《memoirs || beomryu》Chapter 07


Author's POV

Ryujin was busy in the kitchen cooking food for them while Chaeryeong was busy setting up the table for their dinner tonight. As for Yeji, Lia and Yuna they were all still getting ready to eat since the three of them just got home from school. Chaeryeong then went near their bedroom door and knocked on it.

Chaeryeong said after she knocked on the door.

Lia said from the other side of the door.

Chaeryeong then smiled and then left to go to the dining room.

Yeonjun was busy checking and waiting for the rice to be cooked. Huening Kai on the other hand was busy playing games with Soobin. Beomgyu was also busy doing his own stuff at the corner of the room. Taehyun was busy studying and the lectures that they had received today.

Yeonjun said as he took some plates and started fixing the table for dinner.

Taehyun then released a sigh as he stood up and head towards the dining room and helped Yeonjun. Beomgyu on the other hand was once again drifting into his own thoughts. That was until Soobin started dragging him towards the dining room. After Soobin did that he earned himself a little glare from Beomgyu.

Beomgyu was in his own room with Taehyun doing their assignments separately as he was busy staring at his book. Meanwhile Taehyun was busy reading at his own book while also listening to some songs. Beomgyu then looked over where Taehyun was sitting at and then sighed before he came back to his senses and started doing his assignments.

Chaeryeong was already fixing all her stuff for tomorrow since she's already done with her assignments. Ryujin on the other hand was busy once again rechecking all her answers for the 10th time today. Chaeryeong then went to the bathroom to fix herself.


Ryujin then stood up and took her school bag and then started fixing her stuff for tomorrow. As Ryujin was busy packing Chaeryeong then went out of the bathroom with her face still wet from washing it she quickly dried it off. Chaeryeong then released a yawn and looked at Ryujin.

Chaeryeong said to Ryujin as she lay down on her bed and started to doze off to sleep land.

Ryujin said to the now sleeping Chaeryeong.

Ryujin then went to the bathroom and started fixing herself to sleep.

After a couple of minutes of being in the bathroom Ryujin finally finished fixing herself she then went to sleep drifting herself to dreamland.

Beomgyu was walking around the place that looks like a garden it was already dark at that point so it was very hard to navigate around the dark. Beomgyu then spotted a familiar person and started running up to the person and then once he reached the person. Beomgyu then looked at the person's face and was surprised to see the person.

Beomgyu said as he waved his hand in front of Taehyun.

Beomgyu said as he then looked at the other person.

Beomgyu then looked at the other person confused. Because the face was all blurred out as if it was something bad but Beomgyu can still the hair of the person which was blonde.

The blonde haired guy said to Taehyun.

Taehyun said to the blonde haired guy.

Taehyun then left the blonde haired guy going to who knows where. Beomgyu then tried to follow Taehyun but instead he started to disappear all of a sudden.

Beomgyu said to Taehyun shouting it out. Then Taehyun stopped on his tracks and looked Beomgyu and then went near him.

Taehyun said to Beomgyu as he smiled and caressed his face. Beomgyu's eyes wide open because of what Taehyun just had said.


After that dream Beomgyu then jolted up from his sleep and started looking around the place. Just to see that it was once again their dorm that was now very dark.

Beomgyu said as he looked over to where Taehyun was sleeping.

Ryujin was just walking around the place until she saw a familiar person's figure. Ryujin then decided to walk towards it and then faced it just to see a guy with black hair talking to a girl with pink hair.

Much to Ryujin's dismay she still can't see the pink haired girl's face but she can see the black haired guy's face.

'Hyunjin oppa? What are you doing here? And moreover who are you talking to?' Ryujin thought as she stepped back.

Hyunjin said to the pink haired girl.

The pink haired girl said to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin said as he agreed with the terms of the pink haired girl.

The pink haired girl said asking Hyunjin.

Hyunjin said to the pink haired girl.

'"Courting"? Wait and here I thought that he wasn't into girls or at least he isn't even "courting" anybody.' Ryujin thought

The pink haired girl said to Hyunjin asking him.

Hyunjin said to the pink haired girl.

The pink haired girl said to Hyunjin.

The pink haired girl said to Hyunjin continuing her earlier statement.

Hyunjin said to the pink haired girl

Hyunjin said to the pink haired girl as he continued his earlier statement.

Hyunjin said to the pink haired girl as he touched her hair.

The pink haired girl said to Hyunjin.

The pink haired girl said to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin said to the pink haired girl with a frown.

The pink haired girl said to Hyunjin asking him.

Hyunjin said to the pink haired girl before leaving the scene.

Ryujin then suddenly felt that there was an earthquake happening and then before she even knew it she was being eaten alive by the ground.

Ryujin then jolted up from her sleep. Without a second to spare Ryujin then took her phone and checked the time. After checking the time Ryujin then laid down on her bed before ruffling her hair.

Ryujin said as soon as she sat up from being laid down.

Ryujin and Beomgyu said at the same time as they both lay down on their own beds.

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