kai then looked at the older people with them in the room. Yeonjun then saw it and coughed then looked at Beomgyu.

Yeonjun said to Beomgyu as he looked like a mother scolding her daughter.

Beomgyu said to Yeonjun as he finished taking off his shoes and put them on the shoe rack beside the door.

Beomgyu then stood up and started walking towards his bedroom that he shares with Taehyun. Beomgyu said to them as he went inside their bedroom.

Once Beomgyu was inside the room he locked the door and went towards his wardrobe and picked out his pajamas for tonight. After picking out his pajamas Beomgyu then put it on his bed and went towards the bathroom in their bedroom and started taking a quick shower.

After taking a quick shower Beomgyu quickly went out of the bathroom and started changing himself into his pajamas that he chose earlier. Beomgyu then started fixing his bed before turning off all the lights in the room. Beomgyu then plopped down on his bed and started fixing his posture for comfortable sleeping and before he even knew it he was already in dreamland.

Beomgyu was just walking inside a room that looked like a fancy castle office. There were a lot of books and there were also some couches. A blonde haired person was sitting in the middle on the room busy writing down something on a piece of parchment paper. There was also another guy with blue haired person who was busy returning all the books back to their proper places.

Beomgyu still couldn't see anything as their faces were still blurred except for their hair colors. It was very hard to recognize them because of it. Beomgyu just released a sigh and pouted as he looks at the people before his eyes.


It was really quiet in the place the Beomgyu was in. Beomgyu was about to leave when he heard somebody spoke. This made him stay on his place not moving a single inch. Beomgyu then slowly turned around looking at the people who were busy doing their stuff.

The blonde haired person who was busy writing down something on a piece of parchment paper said to the blue haired person as he put down his pen.

The blue haired person said to the blonde haired person who was writing as he continued to return all the books back.

The blonde haired person who was busy writing said to the blue haired person as he looked at him.

The blue haired person then stopped from what he was doing before sighing and putting down the books that he was holding. The blue haired person then looked at the other person then smiled so bitterly.

The blue haired person said to the person who was looking at him as he bowed.

Beomgyu then looked at them as if he was going crazy because he thought that blurring out their faces were already weird. But then when Beomgyu heard then speak it was even weirder since he couldn't hear their actual voices their voices were much deeper than it should've been.

The blonde haired person who was looking at the blue haired person said to the blue haired boy as he stayed put on his sit.

The blue haired person said to the blonde haired person as he looked at him.

The blonde haired person said to the blue haired person as he stood up.

The blue haired person said to the blonde haired person as he took a deep breath.

The blue haired person named said to the blonde haired person.

The blonde haired person then walked towards the blue haired person names and greeted him with a very warm hug.

Beomgyu said to himself underneath his breath.

But as soon as he did that there was suddenly an opening beneath him and swallowed his whole body up.

Meanwhile Ryujin on the other hand was on her bed wearing her own pajamas and just busy thinking about Minju. Ryujin feels like she has seen Minju somewhere before but she wasn't so sure of herself. Ryujin then sighed as she lay down on her bed and turned to the side then turned off the table lamp beside her.

Ryujin said to nobody in particular as she fixes her position for sleeping.

Chaeryeong then entered the room and saw Ryujin tucked on her own bed and was about to sleep. Chaeryeong then went over to Ryujin and looked at her. Chaeryeong then turned on the lights.

Chaeryeong said to Ryujin as she looked at her.

Ryujin said to Chaeryeong as she blocked the light coming out from the lamp beside her.

Chaeryeong said to Ryujin as she fixed her stuff for sleeping.

Ryujin said to Chaeryeong as she faced the opposite direction of where the light was coming from.


CHaeryeong said to Ryujin as she nodded her head and went out the room.

Ryujin was walking around a terrace that had a perfect view of a garden there were two people who are standing next to each other. One had blue hair and the other one had ombre hair. Ryujin then started walking towards the two just because of her own curiosity killing her. Ryujin was still busy walking towards them when the ombre haired person started talking.

