《memoirs || beomryu》Chapter 03


Author's POV

It was already the start of the class orientation both Ryujin and Chaeryeong are currently sitting on their respective sits that their teacher assigned for them. Sadly even though both Ryujin and Chaeryeong wanted their old sits back they couldn't because their teacher doesn't allow it.

It was already the middle of the introduction of the class when somebody knocked on the door of the classroom. In an instant everybody's attention was no longer on the speaker instead it was on the door. The teacher then went near the door and opened it for them to see who knocked. The moment that the teacher opened the door everybody gasped as they see 2 guys standing on the door way of the door.

The teacher then stepped out of the room then closed the door behind him. Chaeryeong then looked over at where Ryujin is sitting when she saw her. Ryujin was completely frozen on her sit and was just looking at the door with a shocked expression plastered onto her face.

After a couple of minutes the teacher and the other two students came in with smiles plastered onto their faces. As the two guys walked in the room a lot of girls kept on screaming and fainting asking the two guys to marry them. That is until the teacher clapped his hands together as he gathers the attention of the students before him.

The teacher said to the guys. The blonde haired one nodded and looked over to the with the black hair guy right next to him who was busy looking at a blue haired girl.

The blonde haired boy then nudged the guy next to him using his elbow. The black haired boy then looks to his side and see the blonde haired signaling to him to listen to the teacher. The black haired guy sighed before returning attention back to teacher standing right beside them.


Taehyun said as he bowed down to the other students in the room. After Taehyun's introduction all the attention in the room transferred towards the black haired guy.

Beomgyu said to the other students in the room as he nudged Taehyun using his elbow.

The teacher said to the other students in the room as he looked around the room.

The teacher said to Taehyun as he pointed on a chair right in front of the class. While Taehyun just nodded his head as an answer and went to his chair and sat down on it.

The teacher said to Beomgyu as he pointed at the other of the 3rd row which much to his dismay. Beomgyu still hid it from the teacher and then nodded his then went to his chair which had another chair next to it but nobody sat on it.

Beomgyu didn't mind it anymore and just sat down on his sit and looked at the blue haired girl who was also looking at him. After the blue haired girl saw Beomgyu looking back at her she flinched for a bit before listening back to the teacher.

Beomgyu then looked back to the teacher after looking for a brief moment at the blue haired girl. Beomgyu wanted to ask so many questions to the blue haired girl as she looks like somebody he saw.

The teacher said to the class as he looks up from the class record to his students nodding their heads.

The teacher then shifted his gaze at a brown haired girl with light purple highlights. The brown haired girl then stood up before nodding. The teacher said to the brown haired girl as she releases a sigh.

The brown haired girl said to the teacher as she fixed herself. Once Beomgyu saw the girl his eyes widened as he saw her.


Chaeryeong said to the class as she smiled and then bowed before going back to her sit.

The teacher said to class as he looked at them.

The teacher said to the blue haired girl who stood up from her chair and made her way towards in front of the class.

The blue haired girl said to the teacher as soon as she reached the front of the class.

Ryujin said to the class as she looked at Taehyun while smirking and then went back to her sit.

Taehyun on the other hand was furious because he feels like he was nothing to her. Taehyun was looking at Ryujin when somebody caught his attention. It was Chaeryeong she was talking to Ryujin and was scolding her. Ryujin seems like she was almost to be defeated by Chaeryeong when she looks at Beomgyu.

Taehyun then looks at Beomgyu just to see him staring at the other two girls as well. Beomgyu looks like he was in some sort of trance or he was investigating about something very important on his own. Taehyun on the other hand was still very pissed off at what Ryujin just had said earlier.

Meanwhile Chaeryeong was still worried for Ryujin ever since she heard that she saw two people that she regularly sees in her dreams come to school. Now there was another problem to worry about they were actually classmates with those people. Now Chaeryeong's problems widened and she can't even focus on anything anymore.

Ryujin was just thinking in her personal space after her introduction she doesn't want to listen to anymore of those class introductions since she already knows all the names of her classmates and basically memorized it all. Ryujin was just looking at Beomgyu as she was thinking some thoughts.

Ryujin's POV

'He looks so familiar. Have I met him before? Have I seen him somewhere before?'

'Is he actually the person in my dreams alongside with his Taehyun?'

'I can't believe whatever they're going to say then.'

'This is unbelievable first they gave me some sort of nightmare terror and now they actually made a human being like the people I see in my dreams? Great just great I have nothing else to say now.'

Beomgyu's POV

'Why does she look like somebody I've seen before?'

'She looks like the girl in my dreams but what if she isn't the girl in my dreams?'

'But what if it was actually her and not some crazy person?'

'But then if I was already dreaming of the person why should I even see, talk or interact with her?'

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