《memoirs || beomryu》Chapter 05


Author's POV

It was already lunch time before they even knew it. The 4 teenagers were just sitting down on a table eating their food so lifelessly. They were all just basically poking their food with their chopsticks. They all agreed that they would be sitting down on table so that they can focus on their project.

But much to their dismay they couldn't do much about it since all of them are very out of ideas for their project. Ryujin then sighed as she took out her cell phone and started scrolling on her phone while the others just took a glance on her and then continued poking, playing and eating their food. Ryujin then puts her phone in front of Chaeryeong and Taehyun the two then looked at the phone. Then Beomgyu jumps into the scene and took the phone away from the two.

Beomgyu said to Ryujin as he took her cell phone and started scrolling down.

Ryujin said to Beomgyu as she chased him around their table.

While Beomgyu and Ryujin chased each other around their table Taehyun and Chaeryeong just looked at the other two and then sighed. Chaeryeong then went back to eating her food while Taehyun was just looking at her while poking his food. Taehyun then sighed and then just started eating his food once again while looking at Beomgyu and Ryujin who was still busy chasing each other.

Beomgyu said to Ryujin exclaiming it. While stopping from running around the table making Ryujin bump on him and them losing balance. Ryujin was on top of Beomgyu and the both of them were blushing.

Chaeryeong and Taehyun both stood up from the table to look at Beomgyu and Ryujin who was still on that certain position. Chaeryeong and Taehyun then quickly went over the Beomgyu and Ryujin to help them stand up. After helping them Chaeryeong and Taehyun are just looking at the two as if they're questioning their sanity. Ryujin's face was still red from what just happened earlier. While Beomgyu's face had a shocked expression and his eyes were almost going to pop out of its sockets.


Chaeryeong then gestured to Taehyun to take Ryujin's cell phone and give it to her. Taehyun then did what he was told and then went over to Chaeryeong's side to look at it as well. Chaeryeong then opened the phone and saw the website it was on.

Chaeryeong said to the others as she scrolling down on Ryujin's phone when Taehyun took it out of her hands and took out his phone and gave it back to her.

Ryujin said asking Taehyun while tilting her head to the side.

Taehyun said to Ryujin as she nodded her head in agreement.

Taehyun said to the others as he was reading the article.

Beomgyu said asking Taehyun while looking at him.

Taehyun said to the others while looking at them.

Ryujin said asking Taehyun while she raised an eyebrow.

Taehyun said to the others which perked up their attention.

Ryujin said to Taehyun as she glared at him.

Taehyun then sighed and then puts down his phone on the table. The others then looked at it after a while of looking at it they all looked at Ryujin who has her eyes wide open while still staring at the picture. Beomgyu then took Taehyun's phone and then looked back and forth at Ryujin's face and the picture much like comparing the two.

Beomgyu said to Taehyun and got a smack from Ryujin.

After that remark Taehyun and Chaeryeong looked back at phone where the picture was and looked back at Ryujin's face. Ryujin on the other hand was visibly annoyed by this and tried to avoid the other's gazes.

Ryujin said to the others while glaring at them.

Chaeryeong said to Ryujin as she looked at her with a confused face.

Ryujin said to Chaeryeong retorting back at her.

Taehyun said to the other three as he intervened in the conversation.


When Taehyun didn't hear any response he looked over at where Beomgyu was sitting at. Just to see him looking more like staring at Ryujin. Beomgyu seems to be in some kind of deep thought. Taehyun then started snapping his fingers in front of Beomgyu's face. This took Beomgyu's attention almost immediately the moment that he was once again aware of the reality he was in.

Beomgyu said to Taehyun as he started to pick on his food once again.

The others then looked at each other obviously worried for Beomgyu. Even Ryujin was worried for Beomgyu because that was not his usual attitude and mood.

Chaeryeong said asking Beomgyu while having a worried face plastered onto her face.

Ryujin then looked over at Chaeryeong more like glaring at her. Ryujin then started feeling a bit uncomfortable with the atmosphere. Ryujin felt like she was being suffocated some way. Ryujin was feeling somewhat angry and mixed emotions.

'What am I feeling? I shouldn't feel this way right?' Ryujin thought as she looked at Chaeryeong.

Taehyun on the other hand was ready to throw a punch at Beomgyu. Taehyun then was just about to explode in anger. Taehyun was glaring at Beomgyu the whole time. Taehyun then looked at Beomgyu but then asked himself something.

'What the-- What is this feeling that I'm feeling right now?' Taehyun thought as he looked at Beomgyu.

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