The ombre haired person said to the blue haired person.

'Somebody died?!' Ryujin thought as she took a step back.

The blue haired person said to the ombre haired person.

The ombre haired person said to the blue haired person.

The blue haired person said to the ombre haired person.

The ombre haired person then looked at the direction of where the blue haired person is. The reaction of the ombre haired person wasn't seen that much because the person's face was blurred out. But basing it from the person's facial expression the person was shocked.

The ombre haired person said to the blue haired person.

The blue haired person said to the ombre haired person more like asking the other person.

The blue haired person said to the ombre haired person.

'Who died?! I want to know who died so bad already! That and these people who keeps on appearing in my dreams they are so annoying.' Ryujin thought as she started walking towards them.

The ombre haired person said to the blue haired person.

The blue haired person said to the ombre haired person.

But as soon as Ryujin heard those words come out from the blue haired person's mouth. The place started shaking as if there was an earthquake happening. But the other two people looked like they were unbothered by this. Ryujin then went towards them and held their shoulders but as soon as she did that her hand just went through them.

Ryujin tried so hard to contain herself but in the end she still tried to take their attention. But then suddenly a ray of sunlight came out of nowhere and pointed at Ryujin as if it was some sort of spotlight pointed at the star. Making it the brightest among all of the other stars that was there at the same place. Ryujin then lost conscious due to this and just blacked out.

After Beomgyu was eaten up by the ground as if it had a mouth that he was busy standing on in his own weird dream. Beomgyu couldn't sleep afterwards it was a horrifying dream for him and he had to get a cute teddy bear to accompany him through the night.

Beomgyu said to nobody as he looked for his teddy bear.

After Beomgyu found what he was looking for he went back in bed and stayed there for the rest of the night just scrolling through his feed on his phone. Before Beomgyu even knew it was already 5 in the morning so he started preparing for their breakfast although he doesn't know how to cook that well. Since he can only cook Ramen with bread.

After Ryujin was eaten up by the blinding light that came from the sky in her own crazy dream. Ryujin then woke up and sat up straight on her bed. Ryujin then looked around the place as if checking whether there is anything odd going on around.

Ryujin said to nobody as she went outside of her shared bedroom with Chaeryeong.

Ryujin said to herself as she started looking through the drawers and cabinets for ingredients that she'll need for making their breakfast.

Ryujin then started preparing breakfast for everybody in their dorm as they sleep soundly. Ryujin then tied her hair into a messy bun before actually starting doing anything.

It was already morning and Beomgyu and Ryujin just finished having their dreams. They were also finished with cooking for their member's breakfast as well as theirs.

Beomgyu was about to wake his members up in a very annoying way when he heard footsteps. Beomgyu then met with their confused eyes as the other four look around and then understanding the situation.

Yeonjun said to Beomgyu as he started getting utensils for them.

While Beomgyu just nodded and sat down on his sit and began to eat in silence. As Beomgyu did that the others soon followed his steps and ate peacefully until he started telling them the story of his dream.

Ryujin was about to wake her members up when she heard footsteps. Ryujin then met with their confused eyes as the other four look around and then understanding the situation.

Lia said to Ryujin as she took a glass and poured water in it.

Ryujin then sighed and just sat on her sit and started eating not waiting for the others to start. The others got it already and started doing the same thing. As they eat Ryujin then started telling them the story of the dream.

Ryujin and her friends were already done eating and now were just throwing each other questions about her dream earlier.

Yeji said to Ryujin asking her while she was busy cleaning up the table.

Ryujin said to the others as she stood up from her sit.

Ryujin said to Chaeryeong and went to her and Chaeryeong's room to get ready for school.

Meanwhile with the boys they were busy playing with each other throwing questions to one another. But then Taehyun suddenly asked something to Beomgyu. This caught everybody's attention in the room.

Taehyun said to Beomgyu as he looked at him.

Beomgyu then fell into deep thinking. Beomgyu said to Taehyun as he finished up eating his breakfast.

